S2 Ch 39 (Ch 128) : Kirigakure!

It was obvious that the two were oblivious to what Sanada meant. But seeing that their Sensei was confident, they didn't object again and just took chopsticks and started eating.

After all, even though the food in front of them was nowhere near as good as Sanada's cooking, they were still made with top-class ingredients and were a delicacy in others' eyes.

Sanada let them eat, so they weren't about to act polite.

So many things have been ordered, and some of these orders were very expensive. The hotel owner was thrilled, as such good guests are rare.

The owner himself was not poor at all, being able to open such a large tavern. But seeing such a big customer, he decided to greet Sanada and the other on his own.

He personally went toward the VIP room, planning to say hello to the "businessmen".

"Knock Knock.." A sound was heard from the door.

Sanada heard this, and a smile arose on his face as the fish had been baited.

He looked at the two disciples who were still enjoying the feast, signaling him to continue, and then said: "Please come in!"

The owner pushed the door and entered. He looked at three and politely greeted them.

"Hello, honorable guests! I'm the owner of this tavern, Suzuki Ichiro." The owner greeted the Sanada and the others.

Sanada looked back at him and squeezed out a smile; Also, with a polite tone, he replied: "Suzuki, I'm Kira."

Fast forward, Saanda began to chat with the owner, where he continuously tried to gain information regarding the land of water.

Of course, there were also some lies in the words of the Tavern owner, but Sanada let them be pretended that he didn't notice the lies.

After some chit-chat, the tavern owner, who had decided that Sanada and the other should have no trouble, proceeded to go into the main topic here.

He opened his mouth and asked what business were they aiming here and asked whether he could help them.

Sanada didn't hesitate to say that the purpose of this trip was to sell the rare ore on his hand as he heard that Kirigakure was looking for something like these rare metals.

The Tavern owner was stunned. If this was really the case, then it might be able to bring a huge profit for him.

He felt that this was an opportunity. After the Bloody Mist, Kirigakure had lost most of its seven ninja swordsmen, and now the current man in charge Mei Terumi was looking for something that could replace the seven ninja swordsmen.

Thinking about just how much prestige and profit he could get if he was able to bring this deal to kirikagure, the Tavern owner quickly said: "Kira-san, I know the right place for you to go. I can give you a referral to help you make this purchase. In fact, I don't need any money, I just need you to bring me when you conclude the deal…"

At this time, the tavern owner didn't even disguise his greedy look anymore.

Sanada saw this and sighed in his heart. Indeed, greedy people were the easiest to trick.

" Well then, Suzuki-san, toast for happy cooperation!" Said Sanada while raising his glass.

Hearing that sentence, the tavern owner got all excited. He also raised his glass and cheered with Sanada while saying happy cooperation.

. . . . . . . .

Fast forward, with the help of the tavern owner, Sanada and the other was able to infiltrate Kirigakure.

Even if they were discovered later, it wouldn't be that much of a trouble. Still, if he could, Sanada would try to keep this a secret.

Led by the tavern owner, Sanada, Hibachi and Karin entered the village hidden in the mist.

Just like its name, the village was shrouded in mist. But different from its Boruto counterpart which the village looks like a big water theme park, the current Kirigakure looked very gloomy.

Kirigakure's architecture is composed of several cylindrical buildings, with the one building that stood out the most being Mizukage's office. One thing that took Sanada's curiosity was the fact that most of the buildings have vegetation growing on their roofs.

Following the Tavern owner, Sanada soon arrived in one of the biggest buildings in Kirigakure.

" Kira-san, please wait here for a moment, I will go in and inform the people inside." Said the Tavern owner politely before he went inside.

At this moment, Sanada didn't just stay still. He asked Karin to use her perception ability to check their surrounding, and when he was sure that no one was around. He made a Kage-bunshin.

" Okay, Sanada number one, please find some information about Kirigakure, but make sure that you are not discovered!"

" Roger boss!"

The clone left, and not long after, the Tavern owner returned.

" Well, I have talked with them, Mr. Kira. Let's get inside; they are waiting for us!"

Along with that, Sanada and the duo followed the Tavern Owner to the highest floor of the building.

However, they didn't see that they would meet someone here, and that someone was actually one that Sanada wished to avoid as much as possible for now.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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