CHAPTER 28 : First Date

For their first date, the one taking the lead to where and what will do is both of them. Or rather, Yuu gave Aoi the permission to choose what she wants to do. As Yuu had said—

"What do you want to do?"

"Let's see. There's a lot of things I want to do with Yuu, but what I want the most is… to play with Yuu!"

"I see… then, what about an amusement park?"

"Sure! But… I don't really know places like that…."

"Ah, don't worry." Yuu said as he booked their ticket at the station.

"Then, let's go."

Both entered the train and sat on the nearest one. Luckily, the train isn't so crowded, so they didn't have to stand or squeeze themselves in to fit. Although, it will still be a long trip, so after they sat down, Aoi immediately leaned on Yuu's shoulder. Yuu didn't mind this, and just let her lean on his shoulder, holding her hand.

Half an hour later, they just arrived at their station. And luckily, the amusement park isn't that far from it. So they can just walk to it.

"Woow~" Aoi innocently exclaimed adorably as she looked at the entrance of the large amusement park with her sparkling eyes.

"Welcome! Please have fun with your time here, and here~" an enthusiastic staff dressed in the amusement park uniform handed Yuu a flyer.

"Oh, they have a promo. Lucky~"

Yuu, who always thought things through, noticed the promo first. Because even though both their parents were both wealthy, money doesn't just always come raining down, so he is punctual about things like this.

"A promo? What is it?" Aoi caught up to what Yuu was thinking, and looked at the same thing, specifically the flyer handed to Yuu.

"Ah… we fit right into this promo…."

"We do… how lucky!"

"That's right, and today's the last day."

"But… what do we do about the proof?"

Apparently, the promo is for fiances and wedded couples, and proof was required. That said, proof for wedded couples are easy, as a ring can easily answer that, or a wedding certificate or something. But Yuu and Aoi, who were technically fiances, have no such proof. But luck was on their side.

"It really is you two. How have you been?" A familiar man's voice came from behind them, and Aoi recognized this voice immediately and turned around.

"Father?! What are you doing here?! Don't tell me you were stalking us?!"

"?! No I'm not! Why would I even do that. This amusement park works under a branch of my company."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yeah, and here. I just got it right now. It's the official agreement of the Higabana and Awagami families of you two. Then, goodbye."

Aoi's father gave them a small card, with the names of their parents and the name of the two. Just as Aoi's father said, it is kind of a printed agreement of their relationship. And with the name of those two, it will surely work as a proof.

"Well, I guess we're lucky today. Let's go?"


And so, taking Aoi's hand, Yuu walked towards the counter and bought their promo. The said promo actually contains a ride all you can for the whole day, and a large amount of tokens for the arcade if they wish to.

"Welcome! What would you like to buy?"

"The promo please, and here." Yuu gave the enthusiastic clerk the card, where her eyes immediately enlarged in shock.

"Th-Then, this should be good enough, please wear these—" the clerk gave them a wristband "and your tokens—" and gave them a bag of tokens. "Then, enjoy your time!"

"Thank you."

"Let's go?"

"Yeah. What do you want to do first?" Yuu asked Aoi as they walked around.

"Let's see. There's a lot of interesting rides here, I don't know what to start with…"

"Ah, then what about we start with something calming?"

Yuu stopped and looked at his side, which showed a calming and pleasant ride— a boat ride.

"Woow~ I want to go! I want to go!" Aoi exclaimed as she pointed on the boat ride as she continued pulling Yuu's arm like a little child.

"Haha, alright, alright. Let's go." Yuu countered the pulling by walking towards it.

They both entered through the gate, showed their wristbands, and closed up to one boat. They chose an electric one, rather than a rowboat since it was the closest to them. Yuu didn't mind whatever boat they rode, but Aoi kept insisting on that boat since she said "It's cute! It got the wings of a swan covering us!" so Yuu just agreed on her cuteness.

"Ah, wait." Yuu stepped in the boat first and tried to balance it, and as soon as he got a hold of its balance, he offered his hand to Aoi "here, be careful."

"Yeah— h-hey—!" as Aoi slowly entered the boat, it started wobbling side by side, but not so strong that it'll turn over.

"Calm down, here. Hup—" Yuu stood up and gently pulled her over, and down to the boat, embracing her from the force of pulling her.

