S2 Ch 36 (Ch 124) : Return of the log ninja 2

When Hibachi reappeared, he was standing a few meters away from all the bodyguards, and on his side was the star of this show, Karin.

It has just been a few months, but Sanada could say that Karin had gotten a lot more beautiful in these few months.

Maybe because of the atmosphere and food in Konoha, her body could grow, and she didn't look as sickly as before.

"Be careful."

"No need to say, I said I will always protect you."

Hearing the words 'I will always protect you', Karin's indignant expression turned into a blush, but she quickly hid it.

Watching the young couple flirt, the Playboy grew impatient as he quickly commanded his bodyguard to launch another offensive.

Hibachi, free from conceit and arrogance, took two steps forward,

"Kindly advise me."

Hibachi, with a calm face, right fist suddenly lifted, accompanying a frontal rush, going straight for a strike at one of the bodyguard's chests.

His movements were very simple, without any flourishes, but Sanada's expression changed when he saw this.

Because he saw that Hibachi's fist's momentum in a flash already reached the peak effect of physical force and speed. Without plentiful combat experience, this certainly would not be possible.

For Hibachi, Sanada had known his limitation before, and to display this kind of progress in just a few months after he left, it could clearly be seen just how much Hibachi trained these past few months.

It's just.. what really makes Hibachi this hard of a worker?

This time the bodyguard could in no way retreat. Hibachi's fist hit the chest of one of the bodyguards, and he was thrown away a few meters before he fell unconscious.

" One down, now is the rest!"

The bodyguards saw how Hibachi easily took down one of their comrades, but they didn't retreat. As a bodyguard, the moment they retreated, it was the moment where their career would end. Therefore, they not only did not retreat. On the contrary, they moved forward to surround Hibachi.

Their goal was very simple, their opponent was just a person, and they would tire him to death before one of them dealt the final blow.

Unfortunately for them, Hibachi was just not a simple ninja.

He saw the aim of the enemies and quickly used his substitution jutsu to change place.

"BAMM!!" " BAMM!" "BAMM!

With a hard knocking sound, Hibachi dealt with three more bodyguards in an instant.

The Playboy's eyes revealed an astonished light. He clearly had not thought that Hibachi would be this strong. Still, his pride wouldn't allow him to back down.

" Quick. What are you guys doing? Use whatever means you can. I just want him to kneel before me!"

The Bodyguards frowned, but they still followed the command of the Playboy.

Their fist was raised, but just when the fist was about to reach Hibachi, they all suddenly slumped down on the floor, leaving only the Playboy standing.

" What happened!"

Said the Playboy as he looked terrified.

Just now, his bodyguards look fine, so why were they all down without Hibachi even moving.

He felt he was dreaming, but at this point, there was already a small octopus on Hibachi's shoulder.

" Good Job Hachi. I'll treat you to some good food later!"

Hibachi then reversed summon the blue-ring octopus.

He had reached his goal, and there was no reason to let the Blue-ring octopus stay any longer.

Now that only the Playboy was left, Hibachi was ready to finish the show.

But out of nowhere, a figure enveloped in wind chakra armor suddenly came and kicked him out of the hotel.

" BAMM!!!"

" Hibachi!!!!"

Among all the passersby, only Karin was able to react.

Heck even, the dodge specialized Hibachi was not able to dodge that speed.

Nonetheless, the kick was not something that Hibachi could not bear. He was thrown away, but he quickly stabilized his body.

" Damn, what is that for?"

Shouted Hibachi toward the men who suddenly intruded on his battle.

In front of him was now a man with a silly mask and with a wind-style chakra armor.

" Come on, if that's all you got, then you are not that different from that playboy!"

" What do you-"

Hibachi was not even able to finish his words when the man had already arrived right in front of him.

He tried to dodge, but the man was just too fast.

Under three exchanges, Hibachi was played around like a little kid.

What made Hibachi astonished was the fact that no matter how hard he tried, the man seemed to be able to predict his movement as he always appeared in the place where he used his substitution.

" Still too much wasteful movement and too predictable. It seems that even though you have trained hard, it just highlighted your weakness."

The man said as if teaching Hibachi, but for Hibachi, these words seemed to just be a provocation to him.

" What do you know about me!"


Another kick hit Hibachi, which flew him away.

" I knew more than you know!"

Said the mand to Hibachi, but Hibachi's response was very contrary to his expectation.

" What do you know, you bastard! My teacher ran away for a few months, and now I had no one to teach me and could only devise this battle style with the help of Karin so don't you ever think that you could say bad things about my battle style!"

The man: "...."

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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