CHAPTER 24 : Girl's Talk and Aoi's Realization.

Their usual days have passed, eating together, cooking for each other, leaving home holding hands, and sleeping together, both had pretty much accustomed to it already. That said, it had only been two days after their first guest visit.

Thursday, at the usual school, both came a little earlier than usual, so they had a lot of time to spend.

"Hey, Aoi, I have something to ask, can you come quick?"

"Ah, sure. Then— see you later, Yuu."


Although, not with each other, but with their own friends. Aoi stood up from beside Yuu and walked towards Hina who was flapping her hand as if saying "Come here~".

"So? What did you call me for?" Aoi said in a somewhat disappointed voice.

"What? Disappointed that I took you away from your boyfriend?" Hina noticing this teased her with a grin.

"Wh- no! I mean yes. Actually, no! What do you even need?!" Aoi was being adorably angry at Hina as she chuckled.

"Just kidding. Come here, closer~" Hina flapped her hands more and led Aoi to sit down next to her as she moved her chair towards her.

"So? I got curious so I'll ask. How far have you two gone?" Hina leaned towards Aoi and whispered to her a question.

"Eh? Th-That's…." it's not that Aoi is embarrassed to answer, well, she is… but rather, she can't answer anything.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"No… it's just that… we... haven't done anything yet…." Aoi's voice gradually became quieter as she said so.

"Eh? Seriously?!"

"Seriously…. Now that I think about it… we haven't done anything couple-like…."

"..." Hina didn't comment, rather, she just looked like someone who heard someone make a blatant, obvious lie.

"You know, Aoi… I think you have a few screws loose…"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean… you two were basically flirting like newlyweds, how is that nothing?! And how you two are perfectly in sync! And how the air you two release is too sweet! And, and… how you become more… lovely and cute, and relaxed when with him, even when he's with you. How is that not even anything couple-like?!"

"Eh? We did stuff like that?!" Aoi said with a dumbfoundedly surprised face.

"Haa— to think that you did that unconsciously… I'll praise you for that…."


"But I'll ask you— what do you want to do?"

"What I want to do… I…."

"Be honest with yourself for now, well… consciously honest if you would."

"Then… I want to… do things with Yuu…."

"I see… well... there's a proper order for that, but you two already disregarded it so I can only help you a little."

"Really?! Then please do. But first… I want to tell him later!"

"Oi, oi… are you really letting yourself do the first move? Shouldn't the man do that?"

"I at least know that much."

"See? Then—"

"But… I want to take the lead…." Aoi said with a warm smile, until it transitioned to another— a mischievous one. "...and mischievous!"

"I see. Then—here!" Hina smacked her back to gave her a push and smiled at her. "I'll be here if you need anything, as always!"

"Thank you, Hina."

Then, the day went on, classes started, and school for the day ended.

Later that day, or rather, night had come and Yuu was cooking dinner. Aoi simply sat in the living room, thinking about what she said earlier and what she'll say later. But beyond that, she thought back on the 6 days they've been together.

𝘞𝘦… 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩….

Thinking about it, they have only held hands at most, counting the sleeping together out. Other than that, they have only flirted with each other with their sweet words. Aoi kept thinking about everything they've done… until the time for dinner has come, and her first move commences.