I paced home happily as I am thinking of evolving to the next stage of Vampirism which is an Original.

If I become an Original I hope my link woth Rebekah is undone, why?

Because girls are crazy, By now, I'm planning to enamore this girl Original but I have to find her first and I have the means to find her, but when I do and when I made her mine, I don't want her to think I found her so I can break the link.

Girls come to conclusion before an explanation is made.

As I arrived home, Emily was teaching the other girls magic or so I think, Alice was just watching and Penny was cleaning the kitchen.

"I'm home!" I called, as soon as I did Alice tackled me to the ground and sat on my stomach and hugged me "Welcome back!" she said lovingly with imaginary hearts in her eyes.

'Something is wrong' I thought as I glanced to the other girls and even Emily and Penny had dreamy and lustful looks towards me.

I looked at Rowena who was still somewhat okay. "What's going on, Rowena?" I asked a little worried.

"Well... they drank your milk and Emily here has been looking for a fertility spell ever since then and we are just waiting to see if she finds one... because" she paused as her face became beet red and shyly finished "We want your babies, lots of them"

Morgana who is always level headed had the same dreamy look and Joanna was already taking her clothes off "I don't care if you can't procreate right now, I want to be stuffed and spread like you always do" she said in a sultry voice.

"Oh boy!" I gulped as all them stood up and started to walk slowly towards me.

"Master~" sang Emily "we need your milk to calm down, we seemed to have entered a type of mating season, only this time, we hunger for our master to spent us well" she finished as she crawled to me.

They all started to crawl and released small heavy breath as if they were tired.

I gulped " 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-... not you, yet" I counted all of them except Alice as she is still developing even though she is already 16.

I sported a determined look "Well, then. Since all of you want to be naughty, right now. I will have to punish you for being too thristy" I smirked, I could see a chill run down their spines as they shivered.

"Follow me ladies" I motioned with my fingers and stepped down stairs. They followed me and once we were at the small gates of the dungeon we all could hear the moans of Katherine as she is still in the reverse chair position.

I opened the doors and allowed them inside, once inside the smell of female fluids assaulted our nostrils as underneath Katherine there was a huge puddle of her cum and urine with steam coming off of it.

Katherine snapped her head towards me and started muffling pleads that can't be understood but smelling her arousal, I could pretty much guess what was going inside her head. Tears ran down her eyes as she pleaded.

I stepped closer to her and when was right in front of her, I released her gag only for her to take out her tongue and started licking around my bulge "P-please. I w-want cock"

She pleaded.

"Please what?" I smirked.

"Please, S-santiago, I want c-cock" she corrected herself.

I shook my head "No" I said as I slapped her cheeks hard, she squealed and saw how she squirted on the chair. She looked at me submissively and finally seemed to understand. "P...please m-master, I b-beg you, I w-want your huge c-cock"

"Much better" I patted her head "but... this is a punishment and you don't get cock just yet, not until you know who the real alpha male here is" I growled grabbing her cheeks forcefully.

She reluctantly nodded.

I turned to my girls "Girls... clothes off now" I commanded, they rapidly sprang to action except Joanna who had already taken her clothes off before we came down here.

I hummed as I paced around Joanna "Let's start with you" I grabbed her and kneeled her and pushed her back down, her chest, flat on the cold floor, she shirvered feeling the coldness.

Next I passed both her arm underneath her and tied her right wrist with her right ankle and her left wrist with her left ankle.

(A/n: Anybody has a guess?šŸ¤£)

Her ass exponse up in the air, I pondered for a bit and took out a spreader bar made of wood, this would prevent her from turning and getting on her back remaining with her ass up in the air.

(A/n: Bottoms Up Position)

After I was done with her, the other girls looked excited and naked. I did the same to them and put them all in line, from the thickest butt to the smallest yet still perky.

I went to Alice as she was shaking from excitement and ran my finger between her bottom quevering lips, I used my aborption powers to absorb her energy away. After I inserted a finger in her tight hole she moaned deeply "Aaahhhmm mmmaster, your finger is t-too thick!" she moaned as I kept pushing in and out, her cum gushing out "Aaaahmm mmm I'm c-cummmmmmin mamaster! YESSSSS!" She squirted on my finger as I used my power and absorbed her energy away making her fall asleep.

The othe girls moaned in desperation wanting the same treatmemt.

I walked towards Joanna, I inserted two fingers and and started fucking her with my fingers making gushing sounds "OOooHh God!! yes yes yes! F-fuck fuck fuck me yess!" she chanted as I penetrated her with my fingers until she came hard on my hand "Aaaaaaaaaaghhh YESHH! Ooooh God! that was fantastic" she breathed out. This went on for only a few minuted for Joanna and yet she felt she had cummed the hardest. I left her there to take deep breaths and walked towards Emily.

Emily is there swaying her hips "Ssantiago... p-please. I can't take it anymore" she moaned in desperation.

The same with Joanna, I inserted two finger and pushed them in as soon as I did Emily squirted on my face "Aaaaaahhhhhhhh SANTIAGO!!!!!" She screamed. passing out for now.

I widen my eyes 'that was fast' I thought.

Penny was there doing the same, wiggling her butt in the air but she told me something "M-master, I... I am a virgin so p-please use your c-cock" she pleaded 'Penny is 33 year old Virgin?' I was surprised by this huge revelation, being this old I can't imagine how tight she must be. I gulped down as I see her small, pink, pussy quivering asking for her master's cock.

