Apologies to my fiancée.

Jason POV.

I froze in place and blinked hard.

The man in front of me was indeed Orlando, and it wasn't a hallucination on my part.

But how could a man as honorable as Orlando defend Elizabeth?

My brain was down for a long time before I started processing the shocking news.

"You need to apologize to my fiancée."

Orlando's voice was unemotional, full of icy chill.

After that, he added, "Right now."

It would be foolish of me not to see at this moment that Orlando was taking it out on Elizabeth.

I glanced at Kyra next to me, who hung her head and didn't say anything, but her face was full of resignation.

She didn't want to apologize to Elizabeth, and neither did I.

Once the apology is made, it will be a lifelong shame for me.

"Mr. Grant, my family is the Bronte family, which I'm sure you've heard of. We Brontes are not weak in aristocratic circles, and I don't suppose you wish to cause conflict among the nobility?"

I tried desperately to restrain my anger and warned Orlando harshly.

The Blount family is not as good as the Grant family, but they are still known as noblemen.

Orlando may not know me, but he must know my family. I am the son of the Brontes, and there is no way he would make an enemy of the entire Brontes family over one woman.

"Mr. Blount, I want you to get your head around the situation, I'm not negotiating with you."

Orlando was clearly starting to get impatient and gave me a contemptuous look.

"You're talking to me about your family, the Brontes?"

"If I remember correctly, the Bronte family is still in charge of your grandfather, old Mr. Bronte, right?"

"Who are you to ask for reconciliation in front of me when you don't even qualify as an heir?"

"Or did you decide you would be the heir to the Brontë family?"

Orlando sneered and taunted me.

I have to say that Orlando knows my family very well, no wonder he dares to treat me with such contempt.

I subconsciously clenched my fists, not just because of the insults he'd thrown at me, but more because he'd uncovered scars that I'd had a hard time healing.

I am only one of many sons of the Blount family. I know very well that my brother is the most qualified to be the heir.

But I was upset that I was going to miss out on the heirship just by being born a few years after him, and it was unfair.

So, as soon as I graduated, I broke away from my family's support and started my own business.

Although I claimed to the public that I wanted to build my own kingdom in the business world on my own, I actually did so to prove to Grandpa that I also had the strength and qualifications to become the family heir.

I wish he would change the family rules and not just choose the first son, but the others could be his choice if they were good enough.

Orlando made it very clear that he was not afraid to make an enemy of my family, much less show me any mercy.

That's when I realized the seriousness of the situation.

It's not just Orlando I've offended, it's the Grant family behind him.

It is not just his overly ruthless nature that has given Orlando such a high position in the business world, but also his brutal and cold ways of acting.

If I don't apologize to Elizabeth today as he requested, I'm afraid I'll be on the blacklist of business and aristocratic circles in the future.

Thinking about it, I pulled a stiff smile and said, "Respected Mr. Grant, you are right. I am to blame for being so presumptuous and rushing your fiancée with my words. Now I sincerely apologize to your fiancée, Miss Bates, I'm sorry."

When I was done, I reached out and tugged on Kyra next to me, forcing her to join me in bowing and apologizing to Elizabeth.

It was a stifling thing to do, but I chose to keep my head down in order to survive successfully in the business world afterward.

As for the insult I received today, I'll make sure Orlando and Elizabeth pay it back sometime later!