Masochist on a mountain top

Among the many people of the crew, Nica had been most interested in helping set up an area for the scientists as she hoped to train some new recruits and establish a Raijin rapid defence squad that relied on scientific equipment.

For the two robots that were K1 and Val, they were displaying their enjoyment for the environment as they had a more permanent energy source to recharge their depleted energy.

K1 assisted the crew in everything possible as it had provided a lot of useful information and tips while it helped to save some less cautious people from being struct by the thunder.

Val helped out with heavy lifting and she had tried her best to prevent further damage to the island, the people and the buildings as she absorbed many blasts in the area where she stood but she had been practicing her combat techniques when she had free time.

As a combat based robot, she was learning very quickly from everything Alyssia had programmed into her body and she was able to watch others fight and gain further insights from those battles so she was much faster than humans in her learning speed.

Liushi put and many others had remained under the protection of their weather umbrella or bubbles because their weapons continued to attract thunder to themselves, they had found out very early in the battle against the people of Rajin Island that without their protection, they could have lost the battle if they were a little careless.

Sunila was able to provide the greatest support as many of her metallic arrows had contributed the most damage and tactical support as they had also attracted the thunder towards those who had been impaled.

The performances of Jester and Ann were able to lighten the mood as they both were very skilled in bringing out laughter and joy of others.

Jester had his previous experience from his homeland which he had rarely used since he had joined the crew so he had put on some performances of his own which had brought laughter to many and brought them to tears.

Ann had gained a lot of inspiration from her experienced and she was naturally very understanding of others as she could empathise with them, her newly written songs carried great sorrow and anger within them as they were filled with great conviction but then they switched in the middle as they had transformed into a more hopeful piece of music which allowed those listening to be brought from their dark times.

Her performance had brought many to tears as it had connected with the hearts of those on the island and connected to their many torments and struggles but it had later let them become more joyful and hopeful towards the future.

The darkness that swallowed and consumed them had been understood by others and a light of hope had shone upon it, Ann had created a small spark which would ignite the hearts of many as their lives would be changed forever.

Each of them had their own role to play towards the rebirth of Raijin Island and even Yvie, Ting and Ton were very important as they had provided a lot of knowledge and help towards those wishing to learn more on plant life but in exchange for that knowledge, they had also started researching the many plants, trees and herbs but also the different types of vegetables, fruits and other foods grown on the island that had been able to survive under the thunder clouds.

Nica and Archie had started to receive a little benefit from the environment as their bloodline potential had been stimulated a little and their bodies had been tempered a little by the thunder falling on them but they were not anywhere close to the stage that Alyssia was at.

On top of the highest peak, Alyssia was breathing slowly and calmly as many strikes hit her one after another with every passing moment. "Hu.."

The thunder hit her skin and travelled through her body as it had went towards her core and had been devoured by the energy within the core which was low on energy before it had been transformed into white Electro.

The Electro then travelled back outside her body and joined up with the large amount of energy which had surrounded her body and had been condensed to the absolute limits that she could control and of what her body could handle as the heat had increased.

Even without a friction or explosive impact type of fire technique, she could create heat and fire from her Electro but it was not wise to do so as she still possessed a slight weakness to heat which was not fully resolved even if she had tried to gain better resistance.

She had stumbled upon the method of training by accident as she was increasing her Electro output and gathered it all together as the energy was more compressed and active around her body.

More heat was created from her experimentation with her Electro but too much could potentially burn her fur and cause her weakness or damage to her body so she was careful in how she used it so she had started off small at first and slowly raised it higher over time. 'Kinetic energy gets converted into thermal energy when there is a rise in the objects temperature. When you heat any substance, the kinetic energy increases due to random and rapid movement of all of the particles and during this time in motion, they will collide and produce thermal energy. Using the surrounding gas in the air around me, anything I am in contact with and the clothes, dead skin, dirt or the fur on my body, I am able to use them as the object or fuel to create more heat but this can also be used with other materials or environments to help boost the effects. This mountain top is also a great place to train as there are many ores and materials within it but there is another way to achieve the effects through rubbing powder or liquid onto the skin and hair. However this method depends on the volatility and flammability of each material used. For now this should be more than enough as this is the limit that I can handle.'

The same research had been used towards developing plasma or heated weapons for

A small amount of the Electro gathered around her had also penetrated through her skin and entered her body as her insides were being tempered and she continued to stimulate her bloodline as most of the energy was being used up already and she needed to draw out more.

With the long time of rest, she had not made much progress after unlocking a quarter of her bloodline as she had not really attempted it all that much but upon arriving at Raijin Island, it was almost like she was facing many wooden dams that were blocking off the waters flow and now she had the best tools to break it down to allow the water to move unhindered as the level of the river had risen.

Further behind the broken dam there would be another one that was blocking the way and obstructing the way so after a little eating and rest, she continued with her masochistic training and her strong body was continuing to improve as it slowly approached her limitations but her internal body parts still needed to catch up to durability of her skin, muscles and bones as she had continued to knock down another obstruction after obstruction in her bloodline limit during her time spent up in the mountain top.

Any of the energy around her body was absorbed back into her core and the excess was then sent back towards the thunder clouds or into some storage tools for later use.

She had spent a lot of time reusing the energy as she continued with her training after she had ate the food that she had brought up in a protective bag.

As she started another round of training after a little rest, she thought to herself. 'Tristan is not by my side so I can do this type of training more often! She would surely be nagging me a lot right now. Haaah..'

Unknown to her who was caught up in her own training, many people had come to look at the top of the mountain where the many thunder strikes had been targeted and there was a small glowing figure surrounded by lots of white flickering streaks of Electro. "She really is chosen!"