Throughout all this, I still haven't taken my clothes off so I unzipped my pants and trouser and my huge erection sprung out slapping Penny pussy "Oohho" Penny moaned as her body jumped from the sudden attack, her eyes almost turned back of her head.

An Idea came to me so I placed Penny in between Rowena and Morgana's huge asses.

The tip of my cock was kissing her entrance, it was small that I thought it won't actually go in, even Alice slit is a bit larger then Penny's but still tight nonetheless.

When Penny felt the head kissing her lips she opened her mouth in surprise, she looked over her shoulder and she nodded.

I pushed further, half of the head and she started meowling "Oowow god! It's too big" she moaned in pain as her lips spread like never before.

To Penny it felt like a huge pole trying to break her pussy right now but she wanted more so she swayed her ass to the sides playing with the tip of Santiago's cock.

Santiago has brought her here to punish her sometimes but everytime there was no penetration only her tits pinching, twisting and some light spanks but now she was giving her virginity to a big cock and she couldn't ask for anything better.


I was half way in when I touched the second barrier. Penny was moaning wantomly as I knocked on her womb, her eyes rolled back "Mmmaaaaahhh YESS yess, GO GO fucking FUCK fuck push it PUSH IT all the way in... p-please, I want it in there" She screamed and pushed her ass to the hilt. Her body went stiff and started convulsing soon she exploded on my cock passed out, drool coming out of her mouth as her eyes rolled back.

Meanwhile having both Rowena and Morgana moaning on my sides as I fingered them.

"I-I CUMMMMMMMING!!!" They both screamed as I accelerated my fingers speed and pistoned them in and out touching their sensitive spots.

They both breathed heavily, Morgana looked up, "I want what you gave to her... but I want it deep in one go like you always do"

Morgana and Rowena may seemed level headed and nice but in bed they are sex 'demon' they love it when I penetrate their wombs and bully it with my stick. It always has them cumming nonstop until they pass out.

So I did, I pulled out from Penny, her womb wouldn't let go as she moan unconciously feeling empty all of sudden with a *pop* my cock left her pussy and Rowena and Morgan both gasped in awed at the displayed.

Penny's pussy who was small was now red beat, gaped and pulsing trying to take back what was taken from it.

"She is just human, so she will feel that for the next week" Giggle Morgana.

I went behind Morgana and in one go pushed all the way inside her, she yelled in pleasure "YYYYYEEEEEESSSSSHHHH" Morgana has always been very vocal, she is screamer.

"I guess we'll have to make sure none of you can walk for the next week" I whispered in her ear. "YESS, BREAK ME!" she screamed yet again.

Pumping into her, each thrust Morgana squirts and queefing sounds comes out as my cock fills her up and stretches her out.

Soon Morgana passed out from too many orgasms she's had, I lost count on 11, so she is pretty spent.

I pulled out with a *pop* sound as well, leaving her gaping hole quivering.

"You are last" I said to Rowena.

"Mmm... yess daddy, when we find that fertility spell I would like to breed you a baby every year, honey" she said all of sudden.

It surprised me so I went near her ear and whispered "then I suppose a good slut deserves a good reward, don't you think?" she bit her lower lips and nodded.

I position my self in and with one push, I went past her womb touching her inner walls much like Penny and Morgana's.

"Uoufuuuff" Rowena likes to whimper in sex instead of screaming like Morgana.

I pushed with vigor in and out of her as she kept whimpering bitting her lower lip.

"Mmmmhhmm yesssss, please yess just don't stop... make me make me cum, ooouuuuhh god yess yess...I'm cumming!" moaned Rowena, her eyes rolling back as her tits wobbled under her, a white glob of liquid started coming from them as I gripped her tits with strength and squeezed them making her moaned "Yesssss, play with my tits oh god, I'm cummmmming again!!" she moaned but this time she did not only squirted from her pussy but from her tits as well "Oh goddd! my tits my tits are cumming tooo~!" she sang before passing out.

I groaned as I was almost there, so I stood up and walked towards Katherine who has been very obideintly moaning in the background.

I stopped in front of her and she knew what she had to do, she opened wide and he lips stretch even further to let my cock in, she started sucking "Mmmhhhfffmmm" she moaned as her lips sucked on the tip.

I grabbed her head and pushed my cock all the way inside, Her eyes rolled back and started coughing and choking on my cock, she wanted to tap my hand but she was tied, after a couple minutes going down her troat I felt my ejaculation finally arrive and I held it in and spray it on the girls' faces as they woke up but couldn't move and just opened their mouths to receive their medicine.

"Aargh" I groaned "That was a good one"

I looked towards Katherine, her head hung limply as I snapped it with the last thrust "Ooops"

I undid the binds of the girls and said "Who is ready for round two?"

They all widen her eyes as we started to fuck, this time, however, they weren't tied.

After what seemed like hours I carried them upstairs and helped them take baths since none of them couldn't move. The only one being Alice , albeit wobbling, I didn't fuck her yet so I used my fingers and she can now take two without passing out in a minute.

Alice was radiating happines as she hugged me thanking me and saying she wants the real thing next time.

After helping the girls shower they felt hungry, apparently we spent the whole day down there and didn't get anything to eat as we were caught up in a fuck fest.

I cooked them some dinner and they loved it, soon they went to sleep.

Meaniwhile I grabbed the strands of Klaus's hair and place them in the drawer for tomorrow, I will use his bloodline to upgrade my vampirism.
