S2 Ch 35 (Ch 123): The return of log ninja

After dealing with both Kakuzu and Hidan, Sanad didn't waste any more time and directly went toward the direction of the land of Fire.

The battle just now was pretty big, and it would be disastrous if a group of Akatsuki members came to surround him.

Fast forward, after a few hours of traveling non-stop, Sanada finally reached the land of Fire.

Forests and the lush lands, the sight really made him nostalgic.

He had just left Konoha for a few months, but somehow, he had really missed this Konoha.

Maybe it was because the original memories had slowly blended into him, but now Sanada had truly felt like he was a resident of this world.

Still, Sanada's journey was still far from over.

His aim this time was not to the land of Fire but instead the land of water.

He activated his lightning chakra mode and once again rushed on his journey so he could reach the predestined location before the night came.

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- A few hours later -

After a long and tiring journey, Sanada finally arrived in the predestined location.

It was a city with a small harbor that connected the land of Fire to the land of water, and Sanada's aim was to a small hotel in the city.

He dragged his body to the city and went to the hotel.

A bit cliche, but when Sanada reached the hotel, he found some people were quarreling due to a girl.

The place was very crowded as there were a lot of passersby who surrounded them with curiosity.

And Sanada, as one of the original inhabitants of the earth, was also not one that would skip this kind of exciting event. He sent a shadow clone to buy popcorn from a small stall near the end of the street while the real body was enjoying the real-life drama.

It was two guys, one with a pretty standard look and one with a playboy look.

Based on what he heard, it seemed they were quarreling because the playboy took a fancy to the beautiful girl with red hair who was none other than the standard-looking boy companion.

Sanada: Hmm... since when was Naruto in China? Well, maybe the author was just doing this because he had no idea about what to write... *Sigh* Never mind then..

"I say, such a beautiful girl, she should belong to me, right."

Said the playboy-looking guy with a domineering sound.

He was gorgeously dressed, looking seventeen or eighteen years old, figures tall and slender, and certainly not a trained person.

But, Sanada's gaze did not fall on the man. What attracted his attention was the standard-looking men on the other side.

' Wait.. why does this guy look very familiar... Don't tell me he is...'

Walking up to the playboy-looking guy, the standard-looking guy didn't feel scared any bit.

"You know, you have eyes but cannot see Mount Tai?"

Hearing this, Sanada on the side was stunned for a moment. Now, he should probably be able to guess the identity of this guy.

' Wait.. Sasuke should be considered handsome and was not standard-looking. If he is not Sasuke, then.... Fuck you Sasuke, how dare you tainted him with your young master words!'

Back to the playboy, he didn't really understand what Mount Tai is, but the tone of the man was pretty annoying in his ear.

"You are? Do you know who you are talking two?"

The playboy somewhat impatiently said. From the looks of it, he should be the son of a pretty important figure here.

" You don't need to know. All you need to know is I am not someone that you could offend!"

"Very good, for a very long time there was nobody who dared speak like this to me. You might have some background, but in this city, you should still kneel under my body."

Sanada: "...."

Hearing the words of the playboy, the standard-looking guy couldn't help but frown. He was ready to put on a fighting stance, but then..

" Guard, apprehend this guy for me! Said the playboy before dozens of guards came out of nowhere and surrounded the standard looking guy."

The standard-looking guy: "...."

Sanada: "...."

Everyone else: "...."

Everyone was looking silly. From the scenario, the man should start a brawl by himself, right? So why did he call out some bodyguards?

" What? Money is a part of power, and since they are my bodyguards, they are my power. Now my bodyguards quick beat up that cocky guy!"

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*

Immediately after the command was launched, the group of bodyguards rushed towards the standard looking guy.

However, just when they thought that they had gotten the standard looking guy, the guy's body suddenly turned into a log.


Substituion jutsu!???

Everyone was shocked. They never thought that the standard looking guy was actually a ninja.

And only Sanada was hooking his head at the conduct of his disciple.

' Damnn Hibachi.. I know that young master temperament was also my teaching, but you should not learn that poison...'

Yup, at this moment, Sanada was very sure that this guy was Hibachi, and if he was not wrong, the beautiful girl on the mouth of the playboy should be Karin.

Just what luck they have to be caught by the playboy in this kind of time.

Still, this gave birth to a new question on Sanada's mind.

Wait, why was Hibachi here? Tsunade said that she would only send Karin with me. Don't tell me....

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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