Meeting The Original, Klaus

(A/n: Alright, guys. Option One won. Rowena, Morgana and Joanna, since some of you wanted me to change Bella for Joanna and I changed Morgana look from Narcissa to look like Veronica of Socerer's Apprentice. PLEASE LOOK AT THE AUXILIAR CHAPTER BEFORE CONTINUING. Thank you)



'That rooster again, it keeps croaking only to end up choking' I groaned as I woke up from bed, leeaving Emily, Penny and Alice to keep sleeping.

I saw the clock on the wall and it was 8 AM and went downstairs.

Once downstairs, I went to the kitchen and smell eggs and recently made bread.

"Hmmm... something smells delicious"I said behind Rowena as I wiffed the air.

"Yes, I'm making eggs and bread as I don't like the one they sell outside" She said.

"I meant, You, Ro" She blushed and looked down, I hugged her curvy body from behind, her ass cheeks snadwiching my ever so rising erection.

She felt and looked back, pumping up and down "You l-like it?" she moaned as she felt her stud.

"Mmhm" I nodded "Thanks for the drink" I said as I sank my teeth on her neck, her legs wobble feeling weak all of suden.

"Y-yess, keep sucking, master. I'm all yours, only yours" she moaned.

"I know" I whispered in her ears.

After drinking a good amount I let her go and she supported herself on the counter breathing heaving.

"M-master?" she asked shyly all of sudden.


"I... I want to drink milk with my coffee!" she blurted out closing her eyes.

I titled my head "Then do it" I said.

"Yesss, but I w-want another type of m-milk" she said glanicing at me and averting my gaze.

"Why are you acting all shy today?" I luaghed softly "You can have it but you'll have to milk the bull"

Her cheeks red and nodded and followed me to the couch, I sat down on it and she knelt in fron of me, lowering my pants with underwear.

My fully grown bat came out to its full glory screaming 'FEED ME!'

Rowena stared at it with imaginary stars in her eyes as she licked her lips and gulped down her saliva.


Half an hour later, a litter jar full of my fluid sat beside the coffee as Rowena kept moaning with each sip of her drink.

"I want coffee!" said Alice excited coming down the stairs seeing the coffee and milk on the stove.

I widens my eyes and was about to say something but Rowena said "This is master's milk so if you want to drink his milk then I would make you a cup" she said grabbing the jar and guarding it.

Alice became nerveous and said "No thanks! I'll take it from the source" she said quickly running to me, I stood up and said "I'll be going out Rowena, can you let the others know?"

"Of course, master... Master!!" she called out after a pause.


"Is it okay for us to learn magic from Emily?" she asked fidgeting.

I smiled "Of course it is. I would love to have you girls know about magic"

Rowena became excited and nodded returning to make a coffee with regular milk for Alice, who sat there pouting glaring at me cutely.


I walked outside and felt the sun kissing my skin "Aahh yes, this is it"

I walked slowly towards the body of Guissepue, may God have him in his glory, I prayed sarcastically.

There he was still, leaning on a tree woth a gaping hole on his chest, flies flying everywhere. I glanced down his hands and saw what I was looking for.

The watch.

This things was able to tell I was a vampire, so it wil come in handy in the future.

'Let's see' I inspected it and clicked the top bottom


*tik* tik* *tik*

The pocket watch started pointing around before stoping on the side.

How come it didn't point towards me?

Could it be possible it doesn't recognize the owner as a vampire or it does but it ignores it since I'm the one using it?

I walked towards the pointe direction and soon came face to face to a burning church.

Outside, was a 5'11 ft tall blonde man looking at the church with an angry expression.

The watch stopped working once I was close in proximity of him and I pocketed the watch.

I stopped by his side and asked "What happened here?"

The blonde man's muscles tense and looked at me suddenly.


Klaus PoV

'Damn these witches were a handful!' He thought stomping on the ground angry "I couldn't find Katherine in there... someone must have freed her before I got here"

"I was so close to my revenge" He started complaining how everything went wrong and burnt the church in retaliation.

"What happened here?" Klaus heard a voice making him raise his guard. 'What? How? I didn't hear anything or felt him... and he is a vampire!!' he couldn't believe a vampire snuck behind him, vampires usually can feel eachother presence and he felt him after he found him.


Klaus stared at the young man who is a mountain in front of him. He couldn't help but feel a little jeleous of his physique since he was 5"11 whilst this guy was 6"5. Klaus inspected him for a good few seconds before grinning.

"Hello there, friend" Said Klaus.

"Hey, so what happened here?... I can't hear any screams or anything so I take it no one was inside" Asked Santiago at first and then focus in the church to hear any heartbeat but couldn't hear anything.

"Well, I was angry and when I get angry I destroy things" shrugged Klaus still keeping an on Santiago 'Why are my instinct telling me to move away from him?' Thought clause as he kept drilling his eyes into them.

"I would have the wrong impression if you keep gawking like that" Commented Santiago giving him a side glance.

'Gawking?!' Klaus was surrised someone called him out like that, then again 'This fool must not know who I am or he is just stupid' thought Klaus.

"Alright, I better go" Said Santiago.


"Say... have you seen this woman" Klaus flashed in front of Santiago with a commanding tone staring at his eyes as Klaus eyes trying to compell Santiago.

Santiago just lied right there without a double heart beat "Nop, no idea where she is, though I heard she left with some Lockwood guy. You might have luck there" Said Santiago pointing toward the direction of Lockwood's manor.

Klaus satisfied with the answer nodded and patted Santiago's shoulder "You know... it might be destiny that we met today. My name is Klaus, Klaus Mikaelson" Klaus Grinned widely.

"Santiago De Lacruz" Said Santiago simply, making Klaus poped a nerve at Santiago's lack of attitude but Klaus passed it as Santiago was oblivious of who he had in front of him.

"That's quite the nice ring you got there!" comemted Klaus looking at the ring, feeling something dark from it.

"I know right!" Santiago admired his own ring "You can't touch it though" Warned Santiago.

Klaus just scoffed 'If I wanted to do something you wouldn't even be able to react'

"I won't, that's... yours... I'm enjoying our talk... but... I mist find this woman " Said Klaus after a while.

"Okay, good luck!" Said Santiago nodding.

'What a weirdly nice guy' wondered Klaus as he left 'maybe, we'll meet again'

As Klaus walked away Santiago commanded some birds and saw how the birds started poking Klaus's head while Klaus left in a burst of vampire speed annoyed.


Santiago PoV

'What a stupid man'

I hinted him to touch my ring and he didn't, I just wanted to see what it will do to him.

'Emily was right, he can compell vampires'

I looked at a bird flying towards me and drop a few strands of hairs on my hand and put then away in my pocket.

'Time to go home and pay a visit to my slave, she'll be thrilled to know who is looking for her'


(A/n: Good luck fapping you weebs!)😮‍💨