New Test and Adventure

A little while later, Alyssia flew towards an island just past the Red Line as she continued onwards until she finally landed within the outskirts of the island and passed through many dark and black clouds that were constantly forming a harsh thunder storm which struck at the island below.

As she landed, he began to take many tools from her bag and began digging into the ground within the outskirts of the island upon checking her surroundings.

Occasionally there would be an attack from above but she could easily detect where it was going to land so she carefully avoided each one.

She then took out a device and placed it within the dug up hole and began covering it up as a small amount of it was sticking out from the ground but it was not that noticeable to even the keenest of eyes.

She continued to circle the island as she placed many of the devices in different parts where they wouod not be discovered by the inhabitants of the island before meeting up with Kuma again.

She took one final look at the thunder clouds above and smiled as she saw that her bag was now empty. "Farewell Raijin Island, I will be back often!"

Although she could easily grow thunder balls and thunder eggs but also produce Electro by draining some stamina to help improve the speed of the growth of her power core, she decided that it would be wasteful to use those methods all the time as the weather technology could be used to gain many profitable ventures rather than burning through those potential berries so that she can improve her power core.

Many devices were left on Raijin island to collect the thunder from the nearby thunder strikes onto the island and Kuma had helped her to get there and leave.

His main operations were mostly done in every way and he did not have too long left so in between his missions for the Marines and World Government, he tended to help Alyssia get around to various places if needed.

As she arrived back at Baldimore, there was many females waiting as she landed and among them was Nica who had finally emerged from her laboratory.

Alyssia stepped forward and spoke. "Are you guys ready?"

All of them had their bags packed and nodded so Alyssia made some final trips to gather some things and came back to them carrying a large backpack, her staff, her scythe blades and a couple of sets of metallic compound bows and some other different types of arrows, metal balls and other shaped metallic objects like coins or bullets of different sizes. "Let's all go then!"

Kuma walked towards them and sighed. "I will not be able to appear all that often but I will occasionally try to when I have the time to do so without raising any suspicion from others."

Alyssia nodded as she replied. "No problem."

The next moment all of the females of the group were sent flying for several days until they all reached the same location and touched the ground.

A large forest area was before them, many types of weird mushrooms and a variety of all kinds of beasts but Alyssia spoke first to let everyone get ready to fight. "There are some presences nearby so get ready for combat and protect this position."

Not everyone would have arrived yet and some that had were still a little disoriented after finally landed so she took charge to hold the position to keep everyone safe from any sneak attacks.

Right away many slightly large beasts began to surround and attack the group but suddenly many coins flew out rapidly and struck them in the face and neck as Nica unleashed her railgun based shotgun and assault gun based modified gun.

Instead of a single coin flying at a strong and fast speed as it broke past the flesh with more accuracy, many coins flew with slightly less accuracy as it created more spread out and quick wounds caused to the first beasts body as some that missed had hit a beast by its side.

Ann and Pascia looked at the display of power and revealed a look of shock. "Wow! So cool!"

The beast had one of its eyes destroyed and several coins were embedded into its face and neck area making it bleed heavily while the others were not so much affected but Ann followed up by picking out several pictures and used her powers as Aizah shot off a couple of glitter shots towards a group to delay them.

The glitter scattered and spread obstructing the beasts view for a moment and delayed their advance while some of it got into their eyes, ears or mouth and even some of the wounded beasts wounds,

Pascia began to dance and create a mirage as several of herself were beginning to form in different shapes and sizes as they performed various moves and with a tug of her sleeve or a flick, a gust of wind was sent towards a beast that was coming close.

Ann summoned several versions of pictures into illusions as some were the opposite gender and matching type of animal which sent many into confusion and attraction towards the illusions while some others were released as some predators or prey of their type which made then attack the illusion or become fearful of those higher in the food chain.

As they were distracted, Ann and Aizah had loaded real bullets into their guns and opened fire on the beasts that had become easy targets.

