Throw It Into the Yueming Military Camp

Were there other people sent to burn Yueming Empire's food supplies? They looked at Zhan Beiye, their Marshal, in unison.

However, Zhan Beiye was also dumbfounded.

He did not send anyone else. He felt that he was the most suitable person to handle this. If anyone else did it, he would not feel at ease.

However, the light from the fire was unmistakable.

"Who could it be?" he asked himself softly. This could not be done by any of his people.

Who was it? Who came to Yueming Empire's granary? Could it be their spy in Yueming Empire?

That was even more impossible. How could their spy act without his orders? Even if he succeeded in burning the food supplies, he would still be punished by military law when he returned to Zhanling Empire.

One asked, "Marshal, are we still going over?"

Without giving Zhan Beiye a chance to speak, another answered, "Of course. We have to go and take a look…"