Karate Island #14

About half of the enforcers had knocked the others out in an instant without any warning and then stepped towards Belt putting on a pair of gloves along with the others.

One of them came close to Belt's ear and spoke. "Death to traitors."

With a quick thrust, a dagger entered Belt's body granting him a quick death and the same happened for his men.

After killing them, the enforcers removed their bloodied gloves and quickly disposed of them then proceeded to hit each other and lay on the ground awaiting the first person to wake up.

Since they were restrained, they were easy to eliminate and it was quickly handled.

Belt could never have known that the boss had many within the enforcers as he tried to turn on him.

His betrayal set him on a path to elimination but even if he did not talk, there was also a chance of him being silenced to prevent any leaks.

Even at the cost of losing out on some valuable pawns and getting back the berries lost from them, the boss still did not take any risks as he gave the order to eliminate them should they mention a word of betrayal.

Later the enforcers woke up from their stupor and discovered the dead bodies, they began to report in and the incident was later spread out as a professional hit by some unknown party.

Although one or two may have found the whole event suspicious, there was no evidence left at the scene to prove their suspicions to be correct and they did not wish to doubt their fellow colleagues.

Once the trust in their partners was gone, how could they work together and leave their backs to them again in a critical situation?

Meanwhile within a cramped room there was many figures sitting and laughing while enjoying the atmosphere.

Monera, Liushi, Alyssia, Carrot and Tristan were sitting drinking alcoholic beverages together, although they were still a little underage in terms of Alyssia's previous world's laws, this world was much less restrictive towards such things.

Alyssia had spent sixteen years without drinking alcohol that she enjoyed drinking during her breaks and today was the first time this new body of hers had sampled this world's alcoholic drinks.

After ordering many drinks to the room, the atmosphere began to become very lively as the three drunken Minks were huddled up together drunkenly rubbing their cheeks together.



"Ufufufufu! Garchuuu!"

Monera looked at the three drunken Minks and turned to Liushi. "Are they usually like this?"

Liushi shook his head. "It is a first time for me seeing this too... usually Tristan is the caring and serious one of the group, Carrot is more carefree but very loyal and Alyssia is very hardworking and determined person, sometimes I have a hard time grasping her true personality because she sometimes shows some childish moments like this.."

He was not to blame for thinking so because there were many times when she was serious and hardworking but others she displayed her nerdy and slightly childish self in front of a few people.

Sometimes she made plans to suit her goals but sometimes acted spontaneously so it was difficult to guess what she would do next.

None of this mattered to Liushi though because he did not care for such things, all that mattered was how she treated those people around her.

She treated those that she recruited like a close unit or family regardless of race or background but towards traitors or enemies she was very fierce which made others not wish to follow the example of those who had suffered under her hands.

Liushi added. "She can be stern but fair, intelligent but can act on emotions or instinct at times, generous to a certain degree but much prefers granting opportunities than giving handouts. Sometimes her small gestures may even seem like they are part of some big goal that we cannot see yet but all we can do right now is trust that she will lead us somewhere good."

Monera looked at the three Minks who had fallen asleep cuddled up. "They look like a fun group, strong and reliable too."