CHAPTER 25 : 'I want to go on a date…'

"Dinner is ready, Aoi." Yuu placed the plates on the table as he called her.

"Ah, right." Aoi immediately stood up and headed to the kitchen with a somewhat prepared vibe around her.

"Today's dinner is… not that special, actually. I just used yesterday's leftovers and whipped something up."

"Even so, this is still gonna be delicious! I'm certain!"

𝘐𝘵𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘶, both thanked their food in unison and started eating. That in mind, Aoi literally forgot what she needed to do and blissfully enjoyed Yuu's food, occasionally puffing her cheeks and saying It's so good~ which makes Yuu happy from it. Until…

𝘈𝘩—! 𝘐 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥—! By the time Aoi remembered, her food was already gone, same goes for Yuu, which makes it an easier task to tell him. That's why, Aoi steeled her resolve, and looked straight at Yuu, who was coincidentally looking at her as well.



Both talked at the same time, which made them halt immediately.

"You go first, Aoi."

"No, I want Yuu to tell it first!"

"But I want you to go first. Ladies first as they say."

"I don't care about that, I want Yuu to go say it first!"

The two argued for a bit, and Yuu just left a chuckle after witnessing an angry, pouting Aoi, which was incredibly cute for him.

"Haha— we won't get to anything here. What about this—"

"Hm?" Yuu's sudden proclamation took Aoi's attention immediately, leaving no opening to argue.

"Why don't we… tell it at the same time…." Yuu said with a reddish cheeks… " what I can observe, it seems that we have the same thing to say…."

Aoi realized what he was getting onto, and immediately became embarrassed as well.


Then, the two took a deep breath, closed their eyes to hide their embarrassment, and exclaimed in unison.

"I want to go on a date!...."

"I want to go on a date!...."


A small pause entered the room, and silence enveloped it, for a few seconds at least.



Yuu suddenly burst into laughter, which made Aoi consciously embarrassed.

"N-No, it's just… you're so cute when you're consciously embarrassed…"

"Wha— Y-You were too, you know! You're face was—" as Aoi was trying to fight his teasing with a flushed face, Yuu straightened up and said to her, as if to stop her from thinking.

"Will you go on a date with me, Aoi?"


Aoi's face immediately became a brighter red than earlier, while Yuu's face was still straight, with only a bit of redness on his cheeks, showing slight embarrassment, even after saying that in a calm, warm tone.



"... that's unfair…. Suddenly attacking, I decided to do it first…."

"I know, that's why I did it. Seeing your embarrassed face was worth it, though."

"Nnn…" Aoi cupped her head as she hid her face from Yuu, and answered him with a quiet, shy voice, "...yes… I… want to go on a date with Yuu too…."

"I see… then, I guess I can stop now…." after that, Yuu's face immediately heated up, as if steam came out of it, he felt his temperature and his heartbeat skyrocket after what he did.

"Eh, Yuu?!"

"Sorry, please leave me like this. If I face you right now, I might die of embarrassment…."

"I-Is that so?... Th-Then, I'll take my shower now…." Aoi escaped the dining room and immediately headed to the bathroom.

Aoi was understandable to have said that, but as for Yuu, we'd have to go back in time to know that.

A few hours earlier, specifically when Yuu and Aoi parted ways in the classroom. Aoi wasn't the only one asked what they had done. Sora interrogated him, thus leading to what he said… or not. Yuu was already thinking of that the first day they started going out. But he never had a chance to say so. But now that they have pretty much adjusted to their everyday lives, Yuu had finally got to say it.