Ch 156 : Ninja trial 2

When he heard the declaration of Sarutobi, Danzo's face became ashen.

He gritted his teeth, and hatred began to be born in his heart.

' Saru... you will regret this..'

For him, all he did was for Konoha. So when the third and the elders sold them out like this, he could only bore this hatred.

Right now, the crack between their relationship was pretty obvious, and Sanada who was overseeing this from above, could not help but put a smile on his face.

It seemed things would be a lot easier than he expected.

He waited for a moment for the crowd to settle down first before he proceeded to continue the trial.

" *Cough* Then, we will follow the Third Hokage's arrangement. The prosecuted Danzo would be expected to have a death penalty; would that suffice?"

Sanada's word immediately turned the balance of the crowd. Now they have pretty big goodwill toward the Third Hokage. However, would it stay good all the time?

Sanada could only snicker as he imagined the situation turning out the way he wanted.

And right, not long after Hibachi began to read all the charges toward Danzo, Danzo tried to make self-defense. But not the defense which tried to lighten his punishment.

For him, being blocked from being a Hokage is almost equal to death. All he wanted to do right now was to drag Sarutobi and the elders along with him.

He waited for Hibachi to finish, and right the moment after Hibachi finished, he raised his hand.

" Dear Mr. Judge and Mr. Prosecutor, I want to make a statement!"

In a normal trial, something like this would definitely be unimaginable. But fuck normal trial, all Sanada wanted right now was the elder to drag each other down.

Gaining the nod from Sanada, Danzo began to talk:

" I Danzo Shimura admit that most of the charges aimed to me are true....."

At this moment, the audience was shocked, and even Sasuke now fully displayed his killing intent. But Danzo had not finished yet.

" However... All of them are under the acknowledgment of the Third and the elder. And in fact, they were a joint operation between the Root under me and the anbu under the Third Hokage!"


Hearing this, everyone's gaze was immediately shifted at the Third Hokage.

If this was true, then it would be very shocking news.

The Hokage was the cause of the extinction of the two big clans in Konoha?

Everyone was silenced. Nobody was brave enough to emit a sound. However, the image of the Third Hokage had slowly dropped to the lowest point. After that valor display, maybe the Third Hokage actually did that so Danzo would bring all the secrets with him to the grave.

As for the person itself, the Third Hokage's face was now very red in anger.

If he could, he really wanted to choke Danzo to death right now.

He tried to keep his image and was about to once again turn around the situation with his speech.

Unfortunately for him, Sanada would never give him a chance.

The moment Danzo said those words, Sanada immediately sent out the signal for Hibachi to take out some scroll that had evidence of Third Hokage's espousal in the death of Sakumo and in the extinction of Uchiha.

He didn't know whether it was true or not, but it was the result of him and Hibachi rummaging through the Root's basecamp last night.

The last time, Sanada saved him, and it was enough to repay all the favor he owed to the Third Hokage. The Third Hokage may not deserve to be killed, as most of it was only because of his inability to make a choice. However, this is politics, and Sanada definitely didn't want to let an enemy sleep under his blanket.

Under the evidence he had given, the Third Hokage's face paled a lot, while Danzo now had a wide smile on his face.

It seemed that the crack between the two was no longer repairable.

As of the current condition, all that's left was to let the Third Hokage's faction and Danzo to gnawed at each other.

" Hahahahah, isn't it a pity Saru? You have always tried to keep yourself clean. But sometimes, as people say, not doing anything is also a fault. You know all the deeds that I have done, but never once did you try to stop me. Isn't that enough to make you my accomplice?"

" Shut your mouth Danzo, or else-"

" Or else what? Do you want to display your hypocrite face under the eyes of everyone in Konoha? Everyone, see with your own eyes. This is the real face of your beloved Third Hokage, he is the one that had brought countless of Konoha's genius to death.

In fact, even during the fourth Hokage incident, he had played a black hand. He said he was late to back up? Late my ass, he just want to decrease Minato's fame a bit, but never once he knew that Minato would lose his life in that-"

" Shut your mouth Danzo!!!"

After all this time, it was weird if the Third Hokage could still keep his calm. He no longer looked as composed as he rushed at Danzo.

But just before his fist could hit Danzo's face, a hand had stopped him from moving any further.

" I'm sorry, Third Hokage-sama, but this is a trial. So can you please keep your hand a bit?" Said Sanada as he easily stopped the Third Hokage's attack with a calm smile on his face.

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Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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