Several seeds were shot into the surrounding ground by Yvie and any beast that passed a certain line were latched onto by several plants that jumped from the ground onto their bodies which distracted them further as they tried to shake them off, another beast attempted to jump over but a trampoline appeared after Yvie fired another shot which allowed the others to land several shots onto its body.

Yvie continued to set many traps and deal with the changes of the battle and occasionally shot a couple of bamboo javelin attacks which heavily damaged the overall morale of the beasts.

Ein flew in her exoskeleton suit and occasionally put down some advanced modifications of a normal animal trap on the battlefield where there were some openings and occasionally sent out a palm wind attack from far away.

Meanwhile many of the melee fighters were stood to the side awaiting their chance but it did not come as they stood there awkwardly or occasionally lent a hand with a flying wind blade, tempest kick or finger gun ranged attack.

Alyssia looked at the overall outcome and shook her head helplessly. 'I thought that I had neglected the ranged or tactical groups a little but now it seems that I have been overthinking. So this is the power of each of their styles combined, these poor beasts!'

Truthfully she felt a little sorry for Monera, Carrot, Tristan and the tiny friend who had joined them named Ting as they did not have much to do besides occasionally provide some additional support from behind or simply watch on the sidelines.

She continued to analyse their combat effectiveness and found that although Yvie was much younger and weaker than the others, she had grown explosively compared to the others which showed her talent as Baby Five's sister in which they had similar talents with using various types of weapons and tactics to beat those stronger than themselves.

As she was fattening up and growing, she became more beautiful and started to resemble her sister even more which let Alyssia confirm her relation for sure.

However the idea of the two meeting would have to be kept for later since Baby Five is still heavily loyal to Doflamingo and has not learned the horrible truth of what they all really think of her.

Alyssia took out several compound bows and arrows then passed them to Medea, Monera and Tristan. "If you need to, use these to provide some additional support until the beasts break past the defences created by the others then you may be able to block their advances."

Carrot was busy practicing the Tempest Kick and Finger Gun from afar which cut or pierced some beasts skin and wounded them from far away so Alyssia did not need to worry about her too much but Monera, Tristan and Medea were left with nothing much to do until a beast broke past the traps set and the various other obstructions but very quickly as Alyssia sat up on a tree branch and watched the battle, many beasts were killed while some fled after suffering some light or heavy wounds. "They really do not need my help here unless they encounter something big and deadly. With teamwork they can tactically overcome many situations, if they remain here then that would be true but much deeper there would definitely be a big difference so we should set up camp around here for now."

Carrot appeared underneath the tree branch as she bounced up and down excitedly. "Sis Alyssia! They have all been defeated!"

Tristan looked to be a little disappointed. "Why did you not help us?"

Alyssia shrugged. "You do not send the boss level character to deal with mobs."

Tristan looked confused. "Eh?"

Alyssia facepalmed as she unconsciously said that. "Um.. I am too strong to deal with such opponents and me acting would only get in the way of each of your experiences and growth… cough!"

Tristan looked like she understood and placed her hand on her chin in thought. "Hmm… you are right!"

Monera looked over and grinned mischievously. "Are you sure that you are not just lazy?"

Alyssia nearly fell from the tree out of shock after hearing Monera's jab at herself. "I swear! It is for all of your own good!"

Medea who was usually cold and stoic couldn't help but reveal a small smile on her face as she held in her laughter. "Pfft! I will believe you for now since even I did not get to do much besides shooting a couple of arrows."

Alyssia looked bored of the conversation and then sighed. "It is time to release the hound."

She took off the large bag on her back and began removing many things until finally something was removed which had '#1' inscribed into it and after making some additional movements she placed it on the ground before herself and the others.

While the females were enjoying their time on their new adventure, the males were left to deal with the security and running of White Storm as they continued their individual training and occasionally visited a dangerous island like Boin Archipelagos to gather supplies and test themselves.