Back at Paradise #1

Meanwhile within Baldimore, there was a change taking place within the higher ranks of the island as events were being influenced in an unfavourable way for the Creation members that remained there.

Dr Tsukimi had noticed a strange atmosphere in the council and how his fellow elders had been behaving.

He took an old friend aside and asked. "Is there something wrong? What is happening with all of you? You are behaving strangely."

His old friend hesitated before speaking. "Old friend, if you want to live out the last couple of years of your life in peace then you need to keep your distance from the Creation Union and their activities from now on. I do not know the details but whatever is to happen will be related to them. The other elders.. they are not usually like this. It is as if…"

Dr Tsukimi then nodded. 'As if they are being influenced by someone else and have a backing so they believe they can act as they please. Sadly they do not quite understand who they are offending.'

Baldimore had become slightly more prosperous under the assistance of the White Storm and the Creation Union so they were quite reliant on them in the past but there were always those that would be swayed by those in high power to act for short term benefits.

If the elders of Baldimore believed they could swallow up the Creation Union with that support then they would turn against their biggest supporters, there would be an even bigger chance if other promises were made to allow that outside influence to take over the trade so they could avoid the long term losses.

One of the things that Alyssia had feared was that those staying on one of the islands would soon be targeted by those with high positions on that island.

While there was some support on Baldimore from Dr Tsukimi, his power was limited to prevent such a thing from happening and it would put him in danger if he openly went against it.

There was also the possibility of those within Creation Union being approached and influenced to act against the group itself and put them in a disadvantageous position.

After returning home, he called Ein on a secure line. "My disciple.. I have some bad news. It would be best if you take some time to look over all of the activities of Creation."

Ein was silent for a while and then answered. "I know. Thank you teacher."

Dr Tsukimi continued. "I do not know what they have planned but it is something that can allow them to remove Creation from Baldimore, destroy their reputation or swallow them whole. Be careful."

Ein coldly replied. "I will but you should not get too involved. Stay home with your Automata. They will protect you."

Dr Tsukimi then hung up the call and let out a sigh. "Trouble is coming and there is very little I can do to help. Perhaps it is time.."

Dr Tsukimi came to a decision right away then had a look of determination on his face as he started to rummage around in his home.

On Rica Island, Ein did a quick inspection of the Sunken Castle to find any abnormalities but she did not find anything so she called many people together. "From now on, you will cooperate with the Automata to ensure the area is kept safe and there are no problems. If there is anything suspicious, tell an Automata about it."

She then went to the docks and boarded a ship to head back to her homeland at the fastest speed possible.

As if she had been kept watch over and it had been prearranged, several large unmarked ships came from every direction and surrounded her own ship.

Just as she was about to walk towards her mechanical suit, she heard several loud bangs and could feel something enter her lower back from behind.

Ein turned around and saw one of her followers with a look of guilt on their face. "You.."

Several gunshots went off and they passed through her body, someone stood over her body. "I am sorry but orders are orders."

Ein then moved and got up lazily after a short act of being dead. "There was no blood and you believed it so easily. Fools."

Her hand stretched out and everyone that had betrayed her were covered in a white foam that quickly solidified. "I really would have died here if Alyssia did not make those preparations."




If Ein did not have a Logia body type then she was one of the most vulnerable people within the White Storm and the best way to kill her would be to catch her by surprise.

Coercing her companions to betray here when she was at sea was a an obvious choice since there would be a lack of evidence to point out who was behind it.

It could also be blamed on others so even if someone came to seek revenge, they may target the wrong people.

Ein then walked towards her mechanical suit, the back of it opened a little and her body entered the small opening before it closed again. 'If one of them had a Sea Prism bullet, weapon or possessed Haki then I would have been in trouble. I need to be more careful from now on.'

Her body reformed inside and her gaze turned cold within the mechanical suit. "I am not in a very good mood right now. Although most of my inventions were built to restrain and not kill, I now understand why Alyssia is so fond of making such dangerous things."

The blasters activated on her legs, back and arms as she took off into the air, she started releasing a large amount of foam within the suit and sent it towards the container within.

She stretched out her hand and pointed it towards the ship below. "This is my latest modification. Enjoy it!"

Instead of a laser, a wind blade or some kind of other force that came from her palm, it was instead the foam.

The foam that was fired was still in its liquid state and with the modification she had made, it shot out a powerful burst of the foam as it sprayed all within its path and then quickly solidified.

It had some similarities to the Cidre Guild's soda technology that shot out powerful blasts of soda but she had added some other technologies to allow it to work and be more powerful with her own Devil Fruit abilities.

If her powers had a weakness then it would be its long range firepower and lack of damage it could do but when she was in her mechanical suit, those weaknesses no longer remained and she had an extra layer of protection and tactics available.

The ships that had come to attack did not know how to combat her and struggled helplessly.

The gunfire continued to bounce off her mechanical suit without being harmed as she flew from ship to ship and quickly subdued everyone.

Although Ein had been able to survive and defeat her enemies, she was not feeling good about it in the slightest as she landed back on her ship. "Those of you that have not betrayed the White Storm and Creation. Now is your chance to prove it by destroying those enemy ships!"

She then came before the subdued traitors and set the foam blaster to its highest setting. "Alyssia once said that traitors should be killed, while there are opportunities to help you live and make up for that betrayal.. you do not deserve that chance. If I really died then she would have found you all and slaughtered you in the most painful way possible so this is my answer to your betrayal."

A single burst came from her hand as it touched their foreheads which was much more concentrated and short as it was released.

The foam did not yet have the chance to solidify as it shot through the forehead of the traitor and she continued to do the same to the others. "You have all been given opportunities others would never get in their lives within the White Storm. Why bother ruining it?"

After sentencing everyone to a quick public execution, their ship continued onwards and sent many cannons towards the ships they passed by.

Ein stood at the front of the ship in her mechanical suit. "Attack all that try to attack or slow us down from now on."

She had a bad feeling about the situation in many places whether it was Baldimore or back at Rica Island but she knew that her Automata could be trusted to handle the things back at Rica Island so she continued towards Baldimore.