CHAPTER 29 : Expressing their Feelings and Desires

The Ferris Wheel began moving, and halfway up, both can already witness the beauty of the sunset.

Aoi was more on the side of the sunset, so Yuu can witness two beautiful sights right now.

"So beautiful…" he didn't specify what he called beautiful, but Aoi just agreed with him.

"It is…"

It was the perfect atmosphere for a couple, so Yuu thought she was going for that. But that said, Yuu also didn't know what she's thinking, until…

"It's strange isn't it… I wonder what would happen if I accepted you before…."

"Before?" Yuu didn't grasp what she meant, so he tried to ask for clarification.

"Do you remember the time you confessed to me?"

"Hm. What of it?" to Yuu, that was his sorrowful past. But now that he is with Aoi, he doesn't care about it anymore.

"Aoi?" Yuu called onto Aoi, who turned around to him, crying.

"Aha— sorry. Why am I crying…?"

"Please don't reenact that part…" Yuu immediately remembered what happened last week. He was like this as well, suddenly crying.

"You see, I was… scared…. I'm just a coward, who rejected the guy he liked the most…."

"...what do you mean?"

"I was scared… I didn't know if I could be happy with you. Or if you'd accept me for who I am. That's why I kept running away from my feelings. I couldn't tell you… that I loved you too… I'm sorry…." Aoi said as she kept wiping her tears, basking in the light of the falling sun.

"Aoi…" looking at her, Yuu's heart became warmer, and… more sure. That's why, he reached out his hand to her face, wiped her tears… and reached his lips onto hers, sharing warmth with her. Aoi immediately felt the moist, tender and kind lips of Yuu, so when she opened her eyes, his lips were already in hers. With this, Aoi just began to tear up even more, but she just closed her eyes and responded to Yuu's kiss by kissing him as well. Exchanging their first lover's kiss.

"..." Aoi stared blankly at Yuu's face after he pulled away from her a few seconds later.

"You see, you can call me a coward too. Well, I did run away from my feelings to you. But, one more thing is… I wasn't really sure of my feelings for you. But this past week, the more I spent time with you, the more sure I became that… I truly love Higabana Aoi." Yuu said with a warm smile on his face, which made Aoi blush.

"That's why…" Yuu pulled her over and hugged her tightly. "I don't care if you didn't accept me that time. I'm sure it's fate's work that we're together now. And that's enough for me. As long as I'm with Higabana Aoi. I'm more than happy."

"Uun… me too. I love Awagami Yuu, too…." Aoi replied as she wrapped his arms around him in response to his embrace.

"We might be in a different, or maybe a worse situation if we started going out last year, but that doesn't matter. We may just be fated to be together now… that's why we're here together… I already said this, but I'll say it again. I'm ready to accept who you really are, whatever it may be. That's why I'm in llve with you, and I know that the more I know about you, the more I'll fall for you…"


"That's why…" Yuu pulled away, and started picking something up from his pocket, and inserted it to Aoi's finger.

"It might be too early… but… will you be with me, Aoi…." Yuu said to her with a straight face, after putting the ring on Aoi's finger. More specifically, her ring finger, which caused her to tear up again.

"Yuu…! Yes!" Aoi answered enthusiastically, and immediately embraced Yuu again.

Both pulled away from each other and stared at each other, smiling, until both had closed up, exchanging another kiss, basking in the lights of the sunset.

"I love you… Yuu…."

"Me too. I love you too, Aoi…."

Both continued to enjoy their time until their cabin eventually reached the end.

"Let's go, Aoi." Yuu exited and offered her his hand again.


That day ended their first date, and also the day that Aoi finally expressed her feelings. But since she did, she now feels more relaxed around him. And had decided to loosen herself up, even if it will show who she really is.