K1 and new crisis

As Alyssia was removing the thing from the bag, movements began within one of the backpacks that were laid out on the ground until the bag was knocked over and many things fell from it along with a couple of open food containers.

The food spilled out of the bag onto the floor and a small cat ran from within the backpack and ran towards Alyssia displaying a look of fawning and slight betrayal. "Meow mew mrow meow! (Mommy, why did you leave me? Let's play!)

However just as Li got closer she was met with the sight of a weirdly shaped metallic object that began to change before her eyes which made her cautious. "Hiss! Meow mrow!" (What is this! An enemy?)

She raised her claws to attack but she received a cold look of disapproval from Alyssia she she brought her claw down and backed away with her head down.

The metallic objects eyes began to light up a neon red as if it had came to life or woken up from a slumber.

Its body then rotated on the spot and began looking at its surroundings. "Master, K1 has detected a new environment with many lifeforms. Can K1 get permission to begin scouting and risk assessment?"

Right as it woke up it began analysing the environment and the lifeforms as it collected as much information that it could pick up to help its master and the voice was like a female version of a robotic voice but it had a slight hint of emotion in it as if it was alive.

The first version of the robot that Alyssia had been made by the combined efforts of Ein, Dr Tsukimi and with some contributions of Nica, Ashwin and Alyssia as a group project.

The outer shell was like a poorly designed chunk of metal that was supposed to resemble a dog a little but it contained many types of technology like the Automata, a small electro generator and other more advanced tools to help it with each of its tasks.

As it was made with the Automata, it was able to learn and improve with time so she had provided it with much information from books like the animal encyclopaedia and other useful things to let it develop as a helper of Alyssia or her companions.

Alyssia nodded in approval. "I approve, everyone be silent."

The little robot began to look at the surroundings while picking up on things with its vision and sound detectors and began analysing everything within range of detection. "Confirmed! K1 has detected many harmless creatures nearby that are no threat to master or her companions and has detected one that is a threat to life. Data confirmed that there is a high probability that the snake is poisonous."

Alyssia calmly listened to it and then asked. "Are you certain there is only one threat?"

The little robot replied. "Affirmative!"

The next moment a coin appeared in her hand and Electro activated as she flicked it towards a direction where there was a bush and blood splattered onto the tree behind it as the snake died without resistance. "Check again, are there any changes?"

The little robot went silent for a while as it was detecting the location of the snake from far away. "Confirmed! The threat had stopped all movement and shows no signs of life! The area is secure!"

Alyssia calmly ordered. "K1, stay in observation and learning mode for now and follow a set path around the camp to enhance your range of detection. Alert me when you are low on power or detect another potential threat or pick up on anything else in the surroundings."

The little robot spun around and the little ears went up and down in an animated way as if it was expressing its happiness and it started to survey the surroundings around the camp that was being set up. "Yes master!"

Meanwhile little Li looked at the little robot with caution and then jumped up onto Alyssia the moment the little robot left her side. "Meeooww!" (Mommy!)

In response to the cats jealousy and fawning looks, Alyssia touched Li's nose and then scolded. "Since you came and decided to cause more trouble… you have to work hard little one."

Suddenly little Li's fur on her back began to stand up as if she felt an ominous premonition towards what was to come so she lowered her head and looked pitiful.

Alyssia grabbed her by the little space suit and tossed her to the ground. "No more slacking for you so you can go play with the others and protect Yvie. Be a good girl please.."

After settling the camp site and going over their supplies that would last them for some time, they all began dealing with the aftermath created by little Li who had been eating and had wasted some of the food while also cleaning up the surrounding beast corpses.

The corpses were quickly cleaned up to be used in a stew that they ate together but since the Minks could not eat furred creatures, the Minks stuck to their pre prepared meals and some snake meat meals.

Tristan collected the poison sac to continue the development of a greater poison immunity solution which she had still been trying to achieve greater results with compared to what Alyssia was using to achieve a small amount of immunity after taking it for a long time.

Occasionally a small animal would stumble into the camp but there would be a stray wild beast that was considered dangerous to the weakest of the group if they let their guard down so the little robot alerted them right away. "Potentially threatening lifeforms approaching, recommending defensive actions!"

The group all started to become alert but found that it was just a boar which made them sigh and Carrot chased it away after defeating it.

Many similar incidents happened which proved the effectiveness and detection abilities of the little robot but suddenly a hurried female robotic voice spoke up. "Emergency! Large life form approaching! Danger! Recommended defensive actions immediately! It is approaching quickly! Chances of escape for all members is low, chances of death high!"

Alyssia coldly looked towards the big thing that was moving towards them at a fast speed. "Well done K1, you get to safety."

The little robot responded and moved away from the direction that the creature was arriving from. "Yes master!"

The large beast appeared before everyone looking ferocious and bloodthirsty as it laid eyes upon the group.

Monera stood there stunned with her mouth open as she said. "You are so persistent!"

Alyssia asked as she was filled with curiosity. "Is this the one you mentioned?"

Monera nodded. "Yes.. it seems to have picked up on my presence and found me. I am sorry for dragging you all into this."

Alyssia quickly gave orders to everyone. "K1 is set to protection mode and your task is to protect the camp. Everyone head towards the sea area not far away. I will delay it for now so run together quickly and set some traps to try to delay it further."

The giant Yuda had climbed onto land and chased Monera down but it was still very deadly on land and able to kill many of them with just a poisonous breathe so Alyssia quickly began to kick several metal balls with her Electro charged feet and they flew towards the Yuda quickly and pierced its body which showed the lethality of the attack.

Although they were not aimed to be fatal, it succeeded in attracting the Yuda's attention to herself to allow the others to flee and make preparations.

Everyone headed to the nearby sea and Monera jumped directly into the water as Alyssia took a longer route and lead it away from the camp.

Each time she was jumping from tree to tree quickly and fully displaying her mastery of her climbing skills and sometimes dodged a poison breathe attack as a mask was put over her face while she rolled on the floor as she landed and then continued to flee.

Occasionally she would kick another metal ball or flick a coin towards the Yuda which was intent on killing her but she just kept leading it to further weaken it from far away but also drain some of the stamina in its body.

As the Yuda started to tire out and caused a lot of damage to the surrounding forest, Alyssia lead it towards the sea area where everyone waited while avoiding the traps as the Yuda triggered many large sized animal traps and bamboo javelins were the first things to attack its body causing it damage.

The Yuda looked at the people far away that were now wearing gas masks of their own and were ready for combat against it but it still coldly looked towards Alyssia and Monera the most compared to the others.

Alyssia shouted. "I have done enough so you all need to be extra careful and finish this. Please do not make a mistake and force me to save you. Monera will provide support from the water, Carrot, Tristan and Medea will attack and keep it occupied while Nica, Pascia, Aizah, Ann and Ein provide support and ranged attacks. Be aware of the breathe attacks direction and do your best not to let it touch your body or breathe it in."

She picked up little Li and stood off to the side as Carrot, Tristan and Medea stepped forward with several flickering lights appearing on their body as they activated their Electro and Medea's thunder based power while the Yuda prepared its attack after suffering several wounds and being pushed back by the bamboo javelins while some beast traps had successfully pierced into its body and was still attached.