Potential and future direction

After gaining further comprehension on how to make use of her power core, Alyssia continued to further grasp its uses with every passing day as she slowly increased the amount refined and stored within.

In her room there was a couple of Thunder Dials, Thunder Balls, Thunder Eggs and many other devices laid out near her in a circle with Alyssia sat in the middle taking calm and steady breathes with her legs crossed in a seated position with her eyes closed.

She focussed on the energy within her power core and circulated it slowly and then increased the pace until a change took place in her surroundings.

As if being driven towards an attractive force, many strands of thunder, Electro and electrical based energies were attracted towards her body as they entered through her front, side or back and continued towards her lower abdomen where her power core was located.

She could feel the quick stinging sensations as they penetrated her body and were then absorbed by the power core and then as she lost concentration, the rotation of energy and attractive force continued for a little while before stopping before returning to its usual state as it began refining the collected energies.

Typically in most martial arts novels that she had read, creating a cyclone like rotational force within the elixir field was the first step to cultivation or the first breakthrough point on the step towards the path of becoming strong.

With an attractive force like that, refining and attracting energy becomes a lot smoother and faster as it also helps to better refine or condense the energy into more high quality energy with more power.

During cultivation and refining of energy or miracle elixirs, the rotational force and breathing methods are used to breathe in the pure air and release the impure air but also help increase the flow of energy throughout the body and the refining of it.

When the energy has become a certain amount and is stable, the point of breakthrough to the next realm is often mentioned as creating a stable and self rotating cyclone of energy which continues even without being formed and controlled to rotate which then helps to refine energy and circulate it through her body without much concentration making everything more efficient.

Alyssia paused after the cycle stopped on its own and then stood up. "I am still far from that stage but there are still other stages mentioned like either the air or particle state, water state, solid state of energy or the typical forming of a core or a specific manifestation of energy shape or form within her body after condensing the energy. Right now the first step may be possible but I may be getting ahead of myself on the rest of it. However it may be possible some day with the right circumstances! But… this method of improving myself can be said to be quite masochistic as I am constantly zapping myself as I refine the energy, temper my body and increase my bodies resistances."

She then walked over to check her notes on her crew members progress during their time away. "They have progressed better than expected and some have even unlocked their Haki so something needs to be done soon about that. Let's see… Aizah and Ashwin have had Observation since young but only really received training on it since meeting me so they could only sense others nearby at most, Jester gained his at a young age and developed it during combat so although he did not have someone guiding him and he did not yet know how to use Armament Haki so Aizah, Ashwin and Jester should mostly be taught mostly towards Observation Haki while receiving the basics on Armament."

She continued after looking through the documents again and pondering. "Liushi and Monera are older than most and have only just met each of the conditions to unlock theirs but I believe that both of them are more suited to Armament so it would be best to let them also grasp a little of Observation Haki too but not place too much importance on it. Yvie is still young and growing so she and Ann too has not unlocked Haki yet and may not unless they meet the right conditions one day do I should focus on their growth towards building their survival and tactics to let them plan ahead and prepare countermeasures. Carrot and Tristan have the most potential for both Haki but they have not yet been in a difficult enough environment where they can push themselves while Nica may be more suited to Observation if she ever leaves her lab… Archie and Clifford would be suited to Armament but they still need to catch up in terms of body stats compared to Carrot and Tristan to be able to meet the conditions to unlocking it. Alfred is much older and weaker but even after his operation, I do not think that he will develop Haki and even if he does, it may be towards Observation while Medea is younger and is caught up in combat a lot more so she may gain it eventually. Ein is too weak and lacks real combat experiences so I need to put her through some training and sparring sessions then there is Pascia who has a healthy and strong body at her young age but also has some future potential which I believe is worth teaching her the basics."

She looked at another part and said. "As for the animals, one of the Kungfu Dugong has potential and it is unknown what Li's potential as right now since she rarely leaves my side or experiences much hardships."

The next couple of weeks she spent with many of them teaching and beating the basics into them after she called many to Baldimore and she had also made a trip to and from the East Blue to the Sea Restaurant with the help of Kuma and collected the Black Leg Style which has various movements to create friction and sparks to set fire to her leg so as she was grasping how to create Diable Jambe or her own version of a fire based special ability, she found that her previous assumption was correct about the ability that did not match with her furry body and could burn her fur and the heat was still affecting her body poorly so she decided that at one point, she must increase her resistances and better learn how to protect her legs with Haki as she could only coat a small location at a time and not spread it out yet.

Luckily she had begun practicing by the sea where she could put out the fire before any damage was done to her.

If she was able to coat her two legs fully and use Iron Body on her legs while gaining resistance to heat and better protection from burns or singed fur, her fire attacks could be gradually expanded to increase her other combined skills power as fire, wind and Electro and other impact forces would be combined into one attack however she found that a protective suit would also assist with the use of the skill as it better protected her so she kept wearing it to practice further to avoid any other accidents.

