Ch 150 : Konoha Once again (2)

As the punch was thrown, an illusion of cracks began to appear in the air.

It was unknown whether it was just Sanada's illusion or the punch was really strong enough to shatter the air, but at this moment, even Sanada felt some fear.

His body screamed as if telling him to quickly get away, and it was not a thing that his body could take.

At this split moment, Sanada decided to be serious. He entered the sage mode in a split second, and as he also activated the lightning chakra mode to stimulate his cells activity, Sanada also threw another Karasukagawara Seiken.


Two fists with unimaginable power clashed in front of the Konoha gate.

The clash was so big that it even made an earthquake, and Konoha even enter a stage one alert, as the sudden earthquake shocked everybody there.

When the earthquake stopped, the entrance of Konoha was filled with dust and smoke.

But not long after, two figures revealed themselves.

" Not bad, Sakura. Your progress these two years, I'm proud to have you as my disciple!"

" Me too, Sensei!"

Obviously, they were none other than Sanada in Sakura.

Afterward, Sanada came to Sakura and gave her a warm head pat.

They had not met for almost two years, and it somehow had made Sanada miss this little disciple of his very much.

Sakura blushed as she felt the intimate contact from Sanada. Nevertheless, she could only feel happy about this. For some reason, there was no disgust or rejection in her heart. Only bliss as she felt the hand of Sanada rummaging through her hair.

Unfortunately for both of them, this moment didn't really last that long.

Only a few seconds after the happy reunion of old master and disciple started, a figure had entered and intruded on their words.

" *Cough* That's enough. More than this would be bad for her heart. Sanada, you should also realize that Sakura is no longer a little girl."

It was Tsunade, but at this time, Sanada could see that there were some annoyances on her face. While for Sakura, She could only blush and put her head down.

Now that he thought about it, Sakura indeed had grown a lot since the last time he met her.

The previous Sakura seemed to be like a washboard, but now, the washboard had gone a bit bigger.

It was still not to the level of Tsunade, but it could easily reach D...

Wait, this is wrong. He should not focus on that aspect.

Sakura caught Sanada gazing at her, and her face became even redder. Bu then, a fist had come and flew toward Sanada's head.


" Stupid, she is just a little girl!"

" ???? "

Sanada was a bit confused now. How does this relate to a little girl?

Still, he decided to put those feelings aside as he was just happy to meet both Sakura and Tsunade again.

" Hehe, long time no see Tsunade. I miss you too!"

" Humph, just a sweet mouth!"

Tsunade retorted, but she couldn't hide the smile that rose on her face. Still, she quickly tried to hide it away by changing the topic.

" By the way, how's your journey? Have you finally found what you wanted?"

" Hehehe, I'll tell you later. But all I can tell you now is I'm really grateful for the chance you have given me. Without it, I don't think I would be able to find my purpose in living here."

Replied Sanada with a warm smile. His words were a bit confusing, but nonetheless, the two women could only be happy for him.

Fast forward, the two then took Sanada's hand and brought him in to Konoha.

But without them realizing, a figure was forgotten here.

Deidara: *Hiks* Sensei, please bring me too.....

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Along the street in Konoha, Sanada was greeted by a lot of acquaintances.

Two years have passed by, but that doesn't mean that the memory is gone. Kurenai, Asuma, Guy, and even the little genins, a lot of them were excited to see Sanada was back.

The three walked for almost ten minutes, and they eventually arrived in the Hokage's building.

" Let's hurry up. There are a lot of things that I wanted to hear from you," Tsunade said as he nudged Sanada's shoulder before he brought Sanada upstairs.

As there was the Hokage there with them, none of the guards were stupid enough to stop them.

It didn't take them long to reach the Hokage's office, and they quickly took their seat.

Tsunade is on the Hokage seat, while both Sanada and Sakura are on the opposite side.

Here, Sanada began to explain what he had been doing on his journey.

To be honest, Tsunade should have known all of this since he had written all about his journey in the scroll that he had sent to Konoha. Nonetheless, she still enjoyed it very much when it was Sanada himself who told the story.

Unfortunately for them, their good time didn't last that long.

Just when Sanada was about to tell the part where he went to the land of lightning, a few figures stormed the Hokage's office.

" Tsunade, to bring him here, what are you thinking!"

. . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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