Back at Paradise #3

Ein opened the metal door and looked at the many armed Marines that were standing there along with some of the elders.

She met the eyes of several elders and smiled knowingly. "You have all come here.. for what exactly? You had better have a good reason otherwise you will have to fully explain your actions and compensate us for your rudeness."

One of the elders met her eyes and then lowered their head to avoid her gaze. "We have many reports that Creation is involved with many illegal activities. We can no longer look on as these things continue to go on."

The marine stepped forward and had a fierce look in his eyes. "Are you going to move out of the way? We need to inspect the lab."

Ein stepped to the side and allowed them to enter but as they passed her said in a low voice, "I and the White Storm will remember this great disrespect. We will be expecting your apology and your compensation. Oh and elders… do not expect to gain anything from this as you are now on your own. Baldimore will be cut off from receiving support, I bet those promising you support will not be happy with your failure huh? I doubt they will keep their end of the deal."


"We will see!"

She suddenly thought of something and she quickly ran to appear in front of them before they could enter the room.



"Out of the way or we will have to use force!"

Ein smirked and said. "You are too much in a hurry. First I need a guarantee that you are not bringing in anything from outside, I do not wish for anything to be planted within the lab by one of you so please leave anything here before entering."

The marine looked more fierce as he looked down on her. "You honestly expect us all to leave behind everything? What about our weapons? This could just be a trap you have set up!"

Ein crossed her arms and leaned against the entrance to the main laboratory area. "You can bring your cold weapons but no guns or explosives. There are many sensitive materials inside."

While the guns were left behind, many carried their swords and other metallic weapons inside with them while everyone had to agree to her request.

They all emptied their pockets, left their bag behind and removed anything within their clothing after being patted down by the scientists.

Ein smiled after they were done and welcome them. "This is the lab.

.. take your time to look around but do not damage anything otherwise you will have to pay for the damages."

"She is so rude."

"So arrogant!"

Ein adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose and commented. "It is you that came here to cause trouble. I am innocent."

A little while later the marines had finished searching all over and found nothing suspicious as they had been informed.

Some came to the fierce looking marine and whispered in his ear so the fierce looking marine looked unwilling at first before stomping out of the room leaving the elders behind.

They all had a look of embarrassment on their faces as they stood there wishing to leave quickly. "Ein.. we really did hear it from a reliable source."

"We did not wish to believe you were capable of such a thing but we had to check."

Another crossed their arms and let out an angry tone of voice. "Tsk. So what if they found nothing? It just means that she destroyed it before we got here. She will slip up next time if she is really guilty."

Ein shook her head as she coldly answered them. "There will not be another opportunity. You all really are a bunch of old fools. You greatly disappoint me. So much for making Baldimore a better place and advancing it enough to allow everyone to live happily. One chance is given to you to betray others just to climb up or gain more power and you take it without hesitation. That is not wishing for everyones happiness but only your own."

Ein then added in a colder tone. "Baldimore the future country? Hah what a joke. I think that this place will soon become a place of the past. No wonder Vegapunk was in such a hurry to leave this place behind. You all lack vision!"

The hatred of her own homeland and her fellow people had reached its peak as her disappointment was immeasurable. "You can all rot for all I care."

"You are so rude!"

"How dare you say such things!"

"What does a youngster like you know?"

Soon their voices faded as Ein walked out and headed back towards the area she left her mechanical suit.

She stood on the spot and looked over Baldimore with a look of sadness and loneliness in her eyes. "I thought they were wise and respectable people but they are still just human. Their betrayal is nothing out of the ordinary. They just took their chance to climb higher or chose a way to protect themselves."

Ein then flew towards Dr Tsukimi's home where she was met with many familiar Automata. "Teacher. I have arrived."

Dr Tsukimi opened the door and then pointed towards several large bags. "Hello my disciple. Help this old man carry his things will you?"

Ein revealed a look of surprise. "Teacher what is the meaning of this?"

Dr Tsukimi sighed. "With everything that has happened over the years, I have grown tired of this place and its failures. I want to spend the rest of my life living in comfort and help my student with her research. The first failure was letting the Marines have a presence on the island which have interfered with many things, the second would be the failure to manage the scientists and their ambitions which nearly lead to your death then the final failure is done by those within the elders. I can no longer remain here and continue to support a country that does not wish to learn from its mistakes and continues to go down the wrong path. Especially when it means that my prized student will be defamed or harmed. I need to repay Alyssia for everything too, those fools are too ungrateful."

Ein's eyes sparkled. "Master! I will gladly take you with me!"

Dr Tsukimi smiled kindly. "That is the spirit! You look better like this, no need to continue being gloomy over what has happened. I have already posted my resignation letter so I should be officially removed from the elders position once they get it."

The Automata behind him had carried a couple of the bags as they headed to the docks where the ship had eventually arrived.

Several people were busy moving everything from the laboratory and Dr Tsukimi's home as they boarded the ship but it did attract a lot of attention from those living on the island.

Many of the elders noticed that Ein was speaking the truth and they had later found out about Dr Tsukimi leaving too so they came to plead with them.

"Why would you leave?"

"You should stay."

"This is your home."

"We are sorry about before!"

"We had no choice!"

Dr Tsukimi looked at many of his old companions and sighed. "Old fools. Farewell and good luck. Perhaps with us not around, you may actually wake up and realise what you have missed out on. By then it will already be too late."

His voice carried helplessness and sadness as he spoke and he then turned his back on them as he boarded the ship.

Unknown to many others, there was a pair of eyes that was watching from far away as he looked at Ein's mechanical suit and the Automata that accompanied Dr Tsukimi. 'So cool! Super!'

Franky was still on the island and was studying Dr Vegapunk's old research blueprints as his two year break had yet to come to an end.

While he had made the occasional trip off the island to gather materials from different places like the black market, he had returned and mostly spent his time in seclusion as he was busy creating new inventions and was working on himself.

He would not have come out but he had heard the commotion on the island so he had no choice but to go and investigate.