S2 Ch 8 (Ch 96) : Temari Daily life 2

The next day, the practice was still called off by Sanada.

It was Sunday, and even though Sanada was a diligent one, he wanted a day where he could just sleep and lazed around all day long.

Sanada was still deep in his sleep when suddenly he heard a knock coming from his door.


It was a subtle one at first, and Sanada was just going to ignore it, pretending that he was not inside.

As time passed, the knock didn't cease to exist, and rather, it became even harder.

Sanada who was disturbed by the sound of the knock eventually was woken up from his long and nice sleep.

His eyes were still half-closed when he walked to the door, and he was in a pretty bad mood.

It was Sunday, and he finally got a long and nice sleep, so who was the fucker who would annoy him at this time, he thought. Didn't he know that it was taboo to wake people up on Sunday?

Sanada was ready to pull a thousand years of death to however who was knocking on his door to chase him away. However, how surprised he was when he opened the door and saw a familiar figure.

The one who was knocking on his door like mad before was none other than Temari, and the thing that made Sanada feel surprised was the fact that Temari was no longer in her usual training outfit.

Instead, she use purple clothes that were pretty similar to his adult self in Boruto, and somehow, Sanada could see some traces of make-up being applied on her face.

It was the first time Sanada saw Temari being like this, and somehow, it made him a bit dazed as he was caught off-guard.

' Beautiful...'

Sanada quickly tried to recover his face by coughing, but that slight daze didn't escape from Temari's view.

A smile arose on her face as now she felt that all her hard work had paid off, she was able to make Sanada see her as a woman, and there was nothing more joyful for her than that.

Temari came up as she clung to Sanada's hand and said with a spoiled tone:

" Sensei, aren't you going to let me in?"


It was just a simple sentence, but somehow Sanda felt something was gonna burst from inside.

Pedonada: *Let me out, Let me out!!!!!*

. . . . . .

Unknown to Sanada, Temari was not the only one to visit his temporary residence.

A small sand eye was observing the entire interaction between Temari and Sanada secretly.

" How is it, Gaara? Everything is okay?"

" Yeah... Temari has entered his house. But for now, it doesn't seem that he planned anything bad for her."

On a tall building Gaara and Kankuro, the youngest and middle son of the previous Kazekage were watching their big sister *kidnapped* by Sanada.

It was during the morning when they woke up only to find their big sister dressing up and putting some make-up on her face that they'd decided to secretly tail him.

Kankuro, even though his face was ugly, was a very caring brother.

And Gaara, on the other hand, had recently decided to change, so when Kankuro asked him to tag along with him, Gaara didn't spend any time thinking and immediately agreed.

The two brothers, however, have a pretty diverse reaction to this.

" Humph, why are you always on his side? I think it's weird that you suddenly changed his mind about him after he brought you some gift. If I didn't remember wrong, you are one of the people who strongly opposed him and asked for that Jonin named Sanada instead."

" .... "

" What, I don't think I say something wrong here? In fact, I still think that Jonin guy was not a good fit for Temari!"

Gaara saw his older brother like this and just sighed inwardly. It was hard to change someone's mind, especially about things related to love.

All he could do was just watch Temari from afar and hope all the best for her.

" People changes Kankuro, and I too. At first, I think that Jonin is not someone good, but the more I see him, the more I felt that he has no hostile intent toward us. And that somehow was able to get my trust.."

" Bah, who are you kidding? Do you think I don't know that you suddenly changed your mind after getting that orange shirt with BFF words on it?"

" ..... "

. . . . . .

Back to Temari, she was now alone inside Sanada's temporary residence, waiting for Sanada to finish bathing.

Sanada had just woken up, and he didn't have the chance to take a bath yet. So as to not make Temari uncomfortable, he excused himself, saying that he needed to take a bath.

Yup, even though she seemed to be very proactive here, Temari was still a timid girl inside.

In the original plot, it took a long time for Temari to get together with Shikamaru, and it was even after the two knew that they liked each other.

Now Temari was still unsure about Sanada's feelings toward her, and it made it even harder for her to confess her true feeling.

If Sanada also has a feeling toward her, then everything would be fine.

But if it was just one-sided feelings...

Temari couldn't imagine how it would impact the relationship between the two, and somehow she really didn't want to see what would be happening if that would really be the case.

. . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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