S2 Ch 38 (Ch 127) : To the land of water 2

Facing Sanada, who pretended to be a merchant, the Kirigakure Ninjas acted very politely, talking with the two casually. As they thought that they were rich merchants, they were acting respectfully.

Even though they didn't want to admit it, the merchant was one of the biggest sources of income for their village, and they surely wouldn't want to have any bad relationship with the merchant.

Nonetheless, the selection process was pretty strict, and only through a few means of backdoor did Sanada was able to proceed safely to the Land of Water.

After the Ninjas left, Sanada explained to Karin and Hibachi: "Most of the Ninjas patrolling here are Chunins, instructed to treat wealthy merchants politely."

He then explained about the current situation of the land of water which he knew from the news to the two of them as they rent a wagon to cross the land.

However, from their look, Sanada could see that Hibachi was thinking of something.

" Sensei... when I was at the hotel back then, when that man harassed Karin, did I do something wrong?"

Somehow, Hibachi just couldn't get that thought out of his mind.

At that time, he felt like a hero, defending Karin from the playboy. But now that he thought about it, all he did was more like showcase his power and bully the weak.

Sanada heard this, and a smile rose in his mouth.

It seemed Hibachi had matured a bit.

In fact, when Hibachi did all that display before, Sanada was pretty disappointed.

The reason he decided to shoot at that time was not only to test Hibachi but also to tell him to not think that he could do everything he wanted as long as he had the power.

Sanada took a deep breath, and with clear eyes, he said:

" I don't know whether it was right or wrong, for that, you should ask yourself. Do you think it is really necessary or not. However, all I could tell you is, with great power-

[ DING!!! It was indicated that the host was trying to trigger a death flag. Please refrain from saying something like that in the future.]

A notification that out of nowhere appeared and made Sanada really speechless.

" .... "

" Hmm Sensei, what are you trying to say?"

" No, I'm just going to say, even if you are strong, we have limits. So try to not make enemies everywhere..."

" Ohh... okay then."

Sanada finished the small conversation as he wanted to scream inside his heart. What the heck was that?

Still, Sanada quickly recovered.

He just put that thing behind and continued explaining new knowledge to the two disciples of him.

" Do you guys know why even though we are stronger, we still need to follow the command of the Daimyo, who is just a normal person?"

Asked Sanada, which the two could only shake their head.

"Why? Is it because of the rules?" Hibachi did not understand.

"Well, even though we are strong, we are still humans, and humans could not live without money. The Daimyos and businessmen are some of the most important sources of income for the ninja village. In other words, they are the ones feeding the Ninjas.

Just like before, do you know why they are so polite to businessmen? If one of these Chunins happens to offend a businessman with their bad attitude, it could cause huge losses to the Water Country."

Hearing Sanada's explanation, Hibachi nodded.

Only here he realize that in most countries, the rich were bossing Ninjas around.

Hibachi was born in Konoha, and he didn't really get any other education other than ninja education. Therefore, he could only understand those things after Sanada explained them.

After all, the ninja school always taught that only the strong were respected.

One of the purposes of this trip was to collect information from the Mist Village, so Sanada's method was indeed the best and most direct way to sneak in.

However, after the recent coup, the Mist Village was heavily guarded. Sanada notices some sort of boundary all around it. Even if they pretended to be merchants, they would surely be discovered if they tried to force their way in.

In fact, it was not just Sanada. Karin and Hibachi could also see the strange but subtle atmosphere in Kirigakure. But they didn't seem worried at all as they have their dependable Sensei here with them.

Sanada in the end, decided not to enter Kirigakure directly. He made a detour and took a stop at a small town near the border of Kirigakure.

Then he took the two little kids to the biggest tavern in the town to learn some news.

After all, taverns are some of the best places to gather information, as they are filled with all kinds of people.

The three sat down on one of the tables in the tavern, and Sanada began to order a full table of food.

"Wait, Sensei, I know you are happy to meet us again, but this is too much!" Hibachi looked at the dishes on the table.

The food looked delicious, but after they tasted Sanada's homemade dish, the dishes in front of them no longer felt so good.

Sanada could only roll his eyes as he heard this.

"Just keep quiet and eat. It won't be long before someone takes us into the Mist Village." Sanada replied, which the two little disciples could only nod as they didn't understand what Sanada meant.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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