Forge a Deeper Relationship

"Stay here for now. I'll come back after picking up my wife," Qian Jiyun explained calmly without turning around.

"Wait… what?"

The captain was stunned and unsure if he heard him right.

"Did Young Master Qian say anything just now?" he turned around and asked his team member.

Did he mishear him? Why did he hear Qian Jiyun say he wanted to bring his wife? They were entering Beiyuan Lake, not going sightseeing! Women were the weakest. How could she come along?

If they fought the demonic beasts in the water, would Qian Jiyun fight with them or protect his wife?

"Captain, you didn't hear him? Young Master Qian said he's going to pick up his wife," the team member replied, his face covered in cold sweat.

He could not help but wonder whether they had invited someone skilled or just a pair of burdens. Why would he bring his wife along to hunt the Deepwater Shark Dragon?

It was universal knowledge that women were weaker cultivators.