Fog #3

Another figure was wandering around the fog and began to display similar symptoms as they experienced their own personal form of hallucinations.

It was a bear Mink that was around the age of four and there was an attractive scent which lead him to wander forward and he picked up something in his arms.

It was a younger version of Archie who had picked up a beehive which had fallen onto the ground and had begun to lick the honey that had been produced by the bees.

He was so immersed in the sweetness of the honey to pay attention to the buzzing noises around his as many bees had swarmed around him.

Archie was stung many times by a couple of bees and yelled out in pain. "Ah! Mm.. ouch! Mm.. gah! Roar!"

He seemed to be too caught up in the scent and taste which had made him not be able to defend himself. "Mm.."

He continued licking the honey from the beehive as he was stabbed by many more. "Mm.. shlik.. ah.. mm.. shlick.. ouch!"

It was a less complicated hallucination he had experienced but it only continued to worsen as the swarm grew much larger and the honey inside seemed to be never ending.

It was a mixture of his own personal fantasy mixed with a nightmare.

The pain he could feel from each sting felt very real just like Jester who had experienced some kinds of phantom pains.

The wounds appeared on each of them within their hallucinations and they recognised that they were hurt so their brain was telling them they were hurt which tricked them into feeling the pain.

Soon Archie had many tiny holes in his body and his body was puffing up within his hallucination but outside he looked completely fine.

The only thing that was different in reality was that Archie held a rock in his claws and was licking it constantly while he occasionally yelled out in pain while his body had jolted or rolled from the pain he felt within the hallucination.

While Yvie had experienced their own personal nightmares, Archie had experienced both pain and pleasure.

His own hallucination did seem familiar to him as he thought to himself for a moment before he was attracted by the honey once again. 'This has happened before? I am sure of it. Hmm.. yum..'

What he had failed to remember was a time when he was younger and was attracted by the enticing honey but was stung very badly and needed to be treated due to the severity of the amount of bee stings he had received.

It was a traumatic memory for him who was very young at the time and the hallucination was based off that moment. "Ah! Aaah, aaargh! Mm.."

The difference was that he could not escape further torment and was trapped within the role of eating the honey that was never ending and could not pull himself away to escape the pain that was inflicted upon him.

Their individual actions within the hallucinations was gradually causing the group to split up from their close formation.

Some had begun to run or walk in a random direction, some headed deeper into the fog and others stood or lay in place while only moving a little from their original position.

In another hallucination within the fog there was a thirteen year old female dog mink, delight was in her eyes and her tongue had stuck out the side of her mouth as drool fell down to the ground.

There was a skeleton that was opposite her that was laying on the ground and she had dived forward to bite down onto it.

As soon as her teeth bit down on the bone, it had suddenly disappeared from her sight and her mouth bit down on nothing but air. "Huh? Where did it go?"

Her face showed how confused she was and then turned her head to look around until she finally caught sight of the skeleton. "There!"

Her face returned to absolute joy and she dived towards the skeleton repeating the same actions but was met with the same result of before. "Hm?"

Wanda was very frustrated and started to look around again, her emotions switched between frustration, confusion and pure joy many times as the same thing kept happening. "Nom! Huh? Where is it?"

It was like she was caught up in an endless loop of trying to bite onto the skeleton bones but could never reach them and she could not stop herself from attempting to catch it.

Outside of the hallucination, Wanda was diving around and biting down onto air and almost jumped head first into a tree or rock a couple of times but a certain robot caught her before she hurt herself.

Val looked towards the actions of everyone and recorded everything but she couldn't help herself in making a comment towards what she had witnessed. "So strange."

It was not just Val who had her hands full with the reckless actions of those that had been experiencing hallucinations since Alyssia was making sure that each of them did not do themselves or others any harm.

Alyssia watched them displaying many kinds of emotions and actions while she was trying to figure out what each of them were experiencing. 'Hmm.. it is easy to guess what Archie and Wanda are experiencing. Jester and Yvie seem to be caught in a past trauma but I think I can understand enough about what they are experiencing.

Is it abandonment by her mother the source? What about Jester then? Is this related to his habitual or permanent smile that he always has on his face no matter what? How about the others? Let's see!'