Karate Island #26

The fight had begun and Tristan began to circle around him quickly with her fast footwork, each step that she took let her avoid the many punches that Jerry sent towards her.

A decisive look appeared in Jerry's eyes as he threw out several quick punches towards where Tristan would appear next but he hit nothing but air.

Tristan used this opportunity to stop circling him and get closer, she rushed in and aimed a punch towards Jerry's stomach after jumping up into the air.

Jerry bent his body using his flexibility to the best of his abilities and threw out another punch which was about to connect until Tristan expertly controlled her body in the air to narrowly avoid it.

Just as he was ready to throw out another, Tristan appeared before him and landed a single strong punch on his stomach.

In that split second of danger, Tristan felt as if she had tapped fully into her instincts and was able to avoid the punch before it came.

She then remembered her training with Alyssia as she stated. 'Minks have heightened senses already which work well with our beast instinct but that is just things like sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing... there is in fact another type which can be used if your will is strong enough and you are able to use it to sense things around you. Come, I will teach you the method to train.'

For a very long time Tristan had suffered at the hands of Alyssia who had beat her with a wooden pole while she had been blindfolded.

At first she had thought that Alyssia was simply playing with her but after seeing Alyssia accomplish it, she kept trying and failing.

That is until the moment when she avoided the punch from Jerry as if she sensed how his body was moving as it bent and the positioning of his arms before he threw out the punch.

Taking a heavy blow to the stomach, Jerry bent forward slightly as Tristan landed and positioned her body under him.

As he bent over, she jumped up delivering a flying uppercut to his face without a shred of mercy.

Jerry fell back and lay on the ground as the countdown began.


Just as the time was running out, Jerry climbed back to his feet clumsily and looked towards Tristan with a fierce look in his eyes.

Around one of his eyes, there was signs of bruising and swelling beginning to form while he looked like he was struggling to remove his groggy state.

A fierce exchange of punches were traded as Tristan dodged many of them but as the fight progressed, she stopped in place and began to meet his barrage of punches with her own.

Fist met fist during their exchange as Jerry made use of his flicker jabs and Tristan matched his flicker jab with her own thunder king fist.

Jerry had a much longer reach and usually had the advantage over his opponents in terms of power and strategy but with each exchange he found himself closer and closer to being at a disadvantage.

Tristan could easy match the speed and unpredictably of his punches with her own but she was able to disperse the force of each punch and push back with her own as she adjusted to his technique.

A look of worry appeared in his eyes as he exerted more force into his next flicker jabs and then he could feel a large amount of pain as his knuckles crashed into a more powerful force and knocked him off balance.

A figure appeared before his eyes before he could adjust himself again, a single punch was thrust forward into his face with more than enough force to cause him to lose the match.

However it was already too late and he could not avoid it, his body fell to the ground and lay there motionless.

"4...7..9..10. Knock out! Tristan wins!"

A small smile appeared on Tristan's face as she was handed the boxing champions belt.

Ann stood up and began to clap her hands together. "It seems that we have two female champions this year. As a fellow female, I cannot help but feel proud."

The male announcer rolled his eyes and coughed. "Indeed.. congratulations to Tristan. Is there anything you wish to say to the crowd? Do you have any goal after this?"

Tristan accepted the Sea Snail and spoke. "Uhm... well...."