Ch 155 : The face of the Third Hokage

When Sanada announced the detail of the trials, shock immediately erupt in the heart of the civilians.

Sin so great that it couldn't be judged normally? Just what big sin is it?

Nonetheless, Sanada was now able to get the curiosity of the civilians, while for the Shinobi with more knowledge, they began to feel like there might be something hidden in this.

As the crowds' reaction was the same as his expectation, a smile grew on Sanada's face.

The first step has been done, now let's move to the next step, he thought.

" Good, now I want all your attention, as our prosecutor today would be the one listing all the sins that Danzo had committed against humanity!"

All of a sudden, the attention was turned toward Hibachi, who was the prosecutor.

Still, Hibachi didn't shudder. He had prepared himself for this.

" Danzo Shimura, 73 years old. Crime including The mastermind of both Konoha and Senju extinction, The mastermind behind the death of the Deathfang, The mastermind behind the death of the Fourth Hokage, Spreading Konoha's secret info resulting in a loss for Konoha, Three attempts of a coup in Hokage, and lastly a crime of working together with the traitor, Orochimaru!!!"


When everything was said, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly turned silent.

The revelation had just been too shocking, and no one was daring enough to make any sound.

Among them, a few people had that complicated look in their eyes.

Three of them were Sasuke, Jiraiya and Kakashi. Never once they expected that the death of their loved one was caused by Danzo.

For now, they didn't really get the evidence yet whether what the prosecutor said was true, but since it was Sanada who brought this up, they were pretty sure that the credibility is above 80%.

From the judge's seat, Sanada continuously observes the reaction of the F4 after Hibachi read the charge. And yup, their face was pretty gloomy.

To be honest, Sanada didn't really know whether the charges issued were right or not. He just used the fact that he had a piece of very good evidence against Danzo and began to craft some circumstantial evidence.

After all, once Danzo had been declared guilty for the first one or two crimes, it was easy to shift the audience's thought to what he wanted. And this was also why Sanada requested an open trial. It would be easier to herd the civilians' opinions than the Shinobi.

" *Cough* Then, what is the suitable punishment that you suggest, Mr. prosecutor?"

Sanada coughed as if giving signals to Hibachi. And, right. Looking at Sanada's signal, Hibachi quickly understand.

" It is a pretty hard decision, even for me, Mr. Judge."

" Even though the prosecuted had done a lot of bad deeds against Konoha, it didn't necessarily negate all the good things he had done before. At the age of 73, Danzo Shimura is the leader of the Konoha special ambush squad called Root, and to make it even harder, he is a close confidant of the Third and his two consultants. In case of punishing Danzo, shouldn't we also need to take the Third's face into account?"

" Therefore, I suggest a 20 years sentence in prison!"

At this moment, the crowds immediately became noisy. A lot of them felt the punishments were too low for all the sins that had been listed.

However, the experienced ninjas soon realized something.

' It is just a show.'

Yup, at this moment, that thought surfaced in the mind of a lot of experienced Shinobi here. Of course, Sanada as the perpetrator also knew about this, but he didn't really mind.

Soon, someone will make his move.

And right, not long after Hibachi announced the punishment.

Sasuke stood up as he shouted:

" Wait, isn't this a bit unreasonable? To be punished that lightly after being the mastermind of the two Konoha big clan's extinction...."

Sasuke seemed to have his eyes a bit red as he said this. For him, these matters had been plaguing him for years.

But before Sasuke could even finish his words, Hibachi had cut him off.

" I know Sasuke. But please consider his other position too. Don't you wanna give a face to the Third Hokage and the elders?"

The third Hokage's face again... at this time, not only Sasuke, but a lot of civilians began to feel injustice.

Slowly but surely, murmurs started to spread among the civilians, and once it had started, there was no way to stop this thing.

Obviously, as the one who made all the plans, Sanada was very satisfied with this result.

Yup, his target all along was this. The civilians were easier to fool than the Shinobi, but never underestimated the power of rumors. Once it spread, no one could stop it.

And as for Sarutobi and the two elders, they could only have a sour face.

Never once did they think that things would become like this.

Nonetheless, they must cut the matter from the roots. It was a pretty hard decision, but they eventually agreed to sacrifice their comrade in arm.

Sarutobi, with the last ounce majesty that he had as a Hokage, stood up.

" I'm sorry, but everyone this is a misunderstanding. No need to give me face, I the Third Hokage of Konoha declared that if you want to punish this sinner, then punish him in accordance to regulation!!! In fact, I was also saddened by these facts, and I agree if Danzo Shimura was to get the heavies punishment, which is a death sentence!"

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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