Ch 148 : Two years later

" .... "

Sanada really felt speechless.

Nonetheless, he could only put this matter on the back of his head first as he still had some more important things to do.

He read the scroll on his hand carefully, and a frown began to appear on his face.

Based on this scroll, the situation in Konoha didn't seem to be pretty good.

The Third Hokage seemed to have woken up from his coma, and even though his strength had weakened up to a certain level, his influence was still there, and it had made the elder group dare enough to start a power struggle with Tsunade.

" *Sigh* Those geezers.. why couldn't they just stay low at a time like this."

Sanada could only shook his head helplessly at this report.

There was even some thought to return back to Konoha.

However, after reading all of the reports, it seemed that it wasn't necessary yet.

During the time when the Third Hokage was in a coma, Tsunade was able to get her own force. Adding it to the fact that she was the granddaughter of the First Hokage, her position in Konoha could be said as pretty stable and it would be hard to shake her position with just a few words from the elder.

Tsunade though still thanked Sanada. If Sanada didn't inform her about Danzo's eyes and arm, her situation might be a lot worse than this.

Nonetheless, she still couldn't get Danzo to reveal what was behind hie eye and arms, but it was still enough for now.

The report concludes with Tsunade warning Sanada that there might be some movement from the elder that target him, but overall, the situation was still pretty much under control.

As Sanada finished reading the report, he sighed relief.

The situation was perfectly just as he thought. Luckily, he had made some preparation before, if not he would be returning to Konoha now.

His journey was still far from over, and it was just his second land.

Sanada then finished things off by burning the scroll.

The writing inside the scroll perfectly describes the current struggles of Konoha, and it would be bad if it was to fall into the enemy's hand.

As Sanada finished all his business here, he proceeded to go outside where Kakashi was waiting for him with a porn book in his hand.

" Yo, you have finished?"

" Yeah..."

The atmosphere turned a bit silence, but Kakashi broke the ice as he patted Sanada's shoulder.

" Don't worry. Thing would be better soon. Just go and finish your business first. we will be waiting for you in Konoha."

And along with that words, Kakashi flashed away, leaving Sanada alone in the cave in the hidden waterfall with a slightly complicated expression.

. . . . . . .

And just like that, two years had passed.

After meeting with Kakashi, Sanada decided to not stay in the land of water anymore and continued his journey.

Mei Terumi at first felt that it was such a pity for someone like Sanada to leave before leaving his seed. Still, with a bit of reluctance he let him go.

Sanada said his goodbye to Chojuro, Karin and Hibachi, where the first stayed in Kirigakure while the other two returned to Konoha.

And as for Deidara, Sasnada had no other choice but to bring him with him in his journey. After all, only him could control Deidara.

Standing on a lush greenery on the border of the land of fire, two figures with strawhats approached the border.

" Finally Land of Fire huh? It has almost been one year, I presume?"

" Finally.... Finally we could have some rest. Bu the way Sensei, don't you think you have gone overboard for the last few months? The Fallen leaves foundation now had branch all over the world, and could be said as the place that would bring bright futures to a lot of orphan. However... was it really necessary to put so much amount of your personal money into it?"

Fallen Leaves Foundation.

After leaving Kirigakure, Sanada went to Konoha secretly to found this thing. It was a foundation which focused on taking in the orphan and get them to learn a lot of knowledge that would be useful for their future.

In this world, Naruto could be said as the savior of the Ninja world. He had made the always go to war Ninja world peaceful. However, it couldn't be said to be the same case for the civilians here.

Hunger and poverty was still anywhere, even after Naruto became Hokage.

And therefore, Sanada had decided to take action.

His disciple would be the savior of the Ninja world, so he would make the world better for the civilians.

Of course at the beginning, the progress was very hard. There was a huge amount of initial investment that almost everything went fromSanada's pocket, and he still needed to meet with the leaders of each countries to discuss the deatils.

Nevertheless, efforts never betrayed.

After two years, the Fallen leaves foundation created by Sanada had slowly took place in the ninja world, and it was growing faster than ever.

Sanada heard Deidara's question, and only a smile arose in his face.

" One day, you will also learn. When you reach your goal, you will always wanted to get something bigger, and when you have reached that state, you would started to think for the better of the whole world."

" ??? "

. . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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