Battle Conclusion

The conclusions that Sengoku, Tsuru and Garp had come too were not too far off from what Alyssia had intended to do from the beginning.

There were few that could contend with her present state and the only ones that could allow her to grow further were those with peak or above abilities.

Martial artists at the very peak of Haki, technique and physical capabilities were very few so there were much fewer that could present a challenge for Alyssia.

There did exist some calamity or monster grade individuals in the world that would present a challenge but it was far more difficult for her to gain the chance to fight them in a fair battle.

Even if she did win the battles, it was likely that the other party would not simply sit back after being defeated and would bother her later.

Challenging Rayleigh who was past his prime would have sparked too much attention and attracted too many eager forces that would be waiting to see him in a more vulnerable state so they could take advantage of such a given opportunity.

It did not matter if she won such a duel since it was likely that she would get caught up in whatever trouble the presence of Rayleigh would attract.

There were few people that were past their prime but had such a high mastery over three types of Haki and fighting techniques that could help Alyssia take the next step forward.

If it had been someone in their peak state like Shanks then it was more likely that the battle may have been decisively ended by him early on and there was a chance that Alyssia may have been injured by him if she was even more unlucky.

It was not that she could not fight against such people but it was that Alyssia was severely restricting herself in battle to be able to help improve her own Haki mastery.

If the gap was much too wide then all the preparation and training done before may not have been enough especially if it was someone like Shanks who not only had peak abilities and Haki but wielded a high grade sword.

It was likely that Griffon would be used against her right away and it would be far more difficult to avoid injury when she was restricting her own capabilities so Garp was the best choice for purely a physical fight.

If Garp declined the battled and she absolutely had to fight Shanks then all she could do was to prepare further and delay the battle unless she chose to forgo her pure physical battle and instead confronted him just like she did with Mihawk.

In her battle with Mihawk, Alyssia did not always use her physical abilities and chose to use her weapons and weapon techniques to be able to reduce the harm done to her so it was something that she would have to do if she went up against Shanks who was a more difficult challenge for her than Garp even if he was missing an arm.

Big Mom may have been a good choice too but she was much too slow in her present state for her to be that big of a threat to Alyssia unless she chose to slow herself down further to clash with her.

The main concern of Alyssia was the use of the Soul Devil Fruit and her techniques using Prometheus but the rest would not really force her to use any kind of techniques beyond what had been shown against Garp.

The biggest issue that Alyssia had against fighting Big Mom was that her Electro or other elemental type techniques or powers could be used against her if Big Mom had decided to use her Soul Devil Fruit to create a new Homie so she would have to hold back the use of them.

Kaido was someone that was considered as another target for challenging besides Garp or Shanks but his Fish Devil Fruit that was the model Dragon had pushed him past the peak in some areas.

At the end of the day, Big Mom and Kaido were big presences of the world that would hold their positions until the big conflict in Wano.

If Alyssia fought them so soon then it was likely that she could provoke too much change and cause them to grow further to the point that they would be even more troublesome later.

Alyssia did not yet wish to bring change to the world or to disrupt the current balance but she did not wish to see those she wished to fall suddenly become stronger or more dangerous than before just because she had fought with them and chose to spare them.

It was an undeniable truth that it was not just her that could grow through her battles and the same could be said for others too.

Big Mom could be provoked by defeat and choose to work off the long effects of her childbirth and gluttony while she may have attained further growth from the battle itself and Kaido would have achieved growth or further determination to improve himself to a higher level.

Once everyone was ruled out, the only real options available were Garp or Shanks unless she chose to seek out those that possessed a Devil Fruit on top of their present abilities.

If anyone below their level was to be challenged then it was likely that the amount of growth Alyssia could achieve would be very small or she would only gain some growth in one area.

If she challenged and defeated someone like Katakuri to improve her Observation Haki then it was just like inviting trouble from Big Mom.

She did not mind provoking some influences or making some enemies along the way but it was safer to have a more controlled battle with Garp due to the Marines being a publicly recognised force that had to maintain their image.

If they lost then they had to keep up the public pretence of accepting their defeat graciously so there would not be any large movements from them to retaliate anytime soon.

If there were any future plots then it would not be done so publicly and they would not do it in a way that would risk exposing such things to the world so they would have to be extra careful.

Back on the MMA, Alyssia had already returned to her room and had taken off a lot of her upper layer of clothing.

It was very surprising that there was little damage done to the clothing that she had worn which showed how well made and durable they were.

Each piece that was removed was very light and fell down to the ground until the inner layers of clothing were revealed that were far more tight fitting.

There were some other parts that had yet to be removed that had been underneath the outer layer which were slowly being removed one after another.

The leg and arm warmers were removed which had revealed several wrist bands going up her arms and legs.

There were additional straps tied to her thighs and waist while some others were wrapped around her upper arm, neck, and upper or lower chest.

Many support straps were in place to hold them in place and keep them from suddenly coming loose or slipping down to another part of her body.

One was undone on her wrist and came loose before it had fallen down to the ground, a loud bang followed as it came crashing down with a large amount of force.

The sound produced had shown how heavy the weight of it was and that was just one of them that were strapped to her body.

One after another, loud thuds and bangs were heard from within the room as they had all fallen to the ground until each of them were removed from her body.

All that was left on her were some gloves, pants, top, elbow pads, knee pads and socks that looked very tight fitting.

It looked more difficult for Alyssia to pull the elbow and knee pads down one by one but once they had slipped down far enough, they suddenly dropped down the the ground with a loud thud.

The gloves and socks were removed next which resulted in a similar result until she was left with nothing but the tight fitting top and pants.

Alyssia reached towards the bottom of her top and pulled it up suddenly but it was shown by her movements that it was a little troublesome to remove it so it took a little time for her to pull it up over her head.

It looked like it had got stuck once it reached past her head and shoulders but once she leaned forward and continued to pull at it, it came loose and dropped down to the ground with a louder thud.

The pants were easier to slip off once the belt was removed and they were slipped past her bottom, tail and waist.

Once there was no longer anything wider to block its way or to hold it up, the pants slid down and fell down towards the ground which resulted in a similar thud.

Alyssia was left wearing nothing but a close fitting black sports bra and shorts once everything was removed.

She suddenly felt a lot lighter on her feet and showed a slight smile as she stretched her body. "Hah.. so much better. Now I just need to nurse my poor body back to its best state. Ouch.. ouch.. ouch.."