S2 Ch 43 (Ch 132) : Ultimate technique

On Sanada's side, Sanada was now explaining the deal between him and Mei Terumi to Hibachi and Karin.

" So, to make it simple, you will need to go against that glasses nerd once again and win! How is it? Isn't your Sensei a good negotiator?"

" This...."

Hibachi was truly speechless at this time. It was a lot easier to be said than to be done, especially when Hibachii had personally tasted the strength of Chojuro.

Chojuro, even though he looked like a weak glasses nerd boy, was almost at the level of Elite Chunin, and it was not one that he could bet right now,

Trace of frustration began to appear on Hibachi's face when he heard this. And even though he tried to hide this, it didn't escape from Sanada's observation.

The moment he saw this, a smile emerged from his face as he patted Hibachi's shoulder.

" Just believe me, you can do it. After all, you are my disciple."

Sanada surveyed Hibachi. He knew that Hibachi's potential was still extremely limited, and going against Chojuro who would later be a Kage of his village right now, it would definitely be a suicide. But Sanada still wouldn't give up at this time.

'System, I want to do a single gacha draw!'

As Silently silently mused, a single card appeared on his mind.

After months with Temari, this single card was his only result, and it was the card that he decided to keep as a backup. He knew that sometimes he would face things that he couldn't easily handle. Therefore, he wanted to have some assurances in the term of the Gacha card.

The chance of getting what I want isn't that high. However, I must take the bet.

As he looked at the card, Sanada decided to gamble..

He closed his hand to the card, and immediately the card turned around with a golden glow.

A bright light flashed. All of a sudden, another prompt appeared on Sanada's mind.

"Congratulations, you obtained a gold level item: 'Muscleforge Godhand Technique'. This was one of the four branch techniques of the ancient massage technique from another wuxia!"

"Using the muscle forge technique on a target can increase the target's cell vitality, enhance the strength of the target's muscle, rejuvenate muscle damage, increase strength, and upgrade chakra storage."

' Damn.. this is the one from Absolute Great Teacher, right? What a jackpot!!"

Sanada was estathic. He actually didn't hope that much. However, this technique was a lot better than his expectation, and furthermore, it was not a one-time use item.

"Well, Hibachi, just trust me!" Sanada spoke.

Hibachi turned, having a look of confusion. But seeing his Sensei was so sure, he had no other choice but to follow him.

"Okay, now please don't be surprised. It's time I use my ultimate technique. Hibachi, come with me."

Sanada took the lead and walked toward the side of the area, where he used an earth release to create a temporary barrier that shielded him and Hibachi from the rest of the world. He wanted to use something that was out of this world on Hibachi, as he couldn't possibly use that in this wide open area, right? Even if he was to show this to the whole world later, it was not the right time.

Upon hearing the words 'ultimate technique', not only did Hibachi's eyes brighten, Karin, who was secretly listening to this, also hurriedly followed him.

Of course, Karin didn't say anything. To Sanada, she was like an obedient puppy that silently followed behind Sanada.

After the battle before, Karin also had an idea about Chojuro's strength, so she was also very curious about Sanada's technique he said could make Hibachi contend against Chojuro.

On the other side, Chojuro who saw Sanada created an earth barrier snorted. For some reason, he had a bit of displeasure when he saw Mei Terumi express a bit of interest in Sanada.

"Deliberately acting mysterious!" Chojuro whispered.

" Well, don't let your guard down, Chojuro. I have a high expectation of you."

Mei Terumi just shook her head helplessly. Chojuro, at this point was still a brat, and from her point of view, Sanada was clearly not someone that could be underestimated.

After entering the earth barrier, Sanada let Hibachi lie down and immediately give an instruction. "Take off your clothes!"

"Ah?" Even though it was not her first time seeing it as the two had been training together for a bit long, Karin still had her face red.

Hibachi, on the other hand also a bit flustered. This Sensei... why did he feel he was a bit eccentric if it come to him.

"Stop wasting anymore time Hibachi, if you don't do it yourself, then I'll do it for you!"

" ???? "

Sanada didn't have time to waste. He used his water blade to scrape Hibachi's clothes, and soon Hibachi's upper body was naked in front of Sanada.

" ..... "

" Well, now is the time to start!"

Sanada said as he clapped his hand, while Hibachi shuddered at the glance of Sanada's eyes that didn't seem to be "normal"...,

. . . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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