Really... Asking For a Beating!

Captain Han glared at the waiter before looking at An Jiuyue with a wretched smile.

"What do you think, Miss? Do you want to join my team?" he asked.

"I've thought about it." An Jiuyue rubbed her forehead with her left hand and snorted.

"I think you're really… asking for a beating!"

"Great! Then shall we… What?"

They spoke at the same time. But before Captain Han could finish speaking, a powerful force sent him flying.

An Jiuyue nearly sent the other people in front of her flying while wielding the long whip in her right hand. She then skillfully wrapped the tip of the whip around the porcelain bottles that had been hurled high into the air. She swiftly withdrew the whip with one hand, and the two porcelain bottles were back in her left hand.


Captain Han rolled on the ground a few times before coming to a stop. He clutched his chest and looked at An Jiuyue.

"Woman! How dare you hit— Ah!"