No Named District #1

The more information that was told by Stussy, the more intrigued Alyssia became.

The No Name District was a place where the strong preyed on the weaker side and there were no opportunities to escape their fate once they lost their name to another.

Those who had a name were very rare among those that lived there and everyone had a number.

The numbers were like ranks similar to how the Baroque Works operated.

Those with single digit numbers were considered as the very best among the no named people and could be considered as small bosses of the area.

The only people they had to answer to was their boss who was above them.

Double digit numbers were those that were unable to meet the standards to rise up to the ranks of a single digit number.

Three digit numbers were those who were ranked at the very bottom or were new entries that had yet to climb up the rankings.

The rules were quite simple and those who wanted to rise up had to challenge those above them and win in order to take over their number.

The winner would take the place of the loser and the loser would take to previous place of the winner.

Only one challenge could be issued per person every so often and the person they challenged needed to be ten or less numbers higher than their own.

Once they got to the level of being in the single digits, it changed so that each single digit could only challenge the one above them.

The single digits had the right to be able to become an owner and take control of any double digits that lost to them.

Becoming a single digit had many benefits so there would be many double digits aiming to climb up but others would hesitate to do so.

Challenging a single digit was a big risk and once lost, the chance to rise again would not be allowed unless they did something worthy of being granted that chance again.

It meant that their loss would put them under the control of those they lost to and they would have no way to escape since they were stuck in their current position until someone else came from below to defeat them.

Double digits could challenge any among the single digits so long as they were number ten so that they could remove one of them from their position.

If the single digit chosen was picked poorly then they would waste their chance so it was better to play it safe and aim for number nine otherwise they would have more of a chance to be put under the control of the single digit they lost to and then those that took that position next.

The single digits treated the double and triple digits like their own property so they could arrange private deals or events to let some of their no names change to a new owner.

Only by accumulating greater merits and the rank of one would grant anyone a single opportunity to escape and regain their name.

The boss was a position that could be challenged to a single game only by number one when the conditions were met.

The game was picked by the boss and if the boss lost then number one would be able to regain their freedom and name back.

What that free person did with their newfound freedom was up to them but if they chose to use it to go after the boss then they would have to face all those under the bosses control in order to take over or dismantle the whole system.

That was how the No Name District was run in the past and anyone with a larger number was at the mercy of the single digits meaning that they could live very short lives if owned by someone cruel or reckless.

Some single digits would find those with decent talent or usefulness and would see that they would be worth something so it would not be strange if they sold one of those beneath them to another owner outside of the district just so they could gain some extra benefits after contributing to the boss.

It was like a pyramid system of slaves managing slaves for the owner until the boss was killed by one of the numbers who rose up from the very bottom.

That person reached number one and regained their freedom while being able to unite the remaining slaves to step aside while the boss was killed once and for all.

The number system remained along with many other features but the new boss running in changed the operations it took on.

It became known as Asylum, the No Named District where no names were needed.

Anyone living there did not need an identity and everyone lived as a part of the Asylum as a number.

There were people who regained their freedom and names who left but new people joined later due to the new bosses structure of the Asylum.

It became more well known as a shelter where identity did not matter and anyone wishing to leave their previous lives behind would seek asylum from the boss while living under the identity of a number and new appearance.

If someone was in danger for some reason and they needed somewhere to start again then the Asylum in the No Named District was the place to go.

The single digits were changed to become leaders or officers of the Asylum.

Double digits were considered as members who could have some chances in rising up in the rank but they had different jobs based on their skills.

Triple digits could be anything from ordinary citizens and asylum seekers that did not wish to integrate too much within the power structure of the No Named District.

Alyssia went over everything in her head after listening to it all from Stussy then she was even more curious about who the boss was.

A black cloak was put on over her as she headed towards the location she had been given without bringing any escorts along either her.