White Thunder Clouds

Many people from the church had gathered at the bottom of the mountain as they held electrical energy proof or repellent rock tablets above their heads which had been carved into as they bowed down or started praying. "The chosen has decreed that killing and sacrifice is no more, god does not wish for the death of innocents and the church must not become a lynching mob."

Another had raised their tablet. "The chosen has decreed that the seven deadly sins lead to a path of damnation but we should put our efforts into saving those poor souls before we think of abandoning or punishing them."

Another was raised. "The chosen has decreed that living a virtuous life is good but there is always a limit to a humans generosity. One should always be able to take care of oneself and ones family before they can extend a hand to others."

Another had been raised. "The chosen has decreed that as humans we must recognise the difference in other living creatures as each and every one is not the same even if it is from the same species, background or bloodline."

Yet another was raised. "The chosen has decreed that faith is about the belief in something beyond everyones perception and the mysteriousness of the world, fate, unexplainable phenomena and choices of each individual within the infinite chaos. That belief should help provide spiritual relief to the believer and direct them towards the right path and not be used to cause harm to the innocent or commits wrongs in the name of faith or in the name of punishing the wicked. If you commit a sin, confess to a priest and show repentance then you will be truly forgiven."

Many different decrees or rules had been carved on each tablet from her lectures as the church had started establishing its new faith and belief system.

Some were based on her own world but also some were her own or K1's understanding of faith and religious groups so they were rearranged to keep them from lynching people, forming another sacrificial cult or doing any other cultist activities.

Many periods of Earths history has many dark moments where religion is involved and it continued to repeat in new ways even if some acts had been abolished by law so in a lawless world of One Piece, she had to establish a system to prevent the worst possible outcome.

That was the reason why a council had been formed and a ruler was being named so that they could keep each other in check and prevent an abuse of power.

"Hey look!"

"The clouds!"

"My god!"

"How could this.."

"Is the god saying that the chosen one has brought about this change?"

"Can we be saved if we wholeheartedly follow the chosen one?"

"Aaah! Praise! Praise the chosen!"

"Praise the holy saintess!"

Above their heads within the large thunder clouds, a change had taken place as the area above the mountain top had been filled with white Electro as it had continued to spread outward a little at a time after Alyssia had finished her training and had chosen to disperse the rest of her energy.

The result of her action had sent most of the thunder that had been converted into Electro back into the clouds above and the more that she had done so, the more of it had been gathered each time she was struck by ordinary thunder and she then released it.

It was as if the skies above were becoming solely her domain and the island itself was becoming her own personal weapon if she could harness and control that power but for now, she could only use it to recharge her energy as she attracted it towards herself or keep backup Electro stored up in the sky until she needs it with the help of her core but there was also her staff which could be used to trigger thunder strikes.

In the eyes of many, she had created a miracle but it was partly just an accident that happened as she was training but many would later tell the tale of when the thunder turned white.

More time had passed on the island as everyone had been kept busy with something but in other parts of the world, there was some confusion because of Alyssia's disappearance along with her ships that were no longer within Paradise.

Several spies had reported back to their bosses as they voiced their worries and speculations while others had started coming up with their own theories.

Since she and her fleet of ships had been able to carefully navigate under the water and avoid many Marine ships and stay out of the sight of G5, they still had not been discovered and they would stay out of sight until somebody starts actively looking.

Although she was not yet seen as a true danger to the World Government and the Marines due to her past actions and deeds, they had still planted spies around to keep watch over her and her crew so that they could keep track of and learn more about her to prevent any future problems but her ability to identify a spy was very easy so she had been able to disappear without alerting them.

The island which Smoker had chosen to ambush the Straw Hats after they left Fishmen Island was already taken under her influence without them realising and another event had happened on Raijin Island as some spies placed within the island had tried to report those changes.

Several mysterious deaths had taken place ever since Alyssia's arrival but many of them were believed to be suicides like the ones in the past as they had been carefully arranged that way but a select few knew otherwise.