Bigger Picture

As Alyssia had spent her time on the top of the mountain, there was a lot of her hair which had been singed or burned up even if it was very resistant to Electro, the heat was very high so she had burned up most of it on her body and the top of her head.

Her appearance looked a little weird and her skin was slightly blackened but her strong and durable body which was at or above Admiral or Emperor level remained unharmed even if she had suffered from the feeling of weakness from the heat, she was not burned from that level of heat and energy that surrounded her body.

She walked to the bag which had been placed far away and she took out a small mirror which had shown her messy appearance. "Oh my… so this is what I look like without my hair. I just look like a bald animal in the shape of a human but I still need to wash up a bit before I can see what lies beneath."

She took out her weather pole and started summoning rain as the clouds above had absorbed enough weather balls to allow a heavy rain to fall on her for long enough of a time to clean her body. "Urk.. not much better but thankfully I came prepared."

She then rummaged through the bag again and pulled out a small container that was filled with a medicinal solution and then poured it down her throat.

The fur on her body started to grow back out on her body as the shorter hair on her body had regrown and the hair on her head had grown out as it hung down to her lower waist. "I need another hair cut but this should be more than enough."

Among the recipes among the many Nightin from the World Pirates in particular and others doctors, chemists and scientists had been gathered by Alyssia, there was rejuvenation recipes to allow older people to turn back to their prime or allow weight loss and many others but among them was a hair growth recipe that she had developed.

With the combined knowledge that she had collected, she had been able to easily make one that could help regrow the fur on her body along with the hair on top of her head.

During the six months, she had accomplished much and had even started researching into many different new fields as she had gathered many more from different scientists, doctors, chemists and so on so her knowledge had been further expanded.

Even the knowledge obtained from Caesar Clown had helped to further expand upon the possibilities of what she could do as she had started to look through it.

If she wanted to, she could easily reproduce a deadly gas, poison or disease that could wipe out an entire island with little resistance but she had chosen to take a different route which would be more useful to herself or benefit others before causing harm but she did not have a certain piece of important knowledge from someone else in the world who had very high mastery of those areas as they were able to invent their own unique weapons.

Alyssia then took out a pair of scissors as she cut her fringe to allow herself to see better. "Good! No more having a creepy Sadako appearance."

A smile formed on her face as she put everything away and she started to make her way down the mountain.

She briefly closed her eyes to check her progress on the character window and it had showed that she was still a point away for to reach her limitations for each of the stats related to her physique but she knew that she was slowly edging closer.

During her time up the mountain, she had definitely made great progress towards that goal and she had slightly increased her internal durability, bloodline limit and resistances while she was doing so.

However during the time that she was training and climbing down, within several locations there was a figure that had crept into a secluded area as they carefully watched their own backs and looked around as they moved.

One in particular had arrived at the location of a small run down and destroyed hut in the forest area which had been damaged by the weather.

They started rummaging through the ruins and moved the debris out of the way until it had been cleared out of the way as they found what they were looking for.

Their hand went down and grabbed onto the floor as a stone slab had been pulled up and moved which revealed a tunnel.

They were walking down the poorly lit tunnel until they found themselves in a small room where a box had been there for a long time and had gained a lot of dust and dirt on it.

The person took out a stone key and place it into the hole as it was turned to reveal a communication type of Sea Snail within as there were some strange looking flakes around it and a little water within to allow it to sustain its life even when sealed inside.

Just as they were about to reach for it to activate the Snail for their own purpose, they felt pain as something hit the back of their neck. 'No.. I am sure I..'

Brief moments of their life had flashed before their eyes as they recalled their parents and grandparents wishes and goal who had long been residents of the island, they all carried out the orders of those they followed through every generation and he had come to realise that he had failed in his duty before he had died.

There are many types of spies as they have different ways of working and different tasks to fulfil.

There is the most basic and recognisable spy who is used for assassination, stealing, destroying an influence or stronghold or spying on the enemy but there are also those who are even deeper under cover as their sole purpose is to remain in place their whole life and occasionally report in when a change takes place around them.

Some may even have higher positions as they help to manipulate certain events as they have been able to climb up to a position of power and can steer the island towards a path that would be beneficial for others.

The best way to accomplish that would be to have orphans or slaves without an identity and raise them to be loyal spies, they would be sent to each location to live an ordinary life or to rise up to a certain position depending on their abilities but there are always those that have been involved in a long term plan which could stretch out for many generations.

An individual with no identity which had been trained would be sent to a place like Raijin Island many years ago and had been taken in by the locals during a time when they were more peaceful or some were brave enough to help someone who was in need of it.

Usually a shipwreck and losing their parents or memories was an excellent excuse to allow them to integrate with the island and then as they have children of their own, they would raise them to carry out the same duty they had while the tools they use would be stashed away before they were discovered or passed on later through some secret channels.

Many of those on the island did not need to do much and just live out their lives but when a large event had took place, they had to report it and that was all but those in power were much more dangerous as they could have the power to change things themselves.

It was beneficial for the World Government and Marines to have the Raijin Island as it was even if they had attacked Marines or innocents because they would play a big role in killing many pirates and dangerous criminals without any need for a reward so they were essentially doing others work for them without any reward.

They had lasted long and had not been targeted because they were still useful in a way but the moment that they were about to lose, they would be left to perish without a single bit of help.

In a closed off island that had been shaped to be hostile to strangers, it had become the perfect breeding ground for a battle site within the world to prevent others from entering deeper into the New World before their Log Pose could adjust to allow them to travel to the next destination.

Perhaps similar tactics had been employed in different ways on the other two islands closest to the Red Line which allowed a better defensive line that was difficult to cross for even a decently sized or powered crew.

Jester appeared as he walked through the passage and entered the room and removed the throwing knife from the body. "Sorry but the boss ordered that this cannot be leaked. So we cannot allow witnesses and those which wish to pass on the news."

In many other locations throughout different times while Alyssia was training, there had been many similar assassinations by Jester and many other stealthier crew members as they had been assigned to watch and follow after certain individuals who had some skillsets that were suited to spy or agent.

Many secret bases had been discovered and destroyed one after another after the assignations had taken place and the Sea Snails were all taken away as they were later set free back into the sea.

Luckily the Sea Snails were only those that had been one way communicators as they would only be able to make a call to others and not receive them so there was not any danger of those behind the scenes attempting to call and noticing something wrong.

Many of the deaths were later staged as accidents or suicides and each of the spies had been placed out in the open or within their homes when they were found by people but very few people had suspected their deaths to be murder due to the rate of suicides on the island that had happened recently.

The threat had been eliminated but there were always many forces working in the dark and hiding among the crowd as they worked as Cypher Pol's or others hands and feet.

What had been removed was just a small piece of what was spread around the whole world and if someone were to discover that truth and take a look at the much bigger picture presented then they may become frightened after they discover the truth to many events in history that had happened or were happening at present in each place due to that influence.

Even if an island was not part of the World Government, it did not mean that they were free to develop as they liked or within their full potential as they would only be seen as a potential enemy for many so it was better to lead some civilisations towards a path of self destruction if they had been deemed as a threat but before that, they would be spied on from within.