The Plan Progresses

After discussing things further, Sengoku sat in silence as he went over what he knew and some things he had noticed. 'Her fighting style had many traits and similarities to our own which is a main concern of mine.

It is strange that someone like her has been able to show off such techniques without receiving proper training under the Marines or Cypher Pol? There are geniuses out in the world that can learn just by watching others but this is a little ridiculous.

No were no reports stating that she had been in locations where manor conflicts had taken place so the only possible explanation for all of this is that she had someone teach her who had retired or she has learned those techniques on her own.

There is nobody who has been investigated around her who matches such a profile to be her teacher so it is more likely that she has learned them herself.'

His main concern was that Alyssia's style of combat had incorporated many elements of the Six Powers and had gone as far as combining aspects of them together with other martial arts techniques.

He had recognised that some areas had been shown to come from Kano where Alyssia had been located much earlier in her journey so it was something that confirmed where she had learned it.

He doubted Don Chinjao would teach his families techniques to outsiders so he could only conclude that Alyssia had learned his techniques through fighting him and grasping the secrets behind his techniques.

If everything went further then it was possible that Alyssia may have went on to develop different techniques that focussed in one area with a specific purpose in mind which led her to develop her own version of the Six Powers.

There were even some parts about her martial arts that resembled the way the Giants brought out the full power of their bodies so it had further shown that she was a genius that had not been seen in a very long time that even surpassed Rob Lucci.

It was very surprising to him that Alyssia had reached such a stage and she had still yet to reach her twenties.

Even the Worst Generation looked like nothing but rookies compared to the prowess that Alyssia had displayed during her fight against Garp which further showed her fast growth during combat.

He knit his brows. 'There are some areas that are still a little suspicious about her and will need to be looked into some more. Her Sulong state being one of them since it could mean the other Minks could achieve that too…

We will have a hard time regaining back the losses we suffered this time but this is also a great opportunity for us. We cannot let this chance slip by to strengthen our power.'

He was well aware that they were some strange and mysterious parts left unanswered about Alyssia but she was just too powerful to leave alone.

She had her own way of supporting herself and had reliable allies so she should be able to survive within the New World.

The main issue was that much of her businesses and other ventures were quite spread out so they were vulnerable.

Some were located in Paradise while others had begun to stabilise in the New World so there was a lot of manpower, wealth and resources being split up.

If Alyssia and the White Storm became too famous then it would be very bad for them since she would have her hands full chasing down threats and enemies that targeted where there were weaknesses.

Since everything was split up, it was much easier for those greedy enough to make a move on the areas where there was less of her forces protecting resulting in a collapse of her smaller or supporting operations and possibly even the loss of lives of those who worked under her.

The newfound fame was great for the White Storm but many would covet it for themselves which was what he was most worried about.

The plan discussed with Kizaru had helped to alleviate some of his worries as he believed the plan would be tempting even to a person like Alyssia.

It was something that had never been done before but it was something that would benefit the White Storm and the Marines greatly while satisfying the World Government with the overall results.

The news started to spread out around the world about the defeat of Garp while a lot of the events surrounding Blackbeard had been kept quiet.

His loss to Alyssia would only help to increase her popularity even more so those that had gathered information about it had immediately suppressed it from being reported publicly.

They did so in the hopes of removing more that would begin to covet the White Storm but it also helped to let others not fully grasp the true capabilities of Alyssia so some foolish enough could be removed by Alyssia without them needing to get their own hands dirty.