As Alfred's surgery was progressing smoothly and even as Tristan was no longer needed to monitor the changes being done to him as he was undergoing the same basic operation as Medea which created the inner framework for future modifications or changes being made.

Many mechanical creatures attacked Alyssia and tried to latch onto her as they each tried to unleash an impact attack using dials on their bodies, inject serums and even try to explode upon getting close and Ein was dressed in a metallic suit of armour that looked like a futuristic exoskeleton suit.

As Alyssia kept dodging and escaping the mechanical creatures, she moved closer to Ein at a stable speed allowing Ein enough of a reaction time to allow a counterattack or other response but Ein raised her hand and a gust of wind had been shot from her palm which caused her arm to jerk back a little.

Just as Alyssia dodged it and got closer, Ein activated the built in function in her shoes to step up into the sky quickly as she used the thrusters at the back to move forward quickly and her air palm blasts to help stabilise and change the direction of herself.

She kept launching attacks from above as her small robots were set to attack Alyssia in various ways and some even tried to launch a net or other things to restrain her or halt her movements for a moment like light bursts or releasing of smoke.

However just as it looked like Ein was in control, a pebble flew upwards and struck Ein on her head which was protected by her Exoskeleton suit.

The next moment, Alyssia disappeared from her spot and moved behind her field of vision and jumped up to grab onto her leg as she pulled Ein down from the sky and slammed her into the snow. "Your reactions and tactics are getting better but you still fail when it comes to your overall combat experience and environmental awareness. If that had been a powerful gun or explosive weapon then you would be in great danger if it had the power to break past your suit and even if it was not, it could still create a distraction enough to make you stop for a moment and hesitate which can be exploited by your enemies."

Ein lifted the face covering of the suit and showed her tired and pale face which had bags under her eyes. "I know, I just cannot seem to get used to it all right away."

Alyssia smiled as she spoke. "It is fine since you have not been involved in many conflicts or fights but it is best if you gain experience with many different things."

She then turned to everyone else who was watching and spoke. "After completing the training and when we can arrange someone to take over various things within White Storm until Alfred's recovery, we will go somewhere together or set some places to go as split up teams or something."

She then continued sparring with each of them for a little while longer including the sea creatures like the Kungfu Dugong and her cat named Li which now had better control over its form.

The cat transformed smaller instinctively to avoid her attack and then landed smoothly on the ground and then counterattacked as it grew bigger again when a kick landed on its body sending it flying away but Li seemed to be fine after landing as its body had received a reduced amount of damage thanks to the space suit on its body.

She kept attacking and changing her size trying all kings of tactics and angles to instinctively attack at what she believed to be Alyssia's weakness while many Kungfu Dugong and other sea creatures joined in on the fight and tried to attack once Alyssia avoided Li's attack or blocked it.

Even when she was reducing her abilities to fight with each of them, her overall skill and experience was much too high for them to be able to even put a scratch on her so each time they were defeated when they finally ran out of energy or were knocked out after revealing too big of a weakness or opening.

Alyssia was quite a lenient teacher towards most but if someone made a big mistake which could be fatal to them later in life then she would quickly and ruthlessly act to make them correct it even if it was taught through pain although she was not overly harsh.

Li lay on the ground as she was tired out after being in combat for a long time and using her Lynx Devil Fruit transformations many times.

Each person received her personal lessons and improved from it and gradually they were introduced into sparring with each other as a group of two or as all against all to allow them to handle fights against one person or many with varying tactics, weapons, powers or strengths.

Medea and Jester were very quick to show their individual talents for their age group of humans while Liushi and Monera of the older generation with greater training time and experiences let them be ahead of others in terms of pure physical force and combat or destructive power.

Ashwin had decent potential as a fighter but he much preferred to use his technology to assist rather than relying on brute force while his sister preferred to keep a distance from her enemies to attack with different kinds of projectiles with the addition of arial combat for both of them.

Yvie had slowly gotten over her weak body and was growing up to slowly become strong on her own and her Pop Green and her sniper abilities were improving everyday to suit many tactics while Ann improved her shooting abilities and her control and uses of her illusion picture based abilities while Pascia got used to her own style of combat and the various functions of her own combat suit with mirage and wind based abilities built into the first model.

Each individual that were accepted by Alyssia as potential leaders or direct subordinates under her were progressing towards their own specialisation and improving quickly but Alyssia still had other plans as she quickly arranged for the sea creatures to continue to assist the protection of the transport ships under the White Storm and prepared the group to continue without several people being there.

After a lot of preparation with the assistance of Aizah and Medea, most of Alfred's work was completed for a long time allowing the companies to run without him being there and some light supervision.

With one final checkup on the various employees for any spies and other problems, she gathered many people to prepare to leave to another place as she left her laboratory to Dr Tsukimi as she had gained a strong bond with him during her time on Baldimore.