Chapter 17 Amy R-18

It was late into the night when John heard a soft knock on his door. This brought John out of his planning. John then walked over to the door, opening it. What comes to John's vision was a fairy, she had bright blue eyes, and beautiful blonde hair. A wonderful smell reaching John's nose, the scent was floral, somewhat like a fresh rose. She was wearing a frilly yellow dress, making her look extremely elegant and beautiful. She was standing there looking at John with a flushed face.

John snapped out of his daze when he heard Amy ask, "May I come in?". John hearing this stand to the side, allowing Amy to walk into the room. As she enters the room, the smell of roses increases. Seeing as Amy was sitting on the bed, John walked over and sat down.

He was about to ask her why she had come, but she hugged him, bringing him close before kissing him. John not one to dawdle, kisses her back with some ferocity, bringing his right hand up and massaging her boob, causing her to moan cutely. John saw that Amy did not resist, so he pushes her down on the bed, spreading her legs with his knee.

They continue their passionate battle, for a minute before Amy pulled away for a breath. Amy now breathing heavily, looks at John and says, "Make me yours."

Doing as she wishes, John began to strip, while kissing again, Amy helping him. When he was completely naked, Amy looked at him, seeing his body, it was as if carved by the gods. Each part of his body was symmetrical, his abdominal muscles perfectly shaped. Looking at his entire body, she was shocked by the sheer amount of muscle he had.

Looking down she finally saw the sword that would slay her, his dick standing was huge. She had asked Andrea how big they were, her sister saying they were 4 inches, but looking at the monster in front of her it had to be at least 8 inches long, and it didn't seem to be fully erect. John then helped Amy do the same, pulling her dress over her head and taking off her bra and underwear soon after.

Amy now completely naked, like the day she was born. Amy lay there, giving John a perfect view of her body, her smooth skin, her breasts larger that he had expected, when without a shirt covering them, her pink nipples erect. Just asking him to pleasure them, her stomach flat, with some muscle popping through, her hips wide and curvy. Finally looking down he saw her pussy, it was hairless and smooth, her pussy a bright pink color, her clitoris exposed.

John then kissed her while caressing her smooth skin, his rough hands feeling her shiver in excitement. Kissing her for a while longer, John makes his way down to her breasts, leaving a trail of kisses on her body. Taking one nipple into his mouth, John brought his left hand to her pussy, rubbing her clit softly, while his right hand started to massage her other breast gently.

Amy climaxing after a couple minutes, lets out a long moan, the sound sweet to John's ears. Letting her rest for a souple seconds, John then moves down to her pussy. Seeing it glisten with juices practically gushing out, John first kisses her thigh softly before leaving a trail of kisses while moving closer to her pussy. Amy shivering from the sensation.

John finally reaching her pussy, couldn't help but slowly drag his tongue from the bottom to the top. Amy moaning loudly from the sudden action, hearing her, John licks a couple more time applying more force. John then brings his hand to Amy's pussy and slowly inserting one finger, while his tongue focuses on her clit. Amy feeling his finger slowly enter, suddenly gasps, climaxing. Seeing juices flow out, John continues pleasuring her for a while longer, changing the way his tongue touches her clit, from long drags, to swirling his tongue around, to sucking on it.

With Amy climaxing once again, John stops, seeing her pussy was drenched. Deciding that she was wet enough, John aligns his dick with her entrance. Looking at her face, he saw her nod at him, taking that as a sign to continue, John begins to push forward, eventually bumping into her hymen. Seeing her face start to scrunch up in pain, John kisses her lips gently. With her distracted he pushes through swiftly then pauses.

Amy feeling her hymen break, yelps in pain, as tears form in her eyes. John seeing this, kisses her deeply, after a couple minutes, the pain mostly gone, Amy nods at John. Pushing in more and more slowly, John reaching her cervix, with his dick fully sheathed inside her tight and gooey pussy, pauses for a second before moving back slowly. As if Amy's pussy did not want him to leave, it squeezes his dick even tighter.

John then begins to slowly piston in and out, Amy moaning with each movement. This continues for a couple minutes before Amy releases a sweet, loud moan, climaxing once again. John seeing this, moves faster, thrusting in and out with more force each time, not giving Amy a chance to rest causing her to release moans continually. John feeling his climax building asks Amy if he should shoot inside her or pull out. Amy doesn't even hesitate before saying to shoot his semen deep inside her. Listening to her a minute later he shot his load, deep inside her pussy.

John stops for a while, giving Amy time to recover before he starts to move again. Being extremely sensitive, Amy moans as John continues to thrust deep inside of her. Amy climaxes two more times, John climaxing inside her once again, at request. John then begins to pull his dick out of Amy's pussy slowly, his dick released from its soft chamber. John looks down and saw his semen flowing out of her pussy, also seeing the bright red blood flowing down onto the sheets.

Amy completely exhausted, saw that John's dick was still hard, almost begging him to stop, but before she could. John lay down beside her, pulling her into his embrace, while also turning the light off. Amy seeing this, nestles her head into John's muscular chest before quickly passing out.

John seeing Amy peacefully sleeping with a smile in her face, closed his eyes, also sleeping.