S2 Ch 32 (Ch 120) : Meeting Akatsuki once again

After saying his goodbye to Temari, Sanada began his path to the land of water.

If it was based on geography, Sanada's next ideal location should be the land of lightning or earth. However, the situation between the two lands and Konoha was pretty heated, and it could give him some trouble if he was to force his way to the two lands.

Because of that, Sanada would rather go to the land of water, where they have just gone through a revolution and became the delegacy sent from Konoha to the land of water.

To be honest, it was not really a voluntary action. Last night Tsunade called Sanada and told Sanada that he should go to the land of water as his next mission would be there.

Still, Sanada would not be alone this time.

After reaching the land of Fire, he would be meeting with one of his precious disciples, Karin.

It was during the sage mode training that Sanada began to realize that his progress has gotten a lot slower, and the way to easily resolve this was to train his disciple.

Yup, Sanada had realized the fact that his system was the teacher system, and if he wanted to be stronger as soon as possible, he should utilize his system to its maximum potential.

She asked Tsunade whether she could bring Karin this time, which Tsunade easily approved.

On his way to the Land of Fire, Sanada was crossing the land of rivers.

It was situated between the land of Fire and the land of wind, just like Amegakure. Still, because Sanada wanted to avoid some confrontation with Akatsuki, he decided to take the longer path and enter Konoha from the Land of River.

However, sometimes fate was really a bitch,

The sun had reached its peak, and it was now twelve in the afternoon.

Even though this place was not as hot as Land of Wind, Sanada, who had long stayed in the pacific Island with Lapras, still felt it was too hot for him.

He looked in the direction of the land of Fire and found that it would still take at least three or four more hours by running.

Therefore, instead of running under the hot weather, Sanada decided to take a small break.

He entered a small stall that sold shaved ice and took a seat there.

Sanada was just about to place his order when he suddenly heard a voice from outside:

"Boss, two bowls of shaved ice, one melon and one strawberry".

"Okey, please wait a moment."

The Shaved Ice Boss was fast, and in no time, two bowls of shaved ice were ready and were placed in the corner.

Everything should be just something common in some restaurant. However, what Sanada couldn't believe was the identity of the person that ordered the two bowls of shaved ice.

' Hidan and Kakuzu.. what the heck are they doing here!?'

Sanada thought the situation was no longer good for him and decided to leave quietly.

Even though he had gotten stronger, conflict against two Akatsuki members at the same time was not something he wanted to do, especially when the two was someone tricky like Hidan and Kakuzu.

But just before Sanada could leave the place...

"Hold on one second! Aren't you… Sanada? The Jonin from Konoha, which Kisame said he would pay five million Ryo if we brought your head back to the base?"

" .... "

" Umm.. no? I think you get the wrong people. I know no one name Sanada here."

" ..... "

" Well then, have a nice day! Fuck, do you think we are stupid? You are that Sanada Jonin. Now come outside and follow us!"

Hidan slammed the table as he shouted toward Sanada.

For both Hidan and Kakuzu, who believed in their immortality, no one would be dangerous enough for them and seeing such a great bounty like Sanada, their eyes couldn't he;p but glimmered.

Sanada saw this, and a shiver grew in his spine.

' Fuck... those two are straight, aren't they...'

Noticing the situation was not that good, Sanada knew he should not stay here any longer.

He was just about to use his lightning chakra armor, but then a bolt of black lightning was already flashing at him.

" Lightning style: False darkness!"


The moment he saw Sanada, Kakuzu already knew that he should not let Sanada go, so while Sanada was still busy with Hidan, kakuzu had quickly finished his hand signs.

Fortunately for Sanada, his reaction time was fast enough, and he was able to avoid the black lightning.

" Damn... you guys really forced me into this!"


Since the other party had started first, Sanada obviously would not be lenient.

The two might be tricky, and Sanada wanted to avoid them, but he was not a weak chicken that would run away when faced with the immortal duo.

Buzz of lightning appeared on Sanada's body as he activated his lightning chakra mode.


Sanada's figure then disappeared as he once again appeared right behind both Kakuzu and Hidan.

" You guys... you guys should know your place! The only reason you two are recruited in Akatasuki was just to fill the member list!"


Sanada sent the two flying with a kick on their back.

What he said was a fact. Compared to the other Akatsuki member, the immortal duo could be said as the weakest.

They were strong against someone who didn't know their trick, but unfortunately for them, Sanada here completely understood their abilities.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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