Mink Tribe Serums #2

A new change took place on her status window which involved her stats and the bonus stats.

[Expert Leg Martial Arts bonus - +8 Agility, +4 Strength]

[Expert Navigation bonus - +8 Spirit, +4 Intellect]

[Sulong Bloodline Limit Remover bonus - 0.24/4 Agility, 0.3/5 Strength, 0.18/3 Endurance]

She then clicked onto the Sulong bonus points and discovered that the bonus points would slowly unlock the more that she accessed her hidden potential and drew it out while her base stats were the best way to define how much she would draw out and how many bonus points she would receive as her body undergoes changes.

Since the forty points were the limitation of base stats, that is what was considered as one hundred percent of the bloodline as it reaches completion so at fifty percent, it would reach the stage of twenty base stats and reward three agility, three strength and one endurance bonus points while those would be halved again at twenty five percent or adjusted accordingly to whatever percentage had been unlocked.

[Sulong Bloodline Limit - 6% (warning, Sulong transformation will be fully removed from skills upon reaching 100% and Sulong will not provide as big of a boost in power the higher the percentage becomes.), increased senses and battle instincts and Electro limits.]

Alyssia changed back into her original form and there was not that much of a change to her body as she stepped out of the place where she was restrained.

Carrot came forward and inspected her from head to toe then showed a look of shock. "You… your hair!"

Alyssia frowned. "What about it?"

Tristan beat Carrot to it and said. "You have a couple of hairs on your head which have turned slightly grey from the original black. It is not that big of a change, she is just exaggerating."

Carrot looked displeased. "But.. her beautiful black hair is no longer the same!"

Alyssia sighed. "It is just hair.. I expect to undergo much bigger changes in the future so this is nothing."

In her Sulong form, Alyssia mostly gained a Strength and Agility boost while her body was toughened even more so the stats that she had gained from it was in those areas with Strength before Agility then Endurance to be set as a priority but other Minks may benefit from the serum in other ways.

Due to the flaw of the Sulong form which had stamina and energy problems, after fixing that issue there was no room left to grant any bonus stats for stamina since the form did not allow for any stamina boost so no other Mink would receive a boost in stats from the serum in the form of stamina.

After her body had broken past its limitations and settled at around six percent, some of her hairs on her head had changed colour while the rest of her body had undergone very small changes that were difficult to notice at first as she was growing in size and her body was becoming more suited for agility based fights and quick or agile movements while she became a little more mature.

She turned to look towards Tristan and Nica, how long will it be before you can move onto the next person and are you guys sure that you do not wish to go through this?"

Clifford shook his head while Archie looked hesitant but Nica then spoke. "Since you have taken the risk and were the first to undergo the trial… I cannot deny the results of what you have made so I will join you too. To be honest, it would be foolish to let go of this opportunity to gain new power. You all should be aware of the flaws of Sulong and how we are unable to access that power unless the right conditions are in place."

Archie grit his teeth and then spoke. "I will do it.."

Clifford nodded. "Fine, so will I."

Tristan sighed. "Me too but I still do not believe that this is my true path to power."

Alyssia smirked. "It will not stop you from reaching your full potential, if anything it will help you grow a little more while you draw from your potential as you are perfecting your own style of combat."

Carrot cheerfully grinned. "I will go first!"

Alyssia looked down at one of the serums in her hand and the system recognised it as the effects appeared before her and she looked at the details involving the stats granted.

[+12 stat points distributed between strength, agility and endurance stats of the Mink Tribe. The distribution of stats depends on the body type and race of the Mink. Increases the Minks Electro beyond its limitations that are placed from birth.]

In some extremely lucky cases, the stats could all be put towards one stat while others would be evenly distributed among the three stats.

Alyssia had gained her main priority as strength followed by agility and then endurance.

As Carrot was undergoing the same process as her, she had gained a slightly similar distribution but she did not gain as big of a boost to her endurance stats as Alyssia she gained four strength, one endurance and seven agility stats from the distribution which would later be unlocked as she tapped into her hidden potential within her bloodline.

After completing her transformation, she had matured a little more and some of the hairs on her head had become a little lighter as they were turning from her original yellow colour to white a little at a time.

Tristan had gained an even distribution between her strength and agility stats which were both at six without any changes to her endurance.

Nica had gained three endurance, three strength and six agility from her stat distribution.

Clifford had gained a more balanced distribution of stats as he had four agility, four strength and four endurance stats.

Finally Archie had gained the biggest difference in stat distribution from the others as he had seven endurance, four strength and one agility stats.

After they had completed their transformation, they ate a lot of food due to the effects of the serum which had increased their appetite.

Many Minks stuffed food down their throats as if they were members of the Sayain race from the Dragon Ball Universe or had a strong appetite just like Luffy.

Each of them had changed in appearance a tiny bit and the hair own their heads had some hairs that had started to show signs of changing from the original colour as the final result would be the silver white or moonlight white colour that is seen in their Sulong forms.

A new stat window appeared above the power core stat as Electro and was related to her progress with her bloodline limit progress percentage.

As she had only unlocked six percent, she gained 2.4/40 stat points in Electro and since she had unlocked Electro as a stat, her Electro skill was no longer at one hundred percent mastery and reach completion once again upon her reaching the full forty stat points stage while gaining control over her energy again.

However with her many electrical based manipulation skills and her practice with her power core energy, she had the advantage to gain practice with her energy early before she had even had her limits removed.