Ch 159 : Suna's invasion

A few days later, somewhere near Suna.

In a secret underground passage near Suna, Sasori, Hidan, and a new Akatsuki member called Kazuma were currently discussing what to do.

In the past two years, Sanada was not the only one who had changed rapidly.

Akatsuki, after losing two of its member in Sanada's hand also began to recruit new members, and the result was Kazuma here.

Kazuma himself was actually a previous member of the twelve fire guardians alongside Asuma, but because of some internal conflicts, he decided to rebel and now joined Akatsuki after Pain agreed to his plan to destroy Konoha.

" Sasori, how is it? Any progress?"

In the dark place, Kazuma asked Sasori.

In this team of three, the only one who had a good chance of infiltrating Suna was Sasori, so he agreed to let Sasori take the lead in this operation.

Unfortunately, things didn't seem to go as they wanted.

" It is pretty bad. I don't know why, but my spy networks in Suna had been completely removed." Sasori shook his head. Sanada's intervention had made Suna a lot stronger in the last two years, and now it was hard for even Sasori to easily snoop through Suna.

" Then.. we don't really have any other chance, did we?"

Kazuma looked pretty gloomy. His first mission in Akatsuki was going pretty bad. Was it really the right choice to join this organization?

Nonetheless, they don't really have any other choice.

" Yeah... it seems we need to go on a frontal attack."

Sasori sighed. For some reason, he really has a bad feeling about this.

. . . . . . .

The next day, the team of three led by Sasori was going to forcefully break through Suna's gate.

However, they were faced with something shocking.

Right in front of the gate, a huge fortress stood out, and it blocked them from entering Suna.

But things were only beginning for them.

When they thought this operation could not get more absurd, all of a sudden Sasori got a feeling of danger coming from below.

" Quick, gather around me!"

Sasori gave the command.

And right. Immediately, multiple explosions occur right in the place where they previously stood, blowing away almost everything.

From the other side, on top of the huge fortress, Temari and Kankuro were watching the situation below with amusement on their face.

" Did we get them? " Kankuro excitedly asked.

" No.. they shouldn't be this easy to handle. But to predict things this far, really worthy of my Dana-sama."

Above the fortress, Temari was looking at Sasori and the other with a smug expression. This situation had perfectly like what Sanada predicted, and as Sanada's lover, she felt like she had the right to brag about it.

Still, it didn't mean that she would let her guard down.

" Continue to move for the formation three!"

Temari gave the instruction from above, which was immediately followed by dozens of groups of ninjas.

As per Sanada's instruction, Suna had created a team that specialized in border defense.

This team was trained all day and night to face threats coming to their village, both from the air and from the ground.

And the result was pretty evident. In the diameters of a few kilometers from Suna, everywhere was filled with explosion talismans. One small mistake, and it could go boom boom, decimating all the enemies.

But the enemy this time was different than the usual spy or bandits they faced.

When the smoke from the explosion was lifted, the three figures revealed themselves, appeared to be unharmed by the explosions.

" They... they are unharmed??"

" Don't worry. We have received their intelligence. And this time, this battle will be a lot harder than usual. Our level is Kage-level ninjas!"


Listening to this, a tense atmosphere began to arise in the Suna's army. For the first time, they would be against a Kage-level ninja.

However, they still quickly followed Temari's instruction, and soon with the joint effort of countless ninjas, a giant sandstorm appeared that head toward the direction of the Akatsuki.

" Is this serious..."

Kazuma, who saw this, started questioning what he had seen.

" Shouldn't Suna be one of the weakest among the big ninja villages? I have been to Iwa and Kumo before, but this-"

" Stupid, your information is outdated. Suna right now could be said as one of the Hegemon of the ninja world.." Sasori rebuked, but the gloom in his eyes was apparent.

Never once had he thought that even entering Suna would be this troubling. It seemed that he must get serious now. Still, he really wanted to smack the head of the person who had made Suna this big. If not for him, their operation would for pretty smooth.

" Hidan, Kazuma stay back, I'll handle this!"

" !!!! "

That being said, Sasori eventually decided to use his trump card. Even though this shouldn't be revealed in front of those Suna Ninjas, he really didn't have any other choice this time. He left Hiruko and summoned the puppet of the Third Kazekage.

Immediately, Sandstorm and Iron Sand clashed generating a big shockwave on the battlefield.

. . . . . .

- On the other side of the land of wind -


" Damn.. does someone think about me? *Sigh* It must be some beautiful girls out there.."

Back to Sanada, Sanada and the original member of team seven were currently on their journey to Suna.

However, there seemed to be something a bit different here.

Everyone here was in their swimsuits, and they looked like they were about to go on a summer vacation rather than go to a battle.

" Sensei, is this okay?"

" Don't worry! The big swimming pool in Suna is first class, I guarantee you that!"

" ..... "

. . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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