S2 Ch 44 (Ch 133) : Ancient Massage technique

Inside the earth wall created by Sanada, there were no bedsheets or anything like that here. Therefore, Hibacho had no other choice but to lay down on the ground with his naked upper body.

"Good, now wait for a while! I will show you why I was called Sanada the great teacher!"

Hibachi secretly on his head: ' I think S-Anada fits better for you, Sensei...'

Using his water manipulation, Sanada wet his hand and began to manipulate the water efficiently, so it started to act as a lubricant.

" Well, I will start now. It might be a bit painful, but please bear with it for a while."

After Hibachi laid down, Sanada stretched his hands as he pressed down on Hibachi's back. Just one touch and a lot of information about Hibachi's physique began to appear on Sanada's mind.

' As expected of this technique. With this, maybe Hibachi could break through his limits.'

Sanada then focused his breath as he began to knead Hibachi's back muscle.

" From the looks of it, your muscles, even though they didn't have any hard injuries on it was severely overdraft. The training regime that you take, it had put a lot of stress on your body."

When Sanada pressed on one of Hibachi's muscles to loosen its tense muscle, Hibachi shrieked as he felt it was very painful.

" Bear with it for a bit, you might feel it is painful now, but I promise you that you will feel grateful in the future!"

As time passed and the massage became more and more completed, Hibachi began to feel his body heating up. It was like he ran for an entire day and went into a hot spring. All fatigue in his body vanished.

Even Karin on the side was watching with awe as there was a golden glow that came from Hibachi right now. It was.. as if Hibachi had gained enlightenment.

After a few minutes of massaging, Sanada suddenly leaped into the air. He flipped in the air while raising its right arm and jutted its elbow out before heavily smashing it into Hibachi's body.

" Ultimate form: Ancient massage Dragon descent!"


A huge blew was landed from Sanada to Hibachi's body, to which Hibachi quickly responded with a scream.

"ARGHHHH!" Qi Shengjia roared.

Karin also screamed. Her hands were covering her face, she looked at Hibachi full of worries. If the man in front of him was not Sanada, she would surely think that this man had planned to kill someone.

But just when Karin thought things couldn't be more bizarre, Hibachi's body started to wriggle around.

Hibachi's muscle seemed to have improved a lot from Sanada's massage, and now he was under some kind of transformation.

"This.. Am I hallucinating?"

Karin exclaimed in shock.

But the shock quickly turned into happiness as not long after Hibachi stood up with a new look on his face.

"Who am I?" Hibachi rubbed the center of his brows. as he seemed to be a bit confused with the things happening around him. "Where am I?"

"We;;, good luck! It's almost your turn to fight now!"

Said Sanada as he slapped Hibachi's shoulder.

" ???? "

. . . . . . .

While Sanada was massaging Hibachi inside the earth barrier, Chojuro and Mei Terumi were began to get impatient, waiting for the two who were taking leisurely inside.

" They are not trying to run away, right?"

Asked Chojuro, a bit suspicious.

" No... I think..."

Fortunately for the two, not long after the earth barrier was removed, and Hibachi and Sanada's figure could be seen within.

But there was something strange now.

If before Hibachi seemed to be a bit confused, the current Hibachi seemed to have found new confidence in himself.

" Hibachi, do you want to win? If you want to win, be sure to follow my instruction!"

Said Sanada as his gaze turned to the empty space in the distance. He thoroughly observed Chojuro who was standing next to Mei Terumi, and if it was the current Hibachi, he might have a chance of winning against Chojuro.


Hibachi nodded. Even if he was confident, he knew that his only chance of winning was by following Sanada's instructions.

He then exchanged high fice with both Sanada and Karin before he walked toward the empty area where Chojuro had been waiting for him.

" I'm sorry to make you wait, but I'm ready now!"

" Hmm!"

Chojuro was a not very lousy mouth individual. He just returned Hubachi's gaze back at him and entered a battle position as he unsheathed his sword.

Now the two were ready to battle, and as the witness of this battle, Sanada and Mei Terumi take their place on the side.

At this moment, the two were both confident and curious about the result of this battle. Not only this battle would have a personal bet between them, but it was also a good method to showcase the power of their respective villages.

Sanada saw the two was ready, and he quickly raised his hand:

"Begin the battle!"

. . . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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