Ch 149 : Konoha once again

As Sanada and Deidara were about to enter the land of fire, they suddenly noticed a few figures were tailing them.

" Sensei, they are?"

" Yes... Geez, they never really knew when to stop."

And right. Not long after, a group with masks and black robes began to appear right in front of them.

" Sensei, should I take care of them?"

" Nah, just some small fries. I'll do it, anyway it will be a good warm-up before we reach the land of fire."

Immediately after Sanada said those words, lightning began to flicker around his body, and he vanished.

The group of men in masks was startled. They knew their enemy would be strong, but what the heck is this.

Only at this time did they remember the command they had received.

' You guys are just cannon-fodder. The moment you guys meet him, immediately use the seal to explode yourself. Only that way you would be useful for Danzo-sama.'

At first, they thought the guys were just being too much. And only now that they realize what he said was the truth.

The masked guys quickly tried to explode themselves. However, it was all too late now.

The next moment, all they could see was the head of their comrades being separated from their bodies as a lightning bolt passed by.

' What the heck....'

Yup, before they could even do anything, Sanada had come and slashed each and every one of their necks with one clean slice.

It was so fast, the brain was a bit late to react, but in the end, none of the masked guys survived this onslaught of Sanada.

Sanada looked at the massacre he had just committed and sighed.

These guys.. were the victim of this cruel ninja world.

It was a bit of pity, but Sanada could really do nothing. After all, when they came and prepared to kill, they should also be prepared to be killed.

The battle didn't last for even a few seconds, and Sanada had returned back to Deidara.

" Done?"

" Yes, pretty much. It has been the tenth time this month. It seemed that he was starting to get impatient."

" Well, no matter what, I just couldn't see him as a threat to you Sensei. As a man who had made a group of Akatsuki members retreats, I think it would need someone at the level of Uchiha Madara to at least pose a threat on you."

Hearing this, Sanada just smiled.

It was the truth.

A few months prior. The two were ambushed by a group of Akatsuki.

Pain, Konan, Sasori, Kisame, and Itachi was there, and other than Itachi, who was releasing the water, the four got pretty serious, but they were still repelled back by Sanada.

In the end, Pain even needs to use some big moves to escape, but let's keep that for another day story.

Finished dealing with the men in the mask, Sanada and Deidara didn't waste any more time standing still.

Their target today was Konoha, and they wouldn't stop until they reached Konoha.

" Let's go. If we waste any more time, we would only have arrived after the dinner."

. . . . . .

A few hours later, Sanada and Deidara had finally arrived at the gate of Konoha.

However, Sanada noticed something strange here.

The place was too quiet, and it didn't seem like there was any movement here.

For some reason, Sanada's instinct told him that there was something amiss here.

" Sensei!"

" I know. Stay down for a bit."

And just right. Immediately after Sanada assumed his battle stance, a few figures appeared as they rushed at Sanada.


A familiar scream resounded through Sanada's ear.

If it was before, Sanada would happily accept her into his embrace. Nonetheless, Sanada knew that he couldn't take this attack straightforwardly.

Slightly tilting his head, Sanada narrowly avoided the punch as the punch hit nothing but air.

" Hello, Sakura. I miss you!"

Said Sanada with a straight face.

However, it seemed his greeting was replied with a very strong vigor from Sakura.

" I miss you too, Sensei. But now, let's focus on you seeing my improvement!"

" Sure, I'll be waiting."

After that small exchanges, the two immediately took a few distances apart.

Based on the attack just now, Sanada could see that Sakura should at least reach her Shippuden strength. However, now was the real showtime.

Sakura took the Fishman karate-stance, and as she inhaled a huge amount of air, she rushed at Sanada with speed incomparable to before.

" Fast! Just for physical strength to be this fast, it seemed that you have trained hard, Sakura."

Sanada also didn't want to lose. He inhaled a huge amount of energy and assume the same Fishman Karate Posture to greet Sakura. But then, Sanada's sense told him that he should avoid.

Just when the two was about to collide, Sakura finally succeed in combining the chakra enhanced strength with the Karasukagawara Seiken.

She launched her punch at Sanada, with even the air seemed to be trembling as it gave the impression of space cracking between the two of them.

" Space Shattering punch!"



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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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