Karate Island #15

Liushi nodded as he agreed. "They have helped me expand my world view and get this opportunity to talk to someone else who is not a normal human. Inside my own country, although we do not have prejudices against other races, we do not approach them and keep to our countries rules and customs which often restrict many to stay within the country. Nobles in most places are not just against other races but also against those below their class so unlike them, I was brought up in a pretty average background where I was taught not to be swayed by these differences. So when the time came to meet my benefactor, I accepted their difference very quickly and wished to repay that debt. Now I am just sticking around because they are worth following and plan to do so after it has been paid fully. So.. what is your story? Why so far away from home and all on your own?"

Monera sighed. "It is good to have those around you that you can trust, I have rarely met others that were not scared by my appearance or revealed their greed shortly after seeing me. To them I am either a threatening creature or a novelty item to be sold for high price. My story is actually a simply one with a hint of tragedy and struggle but it was not all bad."

Liushi listened quietly and Monera continued. "I am a cross between a Mermaid and Fishmen and was brought up in Fishmen Island. My mother was a supporter of the late queen and her vision of Fishmen Island's people connecting with the outside world, even after her death to a human my mother was one of the few that kept up her spirits and continued the activities that the Merfolk carried out during the time she was alive. She continued to take on the dangers of rescuing shipwrecked people at sea even with the lack of support from others who had already been consumed by hate. For some time later I would also be consumed by this hatred..."

Monera paused for a moment before continuing. "My mother never came back one day and that made me very angry for some time and often got into fights with my fellow Fishmen or humans that arrived on the island. It took the efforts of my father to set me straight and he enrolled me into the Fishmen Karate Dojo at a young age to learn some discipline and self control. After I grew up to an age where I could fend for myself, he left in search of my mother and did not return. His friends from the royal army are his friends so they would occasionally check on me and guide me in my training. Eventually I reached a point where I no longer could sit and wait around so I left for my own journey. I was hoping to find clues about my parents but my main purpose was to find out why my mother believed in the humans so much.. honestly until now, I had only experienced negative things where the humans are involved until today and meeting the Minks had been interesting."

Liushi listened until the end and then shook his head. "You have a difficult task ahead of you, finding such information would be hard to do and even if you do... it will not be good news as you can imagine. You should already know that by now right?"

Monera was silent for a while and nodded. "I know.. but I cannot help but still hope on the smallest chance that they are safe somewhere."

Liushi looked at the sleeping Minks on the floor and then walked over to place a blanket on them. "Let us return to our rooms for now. I will see you in the finals but I will not go easy on you no matter what."

Monera looked into his eyes that showed his seriousness and determination to win. "Me neither... i will see you there."

As they both left the room, one of the Minks sat up with a slightly groggy look as she pinched the space between her brows.

Alyssia looked towards the door that was closed revealing a complicated look in her eyes. 'Maybe she understands some of it but there are other possibilities that have yet to be known.'

While her mother may have been killed by humans as she tried rescuing them from drowning, she may also have been captured and sold into slavery.