The Unbounded Vampire

Next morning, I woke early ready to kill that rooster if he dares to crow in here again.

I didn't have to wait as exactly at 5:00 AM I saw a rooster making his way towards the tree near my window.

Once he had settle down, he inhale and Kiiihhhguiio*. He couldn't even finish as I gripped his neck and snapped it "Not today, not ever, buddy"

Today, well have chicken soup.....or rooster soup to help the girls have more stamina.

I went to the kitchen and prep the rooster for later.


It was already noon and the girls still sleeping, guess I really worked hard on them yesterday.

Soon, I heard steps "Master?" came Alice voice.

"In here" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Good morning, master" said Alice as she pecked my lips and smiled.

"Good morning, Alice" I smiled back.

"Emily is awake, she just can't walk" commented Alice "and let's not talk about Penny, Rowena and Morgana. They can't nove their legs without feeling sore and losing the strength to walk" Said Alice giggling evily.

"Alright, then I guess I have to take dinner to their rooms, then" I said "Help me, Alice"

"Yes, master!!" she said excited.

Alice looking at the chicken "Ermm... master?"


"Where did we get a chicken from?" asked Alice confused.

"It's a rooster" I smirked

Alice widen her eyes and burst out laughing "Poor, Bob, he finally got his end"

"Bob?" I asked

"Yes, I called it Bob" said Alice

I just shook my head laughing "Alright, let's get Bob ready and delicious now.


I knocked in Rowena's room and entered it. There inside was Morgana and Penny comparing their belies.

Rowena laid there on the bed tired holding her belly, then she said "You inflated my belly with your seed so much I look pregnant, master" she mused but then looked down "it's too bad, there is no life in the seed else I would be pregnant many times over now" she joked in the end, kissing ther good morning kiss as well as the others.

Their wombs refuse to let go any of the seed so now they will be like this for quite a few hours before they take showers and release it all with the help of magic from Emily.

"I brought, lunch" I said as Alice helped me with the bowls and sorted them put.

"Talk to you girls later" I left and went to Emily.

Emily was walking with shaking legs but still walking "Master!" she turned around "I'm sorry, I'll be down in second and help" she hurried.

I hugged her "Emily, it's okay. Alice helped me already, I'm here to bring you this" I put the bowl of rooster soup and she tried it with a smile... "Mmm, delicious as always" she sighed in delight, then she glanced at Alice "Is this Rob?"

Alice just laughed and nodded "Yes"

Emily joined Alice laughing together.

After she was done eating I asked "Emily, I know you are tired but would you mind looking into this inmortality spell this Esther created?"

She nodded "Sure, why?"

"I was wondering, if I become and Original then I won't be bound to the sireline of Rebekah, now would I?" I asked expecting her to agree.

After thinking for a while she said "You are right, as long as you become an Original yourself, you won't be bound to an Original's life" she paused "but, we'll need something from the Original to copy its traits and help you evolve"

I showed her the strands of Klaus's hair "Would this work?" I asked

"That's a lot... what did you do? did you pulled them or something? she asked jokingly.

"Actually" I wondered off remembering the bird poking Klau's hair.

"I had helped" I laughed.

Emily took the hair strands and put them in her book and started reading it, she glanced at the hair and then at my ring.

After a couple minutes of thinking she widens her eyes "OF COURSE!" she stood up upruptly only to wince.

"Careful there" I helped her.

"What did you find?" I asked curious.

"In one week there will be a magnificent Solar Eclipse" she started then directed her smile at me "I found a way to be better then the Original" she said proud.

"Really?" I asked.

"Mhmm" she nodded and elaborated "I will use the hair to copy the traits if the originals but since I would have needed a very strong source of life I didn't know but then I looked at your ring and realized that we can fuse the ring in the spell thus you gaining the abilities of the ring without wearing it" she paused to let me sink in.

I went wide eye "Wait, would that work?" I asked.

"Yes, the originals can be killed by the ancient white oak but since there is no ancient wood to use as eternal life, we'll use the ring, you will absorb souls the way the ring does and store them in you and use them when ever you'd like to exchange for your life. Thus you becoming a true inmortal that doesn't need to wear a ring for the sun, stay protected from most spells of witches and be truly inmortal" she said happy hugging me tight "I won't be worried about losing you, now" she said happily.

I smiled hugging back "That means regular wood would still be my weakness then?" I asked curiously.

She ponder for a bit "No, enhereting an Original powers will also make you enherit their weaknesses so you brought an Original hair strands so you will get their powers and weaknesses but since I'm mixing the ring in it, even if you are killed by ancient white oak stake, you can still sacrifice a soul from your ring making you a true inmortal, also since this Unbound Spell on the ring will spread to your whole being anchoring your powers to you, a witch won't be able to undo your vampirism or if there is an area of complete zero magic, it still won't affect you because the Unbound Spell has become you, The Unbounded Vampire" she finished.

