A Big Gift

But regardless of whether they were greatly weakened or not, their defense would definitely remain very tight.

Selecting 200 elite soldiers was not difficult. The tricky part was getting them across Yueming Empire's border and into the location where supplies were stored.

He could not help but ask, "Marshal, can 200 elite soldiers cross Yueming Empire's border?"

Zhan Beiye looked up and glanced at him.

Did he think he was so stupid as to bring 200 elite soldiers to burn food supplies? With so many people, the target must be significant. Did he not even understand this?

The 200 elite soldiers would only be a confusion tactic. He would make separate arrangements for the actual people responsible for burning the food supplies.

Zhan Beiye was unwilling to elaborate and instructed calmly, "Just go and prepare."

"Yes, Marshal," the Deputy General replied and left to carry out this task.