What Can the Zhanling Emperor Do?

If they wanted to leave, they had to give him all their possessions.

"Let's go back quickly! Let's go without stopping."

However, he never anticipated Jia City to be covered in Zhanling Empire flags when they returned to the border. The Yueming army had already retreated to Pingyang City.

"They've finally left!" As soon as Ming Fucheng and the others left, Wei Na told An Jiuyue, who was resting.

"I don't know what's wrong with his brain. He can't even see through such a simple diversion trick." She shook her head as she took out a few fruits from her space, hugging them in her arms.

"He probably realized it long ago." Qian Jiyun took an apple and began peeling it.

"That's right. He knew something would happen to the military camp, but he still couldn't resist his desire for good things," An Jiuyue said.