S2 Ch 31 (Ch 119) : Goodbye Land of Wind

Time went on, and Sanada spent a whole three months on pacific island.

On those three months, he had returned to Suna twice to meet Temari, as he knew that she would make a scene if he didn't come back to tell her.

During these three months, he focused on further mastering Natural energy.

The result of the training itself wasn't that satisfying, but Sanada felt he had reached a wall, and no matter how hard he tried, he would be stuck without any progress if he was to stay in this place.

Still, that's not only the progress Sanada had made.

Lightning Blade and its derivates, the Lightning Chakra Mode, Rasengan, all kinds of Water release Jutsus and some taijutsu and Fishman Karate.

Every day, he sent some shadow clones to practice those jutsus while the main body was busy practicing natural energy with two other clones.

After three months of refining his technique with all of that, Sanada was confident that he could face the Fourth Raikage A in battle without sage mode and was able to get a draw.

Another thing to denote, during the past three months, the energy that Whis left in Sanada's body had been slowly integrated into Sanada's body, and it strengthened his physic to a whole new level.

Now even without harsh body training, Sanada was able to gain a physique that was not inferior to Shippuden Rock-Lee.

[Name: Kaedehara Sanada]

[Age: 23]

[Chakra: Kage Level]

[Chakra Nature: Water, Lightning]

[Chakara Control Proficiency: 90%]

[Taijutsu Rank: A-]

[Ninjutsu Rank: S]

[Genjutsu Rank: C-]

"It's been a while. I think it's time to continue my journey." On that day, Sanada was enjoying his last feast on the Pacific Island.

"Sanada, you are leaving?"

"Yeah, thank you for taking care of me over the course of the three months, Chyntia"

Indeed, even though Chyntia sometimes said harsh words to Sanada, she had helped Sanada a lot. Sanada was really grateful to this Queen of Lapras.

" Lapras??"

" Yes, it's thanks to you too, Lapras!"

Another one that Sanada felt grateful to was Lapras. He always stayed by his side and took care of him if nothing else. Lapras was also there to help Sanada whenever his Natural energy went Rampant.

After the feast, Sanada and the Laprases bid each other farewell. Sanada used a pond that looked like on Mount Myouboku and returned to the last cave.

" Well, that's a nice change of pace. But now life must go on.."

Sanada exited the cave and once again entered the land of Wind.

This time, his destination was only one, Sunagakure to say goodbye to Temari.

In less than two years, Akatsuki would begin their Bijuu hunting, and Sanada knew that he must have returned to Konoha by then.

Looking at Suna's current progress, Suna had grew a low since Sanada's first time here.

The place was still hot as hell, but one by one, businesses and vendors began to open, and Sanada could see a lot of animals being herded by the Suna's local.

With Temari leading them, Sanada believed that one day Suna would be able to grow into something like Dubai soon.

In fact, Sanada had heard from Temari that Suna had taken their first step in oil mining and soon would be able to dominate the whole ninja world in regard to oil.

"Boss, a lamb skewer and two lamb kebab". Sanada said to theBosss of the food stall that he decided to visit after reaching Suna.

"Okey, newcomer, please wait a moment." The Boss was fast, and in no time, a skewer and two kebabs were placed in front of Sanada.

"Hold on one second! Aren't you… Mr. Kazuha? Ms. Temari was looking for you! She said that we should quickly inform her if you come over!"

Sanada was a bit embarrassed when the owner of the food stall said it like that.

Yup, this food stall was one of the chain food restaurants that Sanada and Temari had developed together.

It was at first because Temari said she could not live without Sanada's cooking anymore, so Sanda decided to teach some people his cooking and let them make some restaurants with his money.

In the beginning, the scale of the restaurant was pretty small, but because it tasted really good, soon a lot of other chains opened, and it soon grow into one of the biggest businesses in the land of winds, increasing Sanada's pocket which actually was very thick, to begin with.

"Well, no need to. I will go to Temari after this. I'm just taking a stop for a while because I feel hungry."

"Aha! That's no good! Even if you are hungry, Ms. Temari comes first. Please go back after you meet Ms. Temari, and before that, I need to hold this Kebab for a while."

" .... "

Later that day, not only that stall rejected Sanada. Each and every stall said the same things, and Sanada could only give up and decided to meet Temari first.

Sanada told what happened to Temari only to make her laugh.

Well, who made her the Goddess of Suna?

At the end of the day, Sanada enjoyed their last date for a while. Staying with Temari was all fun and happy, but Sanada still had something he had to accomplish.

They spent the night together, and early the following morning, Sanada said his goodbye as he went to leave the land of Wind.

" Well.. next is the land of water!"

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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