"... Thank you…." Aoi's face went red from the sudden embrace, but she immediately sat down across him.

The boat started to move around the large area, while wobbling a bit, startling Aoi.

"Th-This is a bit…"

"What, you want to go back?"

"N-No, it's just…"

"Hm… here." Yuu held her hand, which was trembling a bit, and had calmed down once Yuu held it. Luckily, the seats aren't that far, so Yuu didn't have to stretch that much.

"We can't sit together, we might disrupt the boat's balance, but I could at least do this."

"Mm…" Aoi was smart enough to know that if they sat together, the balance of the boat will be uneven, so she agreed with that.

"Ahh— that was more fun than I expected!" as the boat was starting to return, Aoi calmed down and enjoyed the ride. After all, Yuu's hands were holding hers, so she was happy.

"Wait." Yuu left the boat first, holding the boat balanced as he exited it, and offered his other hand to help her.

"Thank you."


Both went to the exit, and started walking around again.

"What do we do next?" Yuu asked.

"Hmm… I want to ride what Yuu want to ride!"

"Eh… I don't mind, but… what if you can't handle it?"

"I'm fine. As long as Yuu is with me, I'll be fine whatever ride it may be!" Aoi enthusiastically said as she held his hand tightly and smiled at him.

"..." Yuu froze as he saw Aoi's angelic smile, but immediately came back "...then, what about this?" Yuu stopped with a ride in front of them.

"Is this!" Yuu didn't expect that reaction from her, so he was shocked. "...a roller coaster?!" Aoi was more enthusiastic despite the scary yet fun ride.

"I've always wanted to try riding on one!"

"R-Really? Then, let's go…." Yuu was definitely shocked by her reaction, but they didn't stop and went straight to it immediately.

After docking into the seats of the rollercoaster, side by side. Their seat belts were fastened by the ride's supervisor and some clerks.

"Then—" Yuu offered his hand to her, and Aoi immediately looked at it.

"Yeah…" Aoi held it tightly, and a few seconds later, the coaster started to move.

Aoi's hands held Yuu's tighter and tighter the higher they got, but Yuu didn't mind this and continued to hold hers tightly.

"Are you ready?" Yuu asked her as the coaster reached the highest part, preparing to speed up and start the real ride.

"Y-Yeah." Aoi said as her voice slightly trembled.

Yuu noticed this, and immediately tightened his grip to her hand. "I won't let you go. Don't worry…."

And so, the ride started, and the people who rode it were screaming at the top of their lungs, well, not in a bad way. The two were screaming as well, just not that loud. The ride was quite large in itself, so it took over 5 minutes for it to end.

"Haa— haa— that was… I don't know…." Aoi, with her unleveled breathing, didn't know what to express to the ride. But it was obvious she enjoyed it, as the large smile on her face clearly shows it all.

"Haha, well then. Shall we go for more?"

"Yeah!" Aoi enthusiastically answered Yuu.

And so, the two spend their time on the rides. Playing some games and anything they can do around the large amusement park. That said, they were having so much fun that they didn't notice the time. And for Aoi, this was an important thing. She decided a certain ride to go last on a certain time, so she did her best avoiding that as much as she could.

"It's already 4, huh. Want to eat, Aoi?" Yuu offered her as they saw a cafe by the side.

"Yeah, I'm getting quite hungry."

"Then, let's go."

Yuu, holding Aoi's hand, walked towards the cafe, and onto the counter. And ordered their food, sat down and began eating.

"Ah, Yuu, you have ketchup on your face, stay still~" Aoi said as she stood up and leaned towards Yuu. With a paper towel on her hand, she wiped the ketchup on Yuu's blushing face, but her smile was as angelic and calm as it could be. Or rather, she did this again unconsciously.

"Y-Yeah, thank you…."


A few minutes later, the two finished eating, and started walking around.

"What do you want to do now? It's getting late, do you want to go home?"

As it is already getting late, and the sun is setting, Yuu suggested this. But to Aoi, this was her chance, so she said,

"No, there's one more ride we forgot."


Apparently Aoi remembered where it was, as they had passed through it earlier, so she led him there by pulling his arm.

"This is? A ferris wheel huh… to think we forgot this…"

"Yeah, shall we go?"


The two entered after showing their wristband, and sat down next to each other. Witnessing the warm sunset.