"Wow, that's a lot" I grinned and smooched her lips "You are the best witch ever" I complimented her.

She puffed her chest "Of course, I am a Bennett witch after all" she said proudly.

"Yes, and someday we'll have little kids running around" I teased her.

She blushed and nodded "Of course, I want 10" she said.

I laughed "then we'll have to work hard on that"

"You don't" she pouted " I will, you spent me last night, I can barely walk and if we can make a fertility spell I am 100% sure that you'll get us pregnant at the first try" she said exhausted feeling tired.

"Alright, you rest okay. I will take care of the house for today" I kissed her forhead and she nodded and went to read her book for a few more minutes before going to sleep.


-One week later-

All of us were outside, it was 4:00 PM and at 4:15 the Solar Eclipse will comence which is when Emily will start her chanting.

I asked Emily if the spell is for only one and she said yes because others won't get the benefits I have since I have the special ring and there is no White Oak Stake.

It was time and she started chanting, I gave her my ring, while I wore one of the simple ones.

The winds started picking up and soon trees lifted from the ground and started flying around. The wind was so strong around us creating mini tornados it even gathered clouds in the sky and it turned dark with purple light rumbling in the sky.

After a while, the mini hurricane calmed down and Emily came back with a sweet and loving smile towards me.

She handed me the cup "This is is Master" she said lovingly.

I drank the whole thing down and as soon as it did my heart started beating faster and stronger, my body felt hot and fog started blocking my view.

The last thing I saw were the girls running to me worried while Emily looked devastated thinking she had messed up.

"No no no no, I followed everything... why did he get this reaction?" Emily's hands shaking as she looks page after page. Everybody cries by his side but then Emily realizes something 'THE HAIR!'

'He didn't tell me which Original the hair belonged to... this is not suppose to happened if he had an Original's hair but he must've had gotten someo-' she widens her eyes at the realization 'Klaus!'

"Oh no. Girls, get away from him!" yelled Emily to everyone.

The women jumped hearing Emily's warning. Emily has been teaching them for the last week so one thing they know is that, something is wrong with the way their master collapse, as soon as they heard Emily they distanced themselves from Santiago.

Just in time as Santiago's bones started breaking to unusual angles, he didn't make a cry sound, he only groaned and sometimes whimpered in pain as his bones were bending some ways they shouldn't.

Emily finally understood "A Hybdrid!" she said as Santiago finish transforming, his Wolf staring at them demanding respect, Emily and the girls bowed a little. Santiago wolf form was twice as big a horse and his furr was jet black waving in the air with his slitted cold blue eyes staring at them.


He howled and soon after others howled back.




Santiago closed his eyes and reverted back to human form. His height incrised my a few more inches, reachin 6"8' ft tall with his wavy black hair longer down his shoulders and his blue eyes round iris becoming slightly slit.

The girls gasped seeing him naked "He grew again" lamented Rowena and Morgana. Penny was with her mouth wide open, she had suffered with his previous one but not he'll split her apart... or so she thinks but with a bigger sexual allire came some sexual prowers as well.

"I feel fantastic, Emily" Said Santiago laughing scooping her up. Emily hugged him tightly and kissed his lips "I was worried for a second" she admited.

She hit his chest lightly "Next time, tell me something as crucial as to whom the hair belonged to" she cried silently on his chest.

He wiped her tears away "I'm sorry, Emily. I promise I won't make you worry like that again"

She nodded feeling his oddly warm body falling asleep in his embrace, Emily was tired from doing the spell. So he tooke her home and set her on the bed quietly.

Once back down in the parlor, He walked naked, his member bigger then before swinging from one side to the other.

The girls gulped and licked their lips seeing this. He started preparing food naked until Alice asked.

"Master... why are you naked?" she asked.

"Because, my clothes won't fit anymore, I grew a few more inches not just in height you know" He sighed.

The girls nodded seeing for themselves "Then Rowena, Morgana and me will go to the market and see what we can find for you, master!" Offered Penny.

I nodded "You can go tomorrow, today is already 6PM, nost places aren't open right now.

"You are right" said Penny and started to help him cook.

'Tomorrow, I will loo-' He couldn't finish his thought as someone knocked on the door.

Rowena opened and received a letter with my name on it.

I opened it...

[Dear, Santiago

This is Lily....



Also remember the ring has four spells

The Daylight




Souls inside the ring- 97

However since the ring has fuse with him, he no longer needs a ring to stay in the sun