Sengoku’s Thoughts

Alyssia had responded before walking away with those that had accompanied her. "You do not pay enough to make me attracted enough to join."

She had left that remark behind as she had left which had caused Sengoku and the others to ponder over the meaning behind it.

It was not like Alyssia had a complete disdain for the Marines and in fact, she admired those within that could still stay on the right path even with all of the internal and external factors that were making them have to make difficult decisions.

There was corruption within mixed with all kinds of clashing view on justice that created a toxic environment which made it difficult for people to rise up in rankings if they did not know how to follow what their superiors had ordered and did not have some kind of backing behind them.

Any organisation could suffer from the same things but it just depended on who was running it and how much they cracked down on it before it became a bigger problem.

When they had so many posts spread out around the different seas, it made it far more difficult to control everything smoothly so it was even more expected for there to be problems that would be difficult to find right away.

The business of Alyssia was still growing and had yet to develop problems of that magnitude since it was only mainly developed in the first half of the Grand Line while it was still developing within the New World.

Most of what had allowed her to reach her present state where she could turn down the Marines and could do such things was due to the perks that the system had provided and the talented allies that she had acquired.

If it had been in other circumstances then it would have been far more difficult for her to reach her present state even with knowing knowledge of future events and having enough to nurture those around herself besides bringing out her own potential.

If it had not been for her system then her choices would have been very different from the beginning and she would have chosen the most obvious option of all so that she could make the best use of the available opportunities that were in the world.

Becoming a pirate would be full of dangers and there would be a lack of opportunities to grow herself and others without encountering dangers while there was a big issue with being unable to pick up decent techniques.

Everything would have to be learned from scratch and built up so she may have had to move from Zou at an earlier age to train somewhere else.

If there was one place to gain the best training, experience and special techniques then it would be the Marines unless she had chosen to ally herself with the Happo Navy of Kano Country but even then it could be difficult to be taught the Impact Fist.

Most others that were given the same circumstances would have jumped right towards the Marines without hesitation due to the opportunities they could get so long as they knew how to rise in the ranks well and were diligent enough.

Alyssia believed that if she were in that kind of situation then she may have made that same decision so it was a blessing that the system had been there for her.

If she was given the opportunity to join the Marines in her present state then she would and had declined right away due to there being no benefits to her joining them.

There may have been some hidden benefits involved somewhere but it was not really all that worth it when she would be ordered around by others to deal with their own problems especially when she would gain more benefits just from her own business.

The defeat of Garp would spread out in the future thanks to the pictures that had been taken by those that had been with her which had been brought as a form of insurance so that could be used if the Marines tried to do anything funny and attempted to cover up his loss.

Since there were many bets placed for her winning then those could be claimed once the news had spread but if it did go wrong then it was simple to provide the pictures as proof to fix things.

The biggest bonus was that any small time groups would begin to hesitate before being influenced by others to attack the White Storm in any way since they had someone so strong within the group that could even defeat Garp.

Once it had spread out further, there would be a further increase in those that would want to work for or with the White Storm in various ways while more people would be making requests to the mercenary and adventurer section of the business.

The downside to that was that while there would be some that would be put off by such things, her new fame would create different kinds of effects around the world that would cause the bigger powers to begin making their own plans against her.

Once Alyssia was gone, Sengoku had stood with a thoughtful look on his face before scolding Garp. "You just contributed to the creation of another monster.. the only upside that I can see from that is that while she is still very young to reach the peak.. she has already hit her limit."

He knew that Alyssia was very talented and had surpassed Garp in his present state so she was at the peak or was close enough to it but it was difficult for her to go much further than that.

The only way for her current power to grow any further was to gain a Devil Fruit that was considered as a mythical, legendary or god tier and that would be very difficult to find or if she was able to awaken the hidden potential within the Devil Fruit she could eat in the future.

By normal standards, that was the only way to improve further at the current state that Alyssia was in but she was still considered as a monster by Sengoku to the point that she could be put into the same ranks as Big Mom and Kaido.

When someone was that powerful and attracted that much attention, there was bound to be some events that would take place following that so he had extended the offer to Alyssia right away.

Garp had shook off the dust and dirt on his body before complaining. "I could use a good doctor but first.. why would you suddenly invite her to join?"

Tsuru caught on to the thoughts of Sengoku and explained. "We will not be the only ones that will be fearful of or attracted by her display of power and not everyone will be so willing to ask nicely.. now that we have extended that offer, she can think it over."

Sengoku nodded in agreement. "I need to consult Borsalino about this before I report this back to Sakazuki. He will be able to handle the news better and will be able to help forming a future plan of action. First we should figure out if we can pull her under the Marine flag or to be able to coexist in some way."

While Alyssia had declined and expressed some disapproval towards the current state of the Marines, it was not like there was no hope for both sides but there needed to be some kind of beneficial relationship or attractive offer that could make Alyssia attracted enough to work with them or for them.

Sengoku believed that it was better to have her as an ally rather than a potential rival or enemy and there were other dangers included if she happened to be pulled towards another opposing force.

Even if Alyssia had told him right away that she wished to remain independent from other forces, there could always be things that could happen which could make her change her mind.

Garp frowned. "Guess you are going to put your heads together to plot again. Leave me out of it."

Sengoku glared towards him. "Sigh… this is your fault."

Garp walked away holding his injured shoulder. "It could not be helped.. that kid would have found a way to reach the peak even without me. I just helped to speed it up a little."

Sengoku's eyes widened before he had chased behind. "You mean… you think that she will go after 'Red Hair' Shanks?"

Garp sighed. "If she had not got the chance to fight me then she would have jumped towards others and the only available people would be Kaido, Big Mom and Shanks for her to be able to improve from her previous state."