Ch 160 : Sasori's wiener

Crossing the desert for a while, the group of four led by Sanada eventually arrived at the big gate of Suna.

However, there was an unusual scene here. At the entrance of Suna, there were traces of explosion everywhere, and from the look of it, a huge battle had just happened here.

But that was not all, from outside, Sanada could see a huge figure of sands were battling three small figures.

' Hmm... so for the army to contend against three Kage-level ninjas is still too much, I guess?'

Even though he only saw them from afar, Sanada could immediately see that they were Gaara, Sasori, Hidan, and an unknown person.

Nonetheless, the trio battling Gaara meant that the initial loan of holding them back using the army had failed. Still, it was not a bad thing. Using this experience, the Suna's guard army could learn, and Sanada would definitely whip them to be better.

He told the three to wait for a while, as he immediately disappeared from the spot.

" Sensei vanished?" Naruto was in shock. He tried to find the whereabouts of Sanada, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't see Sanada's figure anymore.

" Stupid, he is just moving at a very fast speed. Still.. really worthy of Sanada sensei.. Even my Sharingan couldn't fully catch his shadow."

Among the trio, maybe only Sasuke could see what was happening here. However, there was one that definitely understood Sanada better than the other.

" Well, Sensei has gone. Now we should prepare ourselves. Jest that Sensei brought some enemies for us when he returned!" Said Sakura with a natural smile on her face.

Naruto and Sasuke: "????"

. . . . . . . .

Back to Sanada, just like Sasuke said, he did not do any teleportation. He just moved very fast that it was almost untraceable to human eyes.

And his aim to move this fast? It was rather obvious.

Flashing here and there, Sanada appeared and intruded the battle between Gaara and the trio Akatsku, right when the trio Akatsuki was about to use their big moves.

" Sand Burial!"

" Iron Sand Spikes!!!"

For the n-th time from this battle start, iron sand and yellow sand were about to clash again. But this time, there was something different.

Out of nowhere, a figure appeared right in the middle of the clash, but to their horror, a slash from him was enough to break their big moves.


An explosion occurred with Sanada in the middle. However, he didn't seem to be concerned at all. Rather he easily shook the explosion as now he reappeared again, but this time right on Sasori's head.

" Yo Sasori, long time no see, huh? How is it? After I put a wooden stick on your crotch, are you able to masturbate now?"

" ..... "

Even the "already turned into a puppet" Sasori felt embarrassed when he heard those words. It was during one of his most shameful memories when Sanada out of nowhere struck a wooden stick on his crotch are saying that he should need a wiener if he was a man.

Still, Sasori tried to keep his composure. Against this man, he knew he must not be reckless.

" You.. what do you want.." Sasori asked with a frown.

" Me? Well.. sorry to intrude, but can you guys come with me?"

" ..... "

A really out of nowhere question. But even the Akatsuki trio was very careful not to nonchalantly answer him.

His appearance was like a reaper on the battlefield.

The calm smile on his face was like a terror to his enemies, especially to both Sasori and Hidan who now had a very pale faces.

Even Gaara, who should be on his side now had a ghastly pale face as he had just seen a ghost.

" Well, no comment? Then I'll treat this as a yes. Sorry Gaara, but I'll come back later!"

" ??? "

And just like how he suddenly appeared, Sanada instantly disappeared once again. But this time, not only him but also Sasori, Kazuma, and Hidan.

Gaara: " What the heck have I just seen... Well, let's just go home now.."

. . . . . .

Back to Sasuke and the others, Sanada had now reappeared between their eyes.

But this time, he brought a few surprises with him.

Besides him, there were three figures with the Akatsuki cloak.

" Akatsuki..."

The first one to react was Sasuke.

He was able to realize the cloak that was the same as his beloved brother, and his eyes immediately turned red as he activated his Sharingan.

Naruto also wasn't unfamiliar with them. During his travel with Jiraiya, he had a few encounters with the Akatsuki, though most of them were repelled by Jiraiya. He realized the direness of the situation and immediately assumed a battle pose, just like Sasuke.

On the other hand, Sakura didn't seem to be that concerned. She had long realized that Sanada would bring an opponent to test them, but she believed that Sanada Sensei had complete control over the situation.

What could you say? You could only blame Sakura to be blinded by Sanada.

But the faith that she had in Sanada wasn't really without any base.

Even now, it was clear that Sanada had everyone under his control. In fact, the trio could see something wrong with the state of the Akatsuki member.

" *Cough* Everyone, please welcome Sasori, Hidan, and.... a no-named mob. Today your task is none other than defeating them in a one-on-one battle!"

. . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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