Come Crawling to Him

"I wonder where His Highness is now and if he knows anything about what's happening here," someone said worriedly.

He had a feeling that Zhan Beiye would not stop after taking down a city. He would definitely attack again, and he would do it soon.

"Things will only get worse if he doesn't return."

"That's right."

However, they could not find Ming Fucheng, their commander. What else could they do?

As the deputy generals took turns discussing Ming Fucheng, he continued to chase after Qian Jiyun and An Jiuyue. The leader of the shadow guards felt that something was amiss.

"Your Highness, we're heading towards Beiyuan Lake. We really can't chase after them any further. We'll reach Beiyuan Lake soon."

"So what if it's Beiyuan Lake? Are you afraid?"

Ming Fucheng glanced at the leader of the shadow guards coldly. Although he looked calm, the anger in his heart had reached its peak.