Wouldn't sell yourself

I swear, I was going to simply say hello to her, but I couldn't help but start taunting her when I saw her.

"I thought I was mistaken when you and Mr. Grant walked into the hall, but I didn't realize it was really you. Elizabeth, you were so well disguised before, I didn't realize you were such a hypocritical woman!"

In fact, I knew that trying to vent my inner discontent, if Elizabeth had known any better, she would have explained to me in time what was going on between her and Orlando.

Unlike what I expected, she just looked at me coldly and didn't open her mouth to say a word.

This made me become even more irritated.

" Elizabeth, you wouldn't sell yourself to Mr. Grant for money, would you?" Kyra exclaimed, "You mustn't fall like that, if you need money, I can lend it to you!"

Kyra said what I was going to say, but, looking at Elizabeth's nasty attitude, I didn't want to do that now.

"Kyra, it's her choice and we have no right to interfere."

I took Kyra's hand in mine, and afterward, looked straight at Elizabeth.

" Elizabeth, for the sake of our many years together, I'm willing to give you one more chance."

"For the sake of your mother's illness, if you come back to me and behave yourself in the future, I will not only pay all your medical bills, but I will also cover all your living expenses and you will no longer have to work hard."

"Though you have known Mr. Grant, a man of his dignity, do you think he will marry you? Dream on! He's just playing around with you!"

"I want you to think long and hard about who's the best one for you."

Originally I just wanted to remind Elizabeth that I hoped she would come to grips with the reality that, after all, a man like Orlando could never marry her.

But to my surprise, Elizabeth didn't appreciate it and snapped at me instead.

"Mr. Blount, you have no right to interfere in my affairs. Whether Orlando is just playing around with me or not is not half your business. We've broken up and I don't want you to pester me in the future or I won't let you off the hook!" She warned me in an icy tone.

I never thought Elizabeth would turn out like this, like an arrogant and ignorant shrew.

I was clearly trying to warn her in good faith and now it's turning into pestering her, which is ridiculous!

Her warning completely stoked my anger, and I couldn't keep my cool any longer.

" Elizabeth Bates, who are you to stand in front of me and accuse me now? You're nothing more than a whore who can be played by men at will, and you want to pretend to be a noble lady here?" I shot back nonchalantly.

I used to go out on dates with Elizabeth and she would never sleep with me except to hold hands and kiss.

I didn't expect her to be so close to another man after only a few days of this breakup.

I go crazy with jealousy just thinking about her having sex with another man in bed!

Who is she to do this to me?

"Hey, Elizabeth, I finally found you."

At that moment, Orlando appeared out of nowhere and reached around Elizabeth's waist.

He glanced at Kyra and me and inquired of Elizabeth, "These two are friends of yours?"

At this point, my attention had shifted from Elizabeth to Orlando.

I have to admit that Orlando is a born aristocrat, his every gesture so noble that I realized I was not even in the same class as him.

Especially his aura, even just a casual glance at me, made me feel a powerful sense of oppression.

If on another occasion I could have been given the opportunity to talk to Orlando as I was, I would have greeted him with the warmest of smiles.

But now there was Elizabeth, my ex-girlfriend, between us. And he was Elizabeth's current one.

Jealousy almost made me lose my mind when I saw him tighten his arms around Elizabeth's waist as if declaring sovereignty.

I held back my anger, held out my hand to Orlando, and said, "Hello Mr. Grant, I'm Jason Blount."

Elizabeth seemed unhappy with my self-introduction and she stepped forward to make another point of introducing Kyra and me to Orlando.

"Orlando, this is Jason and Kyra. Jason is my ex-boyfriend and Kyra is my former best friend. I caught them cheating on each other and now I don't have anything to do with them anymore."

Elizabeth's words made Kyra and I instantly lose all dignity in front of Orlando.

It felt as if I had been stripped naked and left on the street for all to admire my nakedness, very humiliating!

"Mr. Grant, don't let this woman fool you. She was with me before, used to stay at the bar all night, was very open, and had sex with who knows how many men." I shot back immediately.

"Jason shut the fuck up! I thought you and Kyra cheating on me behind my back was the worst thing you've ever done, but now you have the nerve to slander me!" Elizabeth said angrily.

She looked furious, her chest heaving violently as if she would pass out at any moment.

Watching her get so angry she didn't know how to defend herself, I instantly started to get smug.

I know Elizabeth very well. She's kind but stupid. It was because of her stupidity that she lost me.

Now, I'm going to use this weakness of hers to ruin her date with Orlando.

Only by teaching her a lesson will she know who can really help her.

As for Orlando, the leader of the business world, he would never consider a woman with a tainted character, although he didn't necessarily believe my word.

So, I decided that Elizabeth would definitely be abandoned by Orlando.

But I hadn't been smug for long when Orlando suddenly took a step forward, his eyes locked on me.

Since he was half a head taller than me, I was forced to tilt my head back slightly, but I braced myself and didn't choose to flinch.

I didn't know what he was going to do, but it was a mano match, and I could never admit defeat!

As I was fighting Orlando's dark battle, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly and looked very dangerous.

"Who are you to judge my fiancée?"

I watched him squeeze the words out of his teeth one by one.

At that moment, I felt like the whole world was slowly collapsing in front of my eyes.

Orlando called Elizabeth not lover or girlfriend, but fiancée.

This means they will soon be husband and wife and in the legal sense of the word.

It was a death blow to me, after all, I had always thought I was the best choice for her.