CHAPTER 26 : The First Strike and Shopping with Hina! (And Karaoke with the Boys!)

"Hmmm… so you two really said it at the same time…."

"Why are you saying it like you knew?"

"Well, Sora told me what he said to Yuu, so I expected that might happen."

The next day, Friday has come, and Aoi and Hina were talking by themselves as per usual. That said, Yuu is chatting with Sora too, so no one is technically left out.

"So? What do you want to do now?"

"I… want your help, Hina. Seriously…."

"Immediately? Well, not that I mind, but what exactly do you need me for?"

"I mean, we basically started dating a week ago, and I still haven't gone on a date with anyone, so I don't know how to look…."

"I see…. A pure maiden here…." Hina said with a teasing grin as she poked Aoi's cheeks.


"Haha— alright. Let's go shopping later, I'll turn you into a goddess that will make that Awagami fall for you again!"

"You're exaggerating… but, I'll be in your care…."

"Yeah!" The usual enthusiastic and energetic Hina exclaimed cheerfully, pumping herself up.

"But… I'm still not done with that." Aoi said with a somewhat mischievous smile.

"Hoh? What do you still got up your sleeves, Aoi-san?"

"Well, you'll have to find out later." Aoi said as she placed a finger on her mouth and with a wink.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, where Yuu and Sora was sitting, both was also chatting about the same exact thing Aoi and Hina were talking about.

"I see… well, I'll be here to help if you need anything."

"Then—" Yuu looked straight at Sora, and said "...please help me with my appearance!" Yuu said with a straight face, showing how serious he is.

It is true that Yuu had never got serious about his appearance. He never really did fix his appearance once. That said, he isn't really that bad looking, he is a plain, decent looking high school boy that probably some will fall for. But it is also obvious that when he does, he'll be more attractive than what he is currently. That's why, approaching the most handsome of the school, the prince— Kurokami Sora is the wisest choice… and might also backfire, as he always overdoes his hair. For Sora, that didn't look bad, but Yuu thought that he might not look good like that, so he just gulped and hoped for the best.

"Hoh? Looks like I'll be the first one to see you with a better appearance! I've always been waiting for that."

"Eh? No. Stop it, I'm straight, Kusokami."

"Kurokami. And I don't mean it that way." Sora chuckled as Yuu showed him a disgusted face.

"Haa— but… I at least want Aoi to see it first."

"I know. That's why I'll just give you some advices. But I'd have to toy with you for a bit to do so, though."

"That's gonna be a hassle, but please do."

"Yeah. But that said, where are we gonna do it?"

"Well, we can go to a cafe or something. Maybe a karaoke so we can be private. We can invite Takeshi too. Oi, Takeshi!" Sora suddenly shouted.

"What, what?"

Another man appeared under Sora's call. That's Akame Takeshi, their classmate, and another handsome fellow. Which makes Yuu quite uncomfortable under the space of those two. Anyways, Sora started explaining the situation to Takeshi, which immediately backfired to Yuu, after all, Takeshi is…

"Eh? Seriously? You still haven't done that? I seriously thought you'd gone beyond that! What are you, a maiden?! You're quite pure and innocent, Yuu!"


A great tease.

He barraged Yuu with unstoppable teases which made him sulk, but laugh a bit.

"Sure. I have free time today anyway."

"Then it's settled."

"Haa—" Yuu sighed in exasperation, but showed a warm smile to them. "I'll be in your care."

"Yeah!" The two said, with Takeshi showing a thumbs up sign.

A few hours later, as the five, now Takeshi included, were about to go home, Aoi and Hina parted with them… well, after Aoi talked with Yuu.

"I see. I'm going with Sora and Akame as well, so take your time. But, be home by dinner. Alright?"

"I will. Thank you."

"Yeah, and be careful. Oi, Hoshizora, take care of her."

"I will, how rude, shouting to me like that~" Hina said as she clinged onto Sora, whispering a Why are you hiding behind me…, and Hina just showed a joking smile, and told Yuu, "I'll keep her safe, Mr. Overprotective Awagami."

"Yes, yes. I'm overprotective."

After saying so, Hina parted with Sora, and Aoi let go of Yuu's arm and walked towards Hina, until…

"Ah, that's right…" as if suddenly remembering something important, Aoi ran back towards Yuu, stopping by the school's gate, Aoi reached out to Yuu, and said

"I forgot something important~"

"What is it—" as Yuu was just about to ask, Aoi did her first strike. Yuu immediately felt warmth and softness touch his own lips.

"Ohhh~ so that's what you meant. Daring, aren't we, Aoi~!"

Simply put, Aoi placed her lips onto Yuu's lips. Kissing him, or rather, giving his lips a peck. But Yuu's reaction was beyond normal... for the other two boys at least, who are experienced boyfriends.

To hide her embarrassment, Aoi took Hina by her arm and quickly ran away from the scene.

There, frozen in place, Yuu stood.

"Erm, Yuu? You fine?" Sora waved his hand right in front of Yuu's face, who's face is the same as earlier, just frozen.

"Yeah. I think his soul just left his body after that."

How Sora said it wasn't quite wrong, but if it's not easy to understand, you can think of it as 'He was so happy that his soul left his body for being too happy'.

"Yeah, quite an adorable innocent little guy." Takeshi teased. Well, Yuu didn't really care since he's already lost in his own world.

"So? How do we wake him up?" Sora immediately asked after having stood at the same place for a minute already.

"Oh, let me try." Takeshi showed an evil smirk and closed up to Yuu's ear. "If you don't wake up I'll play pranks on you~" Takeshi said with a seductive voice, and obviously a man's voice.

Hearing that, Yuu immediately crossed his arms and held his shoulders, feeling a sudden shiver run on his spine.

"What the heck was that…"

"Ah, he's back. Nice, Takeshi."


Yuu immediately looked at Takeshi with a disgusted face, and just retorted to a "let's just go. I don't want to waste any more time…."

"Haha, let's go—!" Takeshi laughed and just followed him.

The three exited the school's gates and went their way onto the karaoke.

◆ 𝙃𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘼𝙤𝙞'𝙨 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚

After parting ways, or rather, running away from that embarrassing scene, Aoi and Hina reached their destination, the mall. Although, they took a train to get here, so it certainly is far from where they were. And apparently, this mall was Hina's suggestion, saying "This mall is gonna be perfect!" with an enthusiastic look, making Aoi agree.

"Well, let's go— you certainly wouldn't want to miss his dinner, right?"


The two didn't waste any second and started walking around, store to store, checking clothes and stuff. Aoi agreed to pay for everything, and even buy something for Hina to compensate for what she's done for her. And doing so isn't so hard for someone as the son of the famous Shinichi Youta. With that said, Hina couldn't do anything but agree with her. Not because she's happy for it, but Aoi made it so that she couldn't disagree with it.

"Ah, let's check this! You'll go for braided pigtails, right?" Hina immediately noticed something in the store, and dragged Aoi by her arm into the store.

"Here, try this on—!" Hina handed her one and pushed her to the fitting room without leaving any room for her to speak.

A few minutes after, Aoi opened up the curtains and revealed her new outfit, more specifically, a different top.

"Yeah! It's perfect, and to top it off~ wait there for a bit!" Hina pushed her back and closed the curtains as she ran back around the store to find the perfect pair for it.

"Thanks for the wait~ here!" Hina opened the curtain a bit and gave Aoi what she got through the small opening.

Aoi just let out a small shriek of "Ah~ yes…"

Then, a few seconds later, Aoi finished changing and revealed her new full getup to Hina right away.

"Woow~ it looks really beautiful on you, Aoi! This is totally perfect! And to and 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 to this getup— he'll totally freeze upon your sight!"

"Eh? Is this really that great?"

"Yes, ma'am. It really suits you. Whoever he is, he'll for sure fall head over heels to you!"

Another person entered their chat, the lady who appears to work for the store approached them with an enthusiastic smile. Not that smile you see from clerks that seem rather… fixed, but a genuine smile.

"Right?! We'll take this, please~!"

"Very much appreciated!"

"Ah, wait. I'll change, I don't…"

"Ah, I see. Of course you'd want him to see it tomorrow. Now go~" Hina pushed her lightly back to the fitting room with an enthusiastic smile.

"Thanks for shopping!" The same lady who approached them took care of their items at the counter and enthusiastically smiled at them.

"But… there's still one more thing…"

"What is it?"

After Hina suggested that there is still something, Aoi gave a dumbfounded look.

"Well, we can take care of that tomorrow. That's why—"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm definitely not gonna show it to him at our house! You don't mind me coming to your house, right?"

"Of course!"

◆ 𝘠𝘶𝘶, 𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘰𝘳𝘢'𝘴 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦

"Well then, let's start, shall we?" Sora said as he pulled a hair wax on his bag.

"Wait, aren't we on karaoke? Aren't we supposed to sing? Not to lump about?"

"I know, that's why I brought you here, the ma****fu diehard fan. That said, you have a great voice when singing his songs, so bless us with your voice, O great Takeshi!"

"Seriously… then I'll sing. I'll kill you two if you don't sing as well."

"We will, if we finish here early." Sora quickly pushed Yuu down to sit and started hand-combing his hair, applying wax to it.

He changed his hairstyles a few times, trying to find out what suits him best. Apparently he also decided on what he'd wear, and Yuu already had those, so he didn't need to buy anything.

"Yeah, this is definitely the only style that will work." Sora said, and gave Yuu his smartphone with the front camera on, as if to act like a mirror.

"You think you can replicate it?" Sora asked him.

"Who do you think I am? This is really simple. Even I can do this much." Yuu mockingly answered.

"Is that so? Then, good luck tomorrow!"


"Don't even think about leaving, Yuu, Sora. Put down your bags! We still have over an hour left, sing!" Takeshi mockingly gave them the mic, and both sang as well, queueing their own song choices.

"You have a surprisingly good voice. Heck, why did you sound like him, even with that song…." Takeshi showed an irritated face, as he just witnessed his classmate who practically had no presence in class, sing a song of his idol, ma****fu, with ease, and with almost the same voice.

"It's not that much. Besides, it's getting late already, and we've used up our time, so shall we go?"

"We know, we know. Geez, you're too worried about your girlfriend, and you miss her too much."

"I know I do, I won't even deny it."

The three chatted, and the two, Takeshi and Sora gave a few, light chuckles at Yuu. They had eventually parted ways a few minutes later, on